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ok so why does pennards have the bad reputation.....

Guest thatcrazypenguin

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We pitched up at Oxlyers for the first time in 2010 and have been there ever since. It's great for access and there has never been any bother with the neighbours.

2010 was my first time in general; my mate had been to Glasto 4 times previously and it was his first time camping at Oxlyers. He thought it was perfect, so we always make a beeline for that field and will do so again this year.

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My daughter and I have camped in Pennards for the last 4 fests.. (part of camp T.. neil please dont ban me again ;) )

Its noisy.. had some drunken guy wreck the tent .. falling burrowing..

Apart from that no problem... But very congested .. to the point CT is moving

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I used to camp in Pennards before we started taking the kids in 2010. It has always been overcrowded and noisy, but that's the fun of it. If you do camp in Pennards I would make several recommendations:

  1. Don't camp right next to a path. If you do camp near a path, don't moan when drunken fools on their way to the stone circle or the Park fall on your tent.
  2. Don't camp at the bottom of the hill by the railway track, or in one of the dips/channels on the slope. The dips turned into rivers during the floods in 2005 (with all the water ending up in the lake at the bottom of the hill).
  3. Don't camp anywhere near a set of bogs. If you do you'll wish you hadn't when the shit-suckers arrive first thing in the morning.
  4. Erect a flag with a light, or camp next to someone who has one. It can be a total bitch to locate your tent in the dark.

1, 3 and 4 apply to most areas, but even more so in Pennards due to the overcrowding.

I was robbed while asleep in 2008, as were a lot of people across the whole site (the theory being that loads of thieving pikies managed to get tickets because it didn't sell out quickly that year).

I now camp in Wicket ground, and to be honest I wouldn't go back to Pennards even without the kids. Perhaps it's just because I'm the wrong side of 30 now.

Edited by Cheesey
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I've camped in Oxlyers ever year since 2009 and have to say I love it. If you camp a bit closer to Silver Hayes and near(ish) to the toilet side then there is a lot less trouble and a decent amount of space. The atmosphere is really great. You get a few idiots occasionally as its a very popular part of the festival, however, we have never experienced any anti social behaviour other than one time when a guy was throwing tent poles but he was quickly escorted away by security :)

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I've camped in Pennards for years and never had any problems - always found it friendly and a good location. That being said, over the last 2/3 years it's filled up REALLY quickly, making it all a bit too much like hard work pitching up there. Ended up in Lower Mead last year (aimed for Big Ground but apparently that also fills up super quickly now!!) but didn't rate it and missed being in Pennards. I'd say give it a go and see what you think!!

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