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Selfish Ungrateful People

Guest Uncle Liam

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I've been trying to help my son find a job as he has given up on school now.

Its a nightmare, he's got a few GCSEs but nothing over a C, and the jobs out there are asking for graduates no matter what the job, and the ones that he could possibly get into without a degree are asking for over 18s because there is bar work involved.

Its his own fault i suppose for not giving school a proper go, but its making my life difficult because i can't afford to rent a place big enough for both of us and with him staying at my brothers but not being in full time education they get no tax credits or child benefit so i have to find 200 a month to give them for his board and lodging. He is not entitled to any JSA because he is under 18 and lives with family. What do i do?


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30 years ago we shat on a whole generation of kids, with the result that 30 years later there's a sizable number who've never had a job. Sorting that problem out and getting those people to be 'proper members of society' was supposedly a priority for the same tories who caused the situation the in the first place.

Yet instead, while saying "we're all in this together", the biggest cuts have again been targeted at young people, with unemployment for those aged 16-24 now at over 20% and still rising strongly. Another generation are going to be wasted in the exact same way, with all of the same consequences.

You couldn't make it up. :(

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I've been trying to help my son find a job as he has given up on school now.

Its a nightmare, he's got a few GCSEs but nothing over a C, and the jobs out there are asking for graduates no matter what the job, and the ones that he could possibly get into without a degree are asking for over 18s because there is bar work involved.

Its his own fault i suppose for not giving school a proper go, but its making my life difficult because i can't afford to rent a place big enough for both of us and with him staying at my brothers but not being in full time education they get no tax credits or child benefit so i have to find 200 a month to give them for his board and lodging. He is not entitled to any JSA because he is under 18 and lives with family. What do i do?


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So because I make a joke every other post I make is a joke. Or is it that you just feel obliged to explain away your unwarranted insult? Don't bother answering that as I already know the answer.

you've posted in all seriousness many times how much better a person you consider yourself to be - and often re-enforced by your complete inability to ever admit any error on your part, despite there regularity. Not all of us suffer from head-up-arse syndrome as badly as you. :)

Edited by eFestivals
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Where have I ever said that in all seriousness? What rubbish you spout.

Just yesterday I posted that I was fallible and apologised for an error.

You mean despite the frequency of our differences in opinion.

My point proven.

Yeah, your point proven ... says the man who couldn't even say "I got it wrong" when they didn't even know the name of the football club they claim to support. :lol:

No doubt you'll claim you weren't wrong there, it was just "differences in opinion". :lol::lol::lol:

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you've posted in all seriousness many times how much better a person you consider yourself to be - and often re-enforced by your complete inability to ever admit any error on your part, despite there regularity. Not all of us suffer from head-up-arse syndrome as badly as you. :)

Edited by dakyras
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We're doomed because people like me are actually thinking logically???

People cant just sit at home and expect to be paid for it. The fact we have a welfare system is something people should be entirely grateful for, but the spoilt little British society just expect it and take it for granted.

Whilst between jobs people should jump at the opportunity to be able to put back into a society that is paying for you to live.

I really hope one day you'll experience a culture where people really do struggle to survive, maybe then you wont complain about being made to do a few hours work to earn a wage most of the world would kill for.

Very very selfish British mentality.

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We're doomed because people like me are actually thinking logically???

People cant just sit at home and expect to be paid for it. The fact we have a welfare system is something people should be entirely grateful for, but the spoilt little British society just expect it and take it for granted.

Whilst between jobs people should jump at the opportunity to be able to put back into a society that is paying for you to live.

I really hope one day you'll experience a culture where people really do struggle to survive, maybe then you wont complain about being made to do a few hours work to earn a wage most of the world would kill for.

Very very selfish British mentality.

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I think you're overlooking the way that being unemployed brings you down mentally - people look down on you, think you're lazy or incompetent, you're treated as a subclass by fellow working class members. Certainly some work experience might help you regain some self worth, but if you've lost confidence in yourself, it's difficult to face taking that step.

because you're as guilty as everyone else for thinking that unemployed people are unworthy.

even when it's you.

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I think that anything that helps people land a job, helps them develop their skills and confidence, and gives them something useful to add to their CV, would be good.

I don't know what help is available now, but the more help that's offered the better. Training courses etc.

if I end up out of a job again, which in my business is a distinct possibilty, I'd like the option to retrain.

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Whilst between jobs people should jump at the opportunity to be able to put back into a society that is paying for you to live.

which part of they've already put back via their NI contributions when they were working are you failing to grasp? :lol:

Benefits are NOT charity. They are something that people contribute towards, so that if they need it due to unemployment or illness they're able to claim it back.

Very very selfish British mentality.

Nope, that's you that is - by your branding of the unemployed as worthless scum who only deserve support if made to work as slaves.

All the drivel you're spouting is either factually wrong, or the values of early Victorian Britain. If you want those values, get up that f**king chimney you working class scum. ;)

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I've been trying to help my son find a job as he has given up on school now.

Its a nightmare, he's got a few GCSEs but nothing over a C, and the jobs out there are asking for graduates no matter what the job, and the ones that he could possibly get into without a degree are asking for over 18s because there is bar work involved.

Its his own fault i suppose for not giving school a proper go, but its making my life difficult because i can't afford to rent a place big enough for both of us and with him staying at my brothers but not being in full time education they get no tax credits or child benefit so i have to find 200 a month to give them for his board and lodging. He is not entitled to any JSA because he is under 18 and lives with family. What do i do?


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I've been trying to help my son find a job as he has given up on school now.

Its a nightmare, he's got a few GCSEs but nothing over a C, and the jobs out there are asking for graduates no matter what the job, and the ones that he could possibly get into without a degree are asking for over 18s because there is bar work involved.

Its his own fault i suppose for not giving school a proper go, but its making my life difficult because i can't afford to rent a place big enough for both of us and with him staying at my brothers but not being in full time education they get no tax credits or child benefit so i have to find 200 a month to give them for his board and lodging. He is not entitled to any JSA because he is under 18 and lives with family. What do i do?


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