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Thoughts on children at glasto?

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I'm deleting this thread now. You feel the need to give me shit over it when I was only giving an opinion and asking for yours, what is your life. If I was really intolerant i would of been having a go at all the parents with kids that I saw, kicking off about it.

Edited by tonyblair
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Only said it annoys me a little, obviously it is a part of the festival that is very good for parents with young children. But because it annoys me a little it isn't the festival for me?

Edited by tonyblair
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I've missed this one...............................for fucks sake, where is the glastonbury spirit disappearing to, me and the wife are quite sensible to avoid the mong monsters at rush hours and probably every other parent, sounds like al the pissheads n pillheads want a free roam to stagger without worrying about our little sparks of future..........................

WELL FUCK YOU........... It's a family festival, and we do go outta the way to avoid the spunked up masses. If parents want to leave their kids at home to party so be it, but most of them we met ( who'd left there's at home, lapped up our sparkly energtic 5 n 7 year old girls) and said....next year there gonna bring their's, it will and always be a family affair, and any of you single youngs un's who get a little bit to much attitude and resentment towards our little friends WILL go home with a front set of teeth missing.........trust me! You can explain to momma and poppa.................why!

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....... I personally think and so do all of the people i know who go to festivals, including people who are parents, that festivals are a very adult environment and that perhaps kids shouldn't be there.

............ I know people in their 30/40/50's who go and not a single one of them thinks its a good idea to take kids, the complete opposite infact and all of them have young kids or had young kids

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I've missed this one...............................for fucks sake, where is the glastonbury spirit disappearing to, me and the wife are quite sensible to avoid the mong monsters at rush hours and probably every other parent, sounds like al the pissheads n pillheads want a free roam to stagger without worrying about our little sparks of future..........................

WELL FUCK YOU........... It's a family festival, and we do go outta the way to avoid the spunked up masses. If parents want to leave their kids at home to party so be it, but most of them we met ( who'd left there's at home, lapped up our sparkly energtic 5 n 7 year old girls) and said....next year there gonna bring their's, it will and always be a family affair, and any of you single youngs un's who get a little bit to much attitude and resentment towards our little friends WILL go home with a front set of teeth missing.........trust me! You can explain to momma and poppa.................why!

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What is the true glasto spirit? Its such a get out jail free card on these boards! You mean back in the 70s/80s when it was a load of people taking drugs and experimenting in a field as part of a counterculture, sounds like a adult environment to me. Or do you mean the 90s when there was violence, people braking in, high levels of crime and a it being health and safety nightmare, doesn't sound like a family environment to me...

If people wanna take their kids fine, if the festival allows it then go ahead, i'm never gonna campaign to stop it, just personally i'd never take my kids. Yes glasto is the most kid friendly festival but its just a personal opinion festivals are inherently kid-unfriendly. But then again i shouldn't be allowed an opinion counter to that of the 'glasto spirit' even though the 'glasto spirit' says that glasto should be a place people can speak their minds and have their own opinions... and at the end of the day opinion is all this is


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Some really strange and selfish attitudes in here.

I can't believe the suggestion is that responsible parents should deny their children a stimulating and fulfilling experience just because there are some risks generated by selfish individuals that they need to be mindful of and avoid? Interesting.

Just out of interest, does anyone know of any stats from the medical teams around whether there were more children treated for injuries caused by people falling on them etc or adults treated for the misuse of drugs and alcohol and related injuries? I suspect what it will reveal is the latter significantly outweighs the former and so if we're going down the H&S route we really ought to start a thread about banning drugs and alcohol, not kids...

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I think children at Glastonbury is one of the most lovely aspects of the festival and now having taken our 10 month old have enormous respect for all parents of young children - it's hard work! But great fun. There is so much for them to do in the kids areas and he also enjoyed playing and watching in Avalon and the theatre and circus areas. But we were so glad it wasn't muddy!

However we also had the best of both worlds in that we dropped him at my parents on Saturday so we could have some fun. We had always planned to do this but it was lucky we had or we would have seen no bands at all. We knew we would have to sacrifice most bands on the Friday and had bought eat defenders hoping to catch a bit of music here and there but in the end we only saw half of one band. It is so much more important to keep the boy happy and we even took him to bed rather than trying to take him sleeping to Portishead as we had kind of hoped might be possible because we felt he would have found it traumatic. We took it in turns to watch a bit of the Monkeys instead and listened from our tent. We also lost Saturday morning's bands travelling but it was all worth it for the family fun we had with him there. Couldn't have kept him the whole time though, like seeing bands too much!

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