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Water aid bottles to be sold with ticket balance

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Just don't buy 3/4 ciders the week of the balance payment and your sorted :P

In all seriousness I don't think it's a real concern for festival when students get their loan through, it's a water bottle at the end of the day. You can still use all the refill points with your own plastic bottle for a quid from any reputable cornershop/supermarket...or slightly fancier one for a few quid more from a camping shop.

It's about publicity to make people aware of the water points to help reduce the amount of plastic bottles on site regardless of them having an admitedly rather spiffing souvenir version.

I'm sure they will have them avaliable to purchase on site to anyway!!

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I'll ignore the the student finances rant as you seem to missed the point if you want a souvenir then I'm sure there's something else you could go without and besides you do not have to use the Glastonbury bottle for £10, you can still use any water container you desire.

I don't know the logistics of it all, but I think they're going to have to make it a lot more desirable than a metal bottle with a Glastonbury logo on it.

Edited by LondonTom
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Well i presumed they might have more than one tap, but one near each of the main stages/replacing a couple of the Glastonbury Water stands in the markets sounds like a good idea to me.

Are you really saying you've a problem getting the tap water when you've needed it over than a morning when everyone is washing their hair?

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the tap queues only and i mean ONLY exist because of girls washing their hair/boots.

this used to be very rare when I started coming and there were never queues longer than 5 people at peak as each person quickly filled a water carrier and left

now they're full all morning with girls - i'm sorry if it sounds sexist but it's just how it is, look and see. and please feel free to gently chastise folk washing their hair etc at them. I've watched girls, two of them, spend minutes and minutes washing each other head to toe in front of the standpipe with a queue of over 20 people waiting behind them. Just the most spectacular selfishness, though of course they'd seen loads of other people do it before them. I think the easiest solution is signs above each standpipe "NOT FOR WASHING, ONLY FILLING BOTTLES/CARRIERS"

maybe rather than promoting little drinking bottles they should promote water carriers and the concept of doing such things at your campsite where you inconvenience noone but yourselves

(so want to carry on the beer thing but is such a tangent)

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I don't understand why people want to wash their hair under a tap anyway. Fill a plastic water carrier, leave it outside on an even-vaguely sunny day for a few hours and by mid-afternoon you'll have slightly warm water, which is SO much nicer for washing your hair with than the freezing cold stuff straight from the tap.

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I always fine the tap water gives me an upset tummy :( I mentioned this to a friend last time I was there and she said the same so we switched to brought water and we was both fine....

Such a shame as this is a great idea and there are so many water taps on site, far more that some other festivals I've been to

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I always fine the tap water gives me an upset tummy :( I mentioned this to a friend last time I was there and she said the same so we switched to brought water and we was both fine....

Such a shame as this is a great idea and there are so many water taps on site, far more that some other festivals I've been to

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My friend was sick after drinking the water (she hadn't eaten anything etc). I asked about it on here I think and everyone told me the water there is probably safer than the tap water at home... Glad it's not just us that had this kind of experience!

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I have a local ticket this year and I wasn't given the option to get one of these water bottles and I want one, they look pretty snazzy, do you think I will be able to buy one without paying off a ticket balance?

Edited by glasto-worker
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As someone who grew up in the seventies, I still can't get my head around the concept of why anyone would buy water at hugely inflated prices in a bottle in the UK. It's the definition of more money than sense. Our tap water is perfectly potable. I mean, it's not like we live in Spain or Greece is it, where tourists are advised to boil the tap water before drinking it.

Reminds me of a very old joke (The Two Ronnies I think): Terrorists poisoned the source of Perrier's/Evian's water supply yesterday. Half of the worlds middle classes were wiped out overnight.

I think the only time I have paid for a bottle of water was when the windscreen washer ran out in my car unexpectedly and it was that or risk crashing.

It did feel like there were less water points last year. Surely not?

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You're up late Brian :)

Yeah, don't get me wrong, that was meant a bit tongue in cheek. It is drinkable, but for obvious reasons it is full of germ killing bleachy smelling chemicals. Or maybe Somerset water is all like that? I certainly always notice it's different.

Always reminds me of being at NSTC Gravesend, where they (allegedly) put bromide in the tea. That always smelled funny. I wonder if there was ever any truth in that?

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You're up late Brian :)

Yeah, don't get me wrong, that was meant a bit tongue in cheek. It is drinkable, but for obvious reasons it is full of germ killing bleachy smelling chemicals. Or maybe Somerset water is all like that? I certainly always notice it's different.

Always reminds me of being at NSTC Gravesend, where they (allegedly) put bromide in the tea. That always smelled funny. I wonder if there was ever any truth in that?

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No. Not a wise move ;)

I totally respect your authority and experience Sir and so I will consider myself corrected ;), whilst, at the same time, thinking that your post reiterates my point about paying for bottled water being a completely daft exercise, (unless it's for a good cause, of course).

Bed soon. Night shift tomorrow.

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No. Not a wise move ;)

I totally respect your authority and experience Sir and so I will consider myself corrected ;), whilst, at the same time, thinking that your post reiterates my point about paying for bottled water being a completely daft exercise, (unless it's for a good cause, of course).

Bed soon. Night shift tomorrow.

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The water supplies are tested extensively throughout the festival, they're quite paranoid about it - check out Mendip Council's Report on last year - 18 samples a day 100% compliance....

Folk who get ill should look elsewhere such as using old drinks bottles that weren't rinsed, dirty hands opening bottles, or even the possibility they may have consumed anything else over the last few days. It's not even tasted of chlorine for the last few years though it used to once upon a time.

No need for bottled water whatsoever. You all know Eavis is a big environmentalist so you Know bottled water will be a big bug-bear for him looking at the piles of waste, he'll have put effort into this personally I'd bet

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