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2012 Lineup

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nah. Else next thing you know there'll be some pathetic website claiming to know something to sucker people in. At least you know that when I say I know something I really do.

But these need some checking yet, anyway. There's no point me saying it's XYZ if next week I have to post there was nothing to it.

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Firstly... there are a shit tonne of fan-boys and girls that will tell you they were the best thing in the world.


I went to see them thinking they'd be fun, I went in with no real bias. But they sounded terrible, looked like they couldn't play their instruments properly, Tom can't sing, and they were just so boring. Making jokes and making the drummer go upside down... that's all they did. Worst Reading headliner i've ever stood through.

Went to see Klaxons for the last 15 mins.... Klaxons, believe it or not... blew Blink away.

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Blink were the best band I have ever seen live. and I have seen a lot of bands! I know you'll just say I'm one of the 'shit tonne of fan boys' but just about everyone there loved them. people on these forums complain about everything a ridiculous amount in comparison to the majority of the r/l audience. if you ask anyone who saw blink in '10 95% will say they were great and the other 5% will be made up of predominantly the type of people who post on these forums - the minority (yes I'm in that minority, but I don't complain - I thought cure would be a brilliant booking and that actually last years lineup was pretty good!)

Edited by Vieuphoria
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Blink were the best band I have ever seen live. and I have seen a lot of bands! I know you'll just say I'm one of the 'shit tonne of fan boys' but just about everyone there loved them. people on these forums complain about everything a ridiculous amount in comparison to the majority of the r/l audience. if you ask anyone who saw blink in '10 95% will say they were great and the other 5% will be made up of predominantly the type of people who post on these forums - the minority (yes I'm in that minority, but I don't complain - I thought cure would be a brilliant booking and that actually last years lineup was pretty good!)

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Blink are one of my favourite bands but tbf, Tom's voice was pretty crappy in '10 and has been for the last few years, but that's Tom DeLonge :) I don't think a lot of people were fussed because their fans know he isn't the best singer, but everyone had an awesome time seeing them because it was just amazing if you're a fan. I can't argue with people who say they were bad because I can see why they'd think that, I'm a huge fan so that's probably clouding my judgement a bit :P

They won't headline this year though. Hoping for Green Day or Bloc Party. System and Slipknot would be unbelievably insane :D

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My faith in FR has been destroyed yet again. At least I'm a Leeds fan so know what it's like to have someone build up your hopes, and then destroy your dreams in a flurry of pop punk shite. (Okay, the analogy didn't quite work, but you understand).

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The way I see it, FF, Kasabian and Killers/Bloc Party would not come close to a description of the ultimate headliners. But substitute a real wild card like Neil Young/Depeche Mode/The Cure for K/BP then I'd buy the hype. Hope spings eternal.

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Just had a crazy thought, and I don't know if R/L are allowed to share headliners with IOW.

...how about Springsteen? Would be a bit different to the usual type of headliners but he would put on an immense show.

Plus it would pretty much guarantee an appearence from Gaslight! :D

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