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  1. I listened to that standing in a water queue, it was really lovely ☺️
  2. Ha well as of today I def have Covid and can only presume it was a weirdly delayed positive. I def wasn’t kissing anyone at Glasto 😂 but was in a few tight crowds so I guess it was inevitable 🙁
  3. Well i tested positive this morning. Was oddly tired all weekend and still felt coldy so tried again. Dammit
  4. Came down with sore throat on Thursday, which didn’t hang around too long but turned into an annoying tickly cough that kept me awake at night, and fatigue. Still no energy, cough, chesty and bunged up, and now can’t smell much. Had a negative Covid test the other day but maybe should try another.
  5. I was surprised to see three very serious looking police walking up the path up Cockmill early one morning, looking about closely at the surroundings as they climbed. It was surprising because it’s such a safe feeling campsite, I wondered if anything had happened.
  6. Had a few yesterday 😊 Angie McMahon’s whole set but esp the end with Pasta; Paul Heaton, again whole set but Fatboy coming out was cool; sunset and LCD, magic; Faithless and those opening bars of Salva Mea; and being part of an impromptu ukulele band with my son in t&c. Missed this place!
  7. Lovely poem! Thanks ☺️ and also to all in here, it’s been emotional!
  8. Been here since 7, didn’t sleep well as too excited, now on my fifth coffee and just want to go! Counting the hours down … not long now!
  9. Worked at home today, and working in the office tomorrow. Amazed, I actually got a lot done today. Prob good will be in the office tomorrow as should help with focus. Roll on Weds! Packing all morning and we leave after school in the pm.
  10. We also watched your vlog, it was great 😁 Our boy has been to every one with us since he was a baby but we cheated in his younger years as we used to drop him at the grandparents halfway through to get some kid free time 😂 We’ve had him for the whole thing for the most recent ones though as he’s been a bit older. Once they get the bug they love it! Hope you get tickets next time (us too 😬)
  11. Bought Fontaines tour tickets to help with the Friday night clash dilemmas so will be missing them but imagine it will be a great set
  12. I’ve got a fairly full list of things I’d like to see but also I’m not very bothered if I miss most of them, which is nice. Maybe one real must see a day, which for me is different. Looking forward to being freer. Hope you enjoy your wandering!
  13. To be fair you have had a really lucky run there. You would def have needed wellies in 2005 (floods) or 2007 (the year of deep, liquid mud) and also 2011 and 2016 would have been very difficult without wellies.
  14. Totally agree. I love to catch a glimpse of the actual stage from time to time (and I'm short, so it's only ever odd glimpses), it makes me feel I'm really 'there'. The flags have got to the point of ruining it now, far too many. It's ridiculous when you can't even see the screens any more.
  15. Thurs Lambrini Girls - NY brass band - Showhawk Duo - Steven Wilson weird 10-minute whatever it is Fri Squeeze - Angie Mcmahon - Paul Heaton - LCD - Faithless into Fatboy, possibly keeping the circuit going back via Idles (have seen all before so will stick at whatever feels right) Sat maybe Cyndi - Keane - The Breeders - Orbital - wander, possibly Gossip, or head to theatre & circus Sun The Ks - Psychedlic Porn Crumpets - the Scratch - wander SE corner - Gipsy Kings - home Will be interested to see how much of that we manage!
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