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Crap bands and their crap songs


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A word of warning if you ever feel tempted to attend an Arcane Roots headline performance. At festivals they're good fun but at their own shows the audience are the most bored bunch of maths students I have ever had the displeasure of encountering; everyone stands perfectly still with stony faces and if you try jumping they give you the sort of evils that can only be mustered through years of reinforced social anxiety. It has been a very long time since I have come out of a gig more disappointed than on Friday night.

Stop reviewing audiences and start reviewing bands :P

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It really did kill the vibe of the gig and it has put me off seeing a headline show of theirs again; the band were on good form but it did feel as though the few energetic members of the crowd were having to fight an existential war with the rest of the audience to create an atmosphere which did sully the gig for me (fuck, I really do this a lot, don't I)

But if you want my even more pretentious answer than the one that I've already given I think the performance is only a part of the whole experience and so I think it's worthwhile taking other elements in to account; I mean, if you went to a gig and the band performed really well but half of the crowd were Neo-Nazis who Sieg Heil'd throughout the set would you think "well I'd go to that again"?

Especially when the gig got halted for a couple of minutes because of security threatening to eject those who had started a small moshpit (no fucking idea how they got on when The Bronx played two nights at the venue) and a lot of the audience appeared to be in favour of that, it created a very strange and unexpectedly conservative aurora for a rock concert, which was one of the most notable things that I took away from attending the gig. It's no real revelation that music like Arcane Roots is new prog, but it's interesting that despite taking plentiful influence from post-hardcore the music seems to be (or at the very least interpreted by their core audience as being) bereft of any sort of rebellion or anger which usually in rock music nullifies it of any meaning whatsoever

Obviously the band were competent and had a fair amount of energy but it was hardly a transcendental experience, and I think the crowd response is something that has far more potential to be unpacked and explored

Overly long story short: If the performance is compelling, I'll talk about the performance. If it isn't particularly interesting, I'll talk about something that I think is

Edited by rawaudioinput
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Poor crowds can be a shitter. Luckily I'm from Manchetser, so every gig I go to has the best crowd of the tour, by very virtue of all the best people living in Manchester. Last night I saw Nils Frahm, I was overwhelmed by how loudly the crowd was clapping and cheering, Nils was clearly loving it as well. The appreciation for the support band was more intense that a lot of headline acts get, then when Nils came on stage it was just another level. That really escalated last night's show for me, great setting, great performer, great crowd, made the evening really special, I wont forget that gig for a long time. I often find that when you see gigs in smaller towns where they don't get a lot of gigs, they go extra mental to compensate, so going out to hillbilly nowhere can be rewarding.

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That's a pretty big slot for BMTH considering it's in America, no? Didn't expect them to have a very big overseas fanbase.

I remember seeking them out on Twitter not long ago for whatever reason - probably something R+L related - and they had a load of American fans so they're probably growing around the world. Wiki says both their last two albums made Billboard top 20 too.

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It's alright, a bit of fun but nothing special. Anyway am I the only person that counts Sugar Coated Bitter Truth as their debut? Also that album was far better.

it was a mini album and there's a distinction apparently

also Slaves are prime fuck all you

Edited by Yellow_Fellow
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