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Camper fields Tuesday night = closer to gate

Guest Brave Sir Robin

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As it says in the title, does getting to the Camper (East) field on the Tuesday night mean you're fairly close to the gate?

I'd guess so as we've only ever turned up on the Weds afternoon (or Thurs morning one year) and have always ended up quite a way back, but think I read on here once that they don't actually fill in from the front. Anyone got any experience/knowledge to share?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got there approx 5pm Tuesday last year I think in E17. First one over the road from the family campervans. Unless I'm wrong that appeared, at that time, to be the only one that was being filled. First year outside the family campervans, so pleased we were so close.

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  • 1 month later...

If you're at the back of the camper fields, is it a proper mission, or is it just an extra 10 minute walk? Trying it out for the first time this year and (having read this thread) wrongly presumed that if we arrived on the Tuesday we'd be camped near to the gate...!

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  • 1 month later...

we arrived at about 4pm on the tuesday in 2013 and ended up in the second field back in E17 across the road. when we pulled into the camper ticket check area we were offered the choice of the family site or the normal site, the guy wouldnt tell us which was closer to the entrance and , not knowing the lay of the land we went with the normal camper fields. it was though only an extra 10/15min walk and not too bad at all once you get to the top of the Hill of Death.

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If you mean, be taken in by CV and then walk down to go in the gates, then yes, because I gave 2 people lifts last year who did that. I arrive on Wednesdays, so I assume these gates open on Tuesday. I can't see people being allowed to walk in that way and camp though.

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