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Get Fit Fatty - the Glastonbury weight-loss thread

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I'm starting a zumba class in about half an hour for this very reason, and I've also signed up for a 5k run in early June in order to force myself to get fitter. I might also start walking back from work when the weather gets better but there's no way in hell I'm getting up any earlier than I absolutely have to in the mornings!!

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Went for a walk today don't really exercise much and it was pretty enjoyable! Most likely going again tomorrow and i'm doing it to try get the muscles going for all the walking about at Glasto this year. It was my first time last year and i had a bit of a struggle with all the walking and my back was a little sore now and then. Hoping that changes this year!

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As of this mornings weigh in I've lost 3 stone (and half a pound lol) since Christmas, feel great and loving the challenge. At Christmas I was 15st 8lb pretty unhealthy, I started doing spin and bodypump at the gym along with a high protein diet and the weight has been coming down since. My original target was to get to 13st by Glasto but achieved that by the end of March and this morning I weighed in at 12st 7.5lbs so who knows what I'll be come the festival of dreams. On a down side my bum is pretty uncomfy nowadays.

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Was doing so well this year with exercise and weight loss, but had a niggling knee problem for last augustwhen I twisted it walking up a flight of stairs. Was painful walking any distance or doing high impact so knew I had to get it looked at. Scan last week revealed a cracking torn cartilage in the consultants words ... And had it operated on yesterday. Feeling pretty sorry for myself today and can only just hobble round the house. Start physio next week and can't do any exercise until after 12 may .... Going to find some upper body stuff to keep me going, but that's not going to help with the walking for Glastonbury. Going to have to exercise like a mad fairy after I get the go ahead mid may - eeekkkk :-(

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I walk a lot but it has no impact on my weight. I definitely think I needed to do something about it earlier before I got this fat. I was devastated when I first put on a bit of weight but rather than do something about it I just started wearing bigger clothes. And then when I had to go up yet another size and another it didn't seem like such a big deal. Now I have pretty much outgrown my clothes again it has dawned on me how much weight I've put on and how much bigger I am than a year ago.

I've just got so lazy rather than actually doing something about it. It's all my own fault and I'm disgusted with myself. I've actually had to think of an excuse to get out of going to an Easter get-together next weekend as it's with people I haven't seen for several months and I can't face all the comments about my weight. And then of course you get the polite people who don't actually say anything but just stare at you.

I've started a diet and I think even if I can shift a stone before the festival it will help. I'll still be a fat but not as bad as I am now!

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I REALLY need to get on it - put on weight since last year and currently doing zero exercise. I know what I need to do, last year I made a real effort to get fit(ter), strengthen my weak back and lose some weight, and found everything at the festival so much easier for it (particularly the wednesday slog in carrying everything). I just can't seem to get motivated. Keep starting my diet and lasting about three hours, and exercise just isn't happening. I need a massive kick up the arse...

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anybody looking to drop weight / fat, i'd massively suggest looking into intermittent fasting - don't eat anything for 16 hours a day (just zero calorie drinks like green tea, black coffee, coke zero and water). means you will eat a lot less as you only have 8 hours to do it in, and although it may sound horrible to skip breakfast (which is basically all you do) i couldn't imagine going back to it now (and after a week you won't even feel hungry - caffeinated drinks help get rid of the hunger pangs as well). as long as you're not eating burger king and cake for every meal, you can guarantee you'll see the weight fall off you

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anybody looking to drop weight / fat, i'd massively suggest looking into intermittent fasting - don't eat anything for 16 hours a day (just zero calorie drinks like green tea, black coffee, coke zero and water). means you will eat a lot less as you only have 8 hours to do it in, and although it may sound horrible to skip breakfast (which is basically all you do) i couldn't imagine going back to it now (and after a week you won't even feel hungry - caffeinated drinks help get rid of the hunger pangs as well). as long as you're not eating burger king and cake for every meal, you can guarantee you'll see the weight fall off you

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the semi-fasting diets do work for people, these five days normal, two no breakkie/lunch types

they succeed in part because your brain/body gets to relearn that it's not necessary to be 'full' all the time, common habit of those who can't lose weight.and since there's no silly rules the rest of the week you can still eat a normal healthy enjoyable diet rather than inducing any cravings

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not a marketing thing - noone has anything to sell you for it, it costs you nothing and as such there is simply very little science, or funding to get it done

so worth a shot. thing is with any diet is that if you want to lose weight then a FAD diet will never ever do as it's just a fad and you will never keep it up long term. they restrict certain foods and you end up getting cravings and spoiling it, feeling guilty and then it's all pants.

this isn't something you do as a fad. it's a proper lifelong diet. it's not really natural for any animal to get it's belly totally filled three times a day every day - they should be so lucky - and we're no different so all you're doing is retreating a little from our world of plenty

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Fasting idea sounds interesting. Currently only eating about 400-600 calories most of the day and then having something decent a couple of hours after work has finished so just may not eat until work has finished but have something really good for me with loads of veg etc.

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not a marketing thing - noone has anything to sell you for it, it costs you nothing and as such there is simply very little science, or funding to get it done

so worth a shot. thing is with any diet is that if you want to lose weight then a FAD diet will never ever do as it's just a fad and you will never keep it up long term. they restrict certain foods and you end up getting cravings and spoiling it, feeling guilty and then it's all pants.

this isn't something you do as a fad. it's a proper lifelong diet. it's not really natural for any animal to get it's belly totally filled three times a day every day - they should be so lucky - and we're no different so all you're doing is retreating a little from our world of plenty

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Well there is isn't there? There's plenty of people selling books based around the 5/2 principle.

It might be something that you could do as a lifelong diet, but there's no evidence to say that it is which is the point I'm making. It's all based on anecdote, there is nothing to say that people do maintain this diet/weight in the long term.

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So what that there are books? I am under the impression that you don't need to buy them in order to eat less two days a week - I may be wrong

Of course it's something you can do life-long. I think you're getting a bit stuck on proving your point without considering the other views.

Which means nothing. A lack of evidence is no evidence one way or another. Considering it's free, has no special dietary requirements, doesn't involve you joining some lying cult like WW, doesn't require any special products or books or anything then what's the harm and why try and dismiss it so hard

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