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Prodigy Milton Keynes 2morrow!

Guest Craig_Clarke

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Hey everyone..i know this is not really related - and very short notice but I have a spare ticket for the Prodigy gig 2morrow night in Milton Keynes if anyone is interested or has friends who might be interested?

Im only looking to sell it for what i paid for it...and id rather sell it to a real music fan than to a tout

The line-up is also quality with Pendulum/Enter Shikari/ Chase and Status supporting...

Thanks a lot guys

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'that guy' is maxim.. He's always said my warriors, its his name for his fans.. Just like lady gaga calls her fans monsters.

I thought they were amazing to be honest.

Its a shame they don't seem to play spitfire anymore though, because i love that song.

&& why should they quit now? they've been going for 20 years, and it doesn't seem like they are going to stop any time soon. 65,000 people there yesterday and it was a sell out and most of the people there, were there just for prodigy.

Edited by south wales sara !
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A reviewette:

As an unexpected festival style experience, it has to be said this was a great day. I was really impressed with the atmosphere, there were the usual few twats trying their hardest to spoil things (one in particular there'll be more about later), but in general the crowd seemed really chilled and happy. Had a much better, more 'festivally' vibe than, just as an example, V imho.

Got in nice & relaxed, didn't bother getting there early so avoided the queues, just wandered around until we got to the 2nd stage/area. Bar queue seemed shorter there pretty much all day, although it was 3/4 hour at one point. Better than 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the main arena. I was a bit suprised by the 2nd stage location though. I've never seen a 2nd stage at MK Bowl before, and hadn't expected it to be in an area where the floor was basically gravel/rocks/boulders/razor-sharp stones of painful doom. Unsurprisingly I saw a few injuries, one victim looked like he'd caught a rock or two right on his nose. Apart from the questionable substrate the area was good though, with fairground rides and for the first time in my experience since the 80s an actual real tattoo parlour (no idea how they got a licence for it, and I wouldn't have wanted to get a tatt done in that dusty environment personally but it was busy nonetheless). It was a nice change from the main arena and added to the festival vibe.

The rest of the bowl was the same as it's been since the 70's, honestly I don't think some of the toilets have changed in that time. Not that it's a bad thing (they've been cleaned a couple of times probably), as far as big venues go I think the MK Bowl has a lot going for it. The sound's far better than most stadia, you can see the stage from pretty much anywhere in the main arena, and having the big stretch around the outside for all the food and things means there's plenty of choice. It's not perfect, but I actually quite like it as a venue.

As for the bands and music, not sure who we saw first on the Take Me To The Hospital stage, but they were pretty good. On several visits to the area, whichever djs were playing were ok and seemed to have the crowd enjoying themselves. In the main arena we caught most of Does It Offend You, Yeah, and I thought they were pretty good actually. Might have to track them down in a tent or small venue, thought their sound carried across well from what I've heard on radio/online. Enter Shikari were ok too, always enjoy the energy they put into their set.

Cue main disappointment/unsurprise/anger-inducing twatface of the day. 'DJ' Zane Lowe. Call trades description act people now please. Having seen this talentless twat kill an atmosphere stone dead before, he didn't surprise by doing exactly the same here. All around us were people yelling in disbelief as he cut yet another song short after no more than 20 seconds, and just before people started getting into it. Utterly shite, shouldn't be allowed to call himself a dj. We wandered off, only having heard any of his 'set' after mistakenly forgetting he'd be on in the first place.

Wandering back after a rather good roast, stuffing & gravy in a roll (not quite the baguette heaven from Glasto, but still bloody tasty and just as impossible to eat without making an utter mess of yourself) we saw some of Pendulum. I'll admit they're not my favourite kind of thing, and I was impressed that they're a full-on 'proper' band with instruments and everything, but after the 3rd/4th/5th/nth song, I just couldn't tell if I'd already heard that one before, how many times I'd heard it, or if it was the one I vaguely knew more than the others. All a bit samey, would've probably been great in a club/tent but just not for me at the bowl.

So we wandered again and caught some of Gallows (I think, looked like them from what I remember anyway). I know being miserable is a bit of a stage show, but the number of times the singer told the crowd they were shit and to f**k off seemed to start back-firing, there certainly seemed to be more people leaving than bouncing around. Having said that, they sounded pretty good to my old punk ears, although while having a chat with a few like-minded people who'd spotted my Pop Will Eat Itself t-shirt we did decide they were probably a bit of the punk(ish) equivalent of Pendulum; it all sounded a bit samey. Anyway, the atmosphere was still good, the weather was still ok if sticky, and there was plenty of amusement to be had watching people try to carry a crate of 24 bottles of cider/lager that had just cost them £88.80 without dropping them. And also amusing watching the desperation of some people offering the crate-carriers £10 for 2 bottles just to avoid the queue. Profit-making could have been tempting had I been arsed. Which I wasn't.

So, back to the main arena to get in place for the Prodigy then. Via a doughnut stall that apparently must have used lava to cook the bloody things in. I swear they were still skin-meltingly hot after 20 minutes. Welcome sugar rush though.

Got in place somewhere to the left of the stage, not arsed with the get-down-the-front need-a-wristband bollocks. Had to endure some more Zane Twatting Lowe, stunned when he let a track play for almost the whole length (although he didn't play it from the start, f**ked about with it first), and lo and behold everybody around us (if not the whole place) sang along loudly to Motorhead's Ace of Spades. At a dance festival. Learn your lesson Lowe, play the f**king record, don't mess around with it. I won't mention Zane again, other than to say when the Prodigy later dedicated a tune to him we weren't the only ones that said "What, a new track called You're a Shit DJ?".

So, the Prodigy. Well, they didn't disappoint. I felt a bit old at the start, being surrounded by what seemed like half the twenty year olds in the bowl that day, but after Breathe I had slipped back 20 years myself. Track after track flew by, the new stuff fitting in perfectly with the old (I still can't believe Jilted Generation is something like 16 years old). Run With The Wolves was a highlight, I like the track on cd/mp3 and live it was great, the driving drums really pulling the crowd along. Some nice laser action (I think that was Weather Experience) had me thinking of Pink Floyd more than raving, but they really built the atmosphere up ready for stuff like Voodoo People. Finishing the first bit with Smack My Bitch Up, which was incredible - must admit it's never been my favourite Prodigy track but they changed my mind with this performance, I even did the crouch-down and jump thing along with the thousands around us, despite my age and crappy knees - we couldn't believe just over an hour had gone already.

On to the 'encore' (the grumpy bastard part of me won't let go of this one, it's only a bloody encore if it's unplanned, this was just the second part of the set) and things just got better. I have to say thank you at this point to the woman that presumably had mistaken me for someone else and congratulated me on my shoulders (never really considered my shoulders to be a selling point but I may have to re-assess now) and gave me her Prodigy loving with a welcome hug, really took the vibe back to chemically-enhanced loved-up rave days. Everybody/No Good/Charly cemented that rave vibe into place before Their Law had me screaming the lyrics at my loudest, and thinking that even more than a decade after splitting up PWEI are still making a mark on huge crowds even if the crowds don't know it. Out of Space was the only way Their Law could be topped as a closer, and that was it. Surprised there were no fireworks, first time ever at the MK Bowl gigs I've been to, but that didn't stop this being a bloody good day. Presumably as I danced I'm now a warrior along with my 64,999 companions, you don't get given a title at every gig. Nice one chaps.

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A reviewette:

As an unexpected festival style experience, it has to be said this was a great day. I was really impressed with the atmosphere, there were the usual few twats trying their hardest to spoil things (one in particular there'll be more about later), but in general the crowd seemed really chilled and happy. Had a much better, more 'festivally' vibe than, just as an example, V imho.

Got in nice & relaxed, didn't bother getting there early so avoided the queues, just wandered around until we got to the 2nd stage/area. Bar queue seemed shorter there pretty much all day, although it was 3/4 hour at one point. Better than 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the main arena. I was a bit suprised by the 2nd stage location though. I've never seen a 2nd stage at MK Bowl before, and hadn't expected it to be in an area where the floor was basically gravel/rocks/boulders/razor-sharp stones of painful doom. Unsurprisingly I saw a few injuries, one victim looked like he'd caught a rock or two right on his nose. Apart from the questionable substrate the area was good though, with fairground rides and for the first time in my experience since the 80s an actual real tattoo parlour (no idea how they got a licence for it, and I wouldn't have wanted to get a tatt done in that dusty environment personally but it was busy nonetheless). It was a nice change from the main arena and added to the festival vibe.

The rest of the bowl was the same as it's been since the 70's, honestly I don't think some of the toilets have changed in that time. Not that it's a bad thing (they've been cleaned a couple of times probably), as far as big venues go I think the MK Bowl has a lot going for it. The sound's far better than most stadia, you can see the stage from pretty much anywhere in the main arena, and having the big stretch around the outside for all the food and things means there's plenty of choice. It's not perfect, but I actually quite like it as a venue.

As for the bands and music, not sure who we saw first on the Take Me To The Hospital stage, but they were pretty good. On several visits to the area, whichever djs were playing were ok and seemed to have the crowd enjoying themselves. In the main arena we caught most of Does It Offend You, Yeah, and I thought they were pretty good actually. Might have to track them down in a tent or small venue, thought their sound carried across well from what I've heard on radio/online. Enter Shikari were ok too, always enjoy the energy they put into their set.

Cue main disappointment/unsurprise/anger-inducing twatface of the day. 'DJ' Zane Lowe. Call trades description act people now please. Having seen this talentless twat kill an atmosphere stone dead before, he didn't surprise by doing exactly the same here. All around us were people yelling in disbelief as he cut yet another song short after no more than 20 seconds, and just before people started getting into it. Utterly shite, shouldn't be allowed to call himself a dj. We wandered off, only having heard any of his 'set' after mistakenly forgetting he'd be on in the first place.

Wandering back after a rather good roast, stuffing & gravy in a roll (not quite the baguette heaven from Glasto, but still bloody tasty and just as impossible to eat without making an utter mess of yourself) we saw some of Pendulum. I'll admit they're not my favourite kind of thing, and I was impressed that they're a full-on 'proper' band with instruments and everything, but after the 3rd/4th/5th/nth song, I just couldn't tell if I'd already heard that one before, how many times I'd heard it, or if it was the one I vaguely knew more than the others. All a bit samey, would've probably been great in a club/tent but just not for me at the bowl.

So we wandered again and caught some of Gallows (I think, looked like them from what I remember anyway). I know being miserable is a bit of a stage show, but the number of times the singer told the crowd they were shit and to f**k off seemed to start back-firing, there certainly seemed to be more people leaving than bouncing around. Having said that, they sounded pretty good to my old punk ears, although while having a chat with a few like-minded people who'd spotted my Pop Will Eat Itself t-shirt we did decide they were probably a bit of the punk(ish) equivalent of Pendulum; it all sounded a bit samey. Anyway, the atmosphere was still good, the weather was still ok if sticky, and there was plenty of amusement to be had watching people try to carry a crate of 24 bottles of cider/lager that had just cost them £88.80 without dropping them. And also amusing watching the desperation of some people offering the crate-carriers £10 for 2 bottles just to avoid the queue. Profit-making could have been tempting had I been arsed. Which I wasn't.

So, back to the main arena to get in place for the Prodigy then. Via a doughnut stall that apparently must have used lava to cook the bloody things in. I swear they were still skin-meltingly hot after 20 minutes. Welcome sugar rush though.

Got in place somewhere to the left of the stage, not arsed with the get-down-the-front need-a-wristband bollocks. Had to endure some more Zane Twatting Lowe, stunned when he let a track play for almost the whole length (although he didn't play it from the start, f**ked about with it first), and lo and behold everybody around us (if not the whole place) sang along loudly to Motorhead's Ace of Spades. At a dance festival. Learn your lesson Lowe, play the f**king record, don't mess around with it. I won't mention Zane again, other than to say when the Prodigy later dedicated a tune to him we weren't the only ones that said "What, a new track called You're a Shit DJ?".

So, the Prodigy. Well, they didn't disappoint. I felt a bit old at the start, being surrounded by what seemed like half the twenty year olds in the bowl that day, but after Breathe I had slipped back 20 years myself. Track after track flew by, the new stuff fitting in perfectly with the old (I still can't believe Jilted Generation is something like 16 years old). Run With The Wolves was a highlight, I like the track on cd/mp3 and live it was great, the driving drums really pulling the crowd along. Some nice laser action (I think that was Weather Experience) had me thinking of Pink Floyd more than raving, but they really built the atmosphere up ready for stuff like Voodoo People. Finishing the first bit with Smack My Bitch Up, which was incredible - must admit it's never been my favourite Prodigy track but they changed my mind with this performance, I even did the crouch-down and jump thing along with the thousands around us, despite my age and crappy knees - we couldn't believe just over an hour had gone already.

On to the 'encore' (the grumpy bastard part of me won't let go of this one, it's only a bloody encore if it's unplanned, this was just the second part of the set) and things just got better. I have to say thank you at this point to the woman that presumably had mistaken me for someone else and congratulated me on my shoulders (never really considered my shoulders to be a selling point but I may have to re-assess now) and gave me her Prodigy loving with a welcome hug, really took the vibe back to chemically-enhanced loved-up rave days. Everybody/No Good/Charly cemented that rave vibe into place before Their Law had me screaming the lyrics at my loudest, and thinking that even more than a decade after splitting up PWEI are still making a mark on huge crowds even if the crowds don't know it. Out of Space was the only way Their Law could be topped as a closer, and that was it. Surprised there were no fireworks, first time ever at the MK Bowl gigs I've been to, but that didn't stop this being a bloody good day. Presumably as I danced I'm now a warrior along with my 64,999 companions, you don't get given a title at every gig. Nice one chaps.

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ohhh one thing that i saw, which me, being a nosey so and so went to have a look at, was a big fight, to the left of the bowl behind the wheelchair platform. Several people covered in blood over their faces and over their shirts..Untill security turned up..

&& the traffic organisation at the bowl is terrible.. However, as my dad went for a wander to see what the hold up was, and aparently 4 pedestrians had gotten run down..

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Aye, was pleasantly surprised at the festival feel of it, pretty good venue, but that stoney area where the "Boneyard" was was a bit of a nightmare, and the dust...not good.

Listened to a bit of Does It Offend you Yeah? when i first went in as i like them, but after that just wandered around for a while, spent an hour or two at the smaller stage, bit too much Dubstep played, could've mixed it up some more.

Was down just to the right of the stage for Pendulum, but it was jam packed, could hardly move and loads of bottles were flying eveywhere. So moved a bit back for the main event....And WOW what a main event.

20 years and going strong. Can't wait to do it all again at V.

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I had a brilliant time, really enjoyed all the bands (bar shikari, not a huge fan and by the sounds of it they were to be dubstep and it just didnt work

But Prodigy were just on another level

Right on the second barrier, so i had an awesome view as the was a big gap in the front section

Every now and again Keith or Maxim would just appear right in front of us and just put everyone there on a major buzz

I was so happy that they played some classics, and the re-mixes were brilliant!

I was a bit dubious when they said they were re-mixing and refreshing tunes, but everyone of them just seemed so fresh!

And the light show was the best I've ever seen!

every song seemed to have it's own distinct lighting, all of which were awesome

Weather Experience was just beautiful, the lights and the song were perfect, definitely a 'moment'

This was the third time I've seen them in just over a year and this just blew their previous shows out of the water

Well done Prodigy!

PS. what do people reckon about it being released on dvd?

I think it'd be class!

PPS. Cheers to the crowd safety guy who kept us entertained between bands as we were being crushed against the barrier lol

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I could here it from my mums back garden whilst eating some scones etc as I was visiting at the time...sounded pretty loud

My mum didn't really rate it that much...!

I've seen a few bands in Milton Keynes before Baby D and The Outhere Brothers to name but p9768o553243

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I enjoyed zane lowe...

Thought chase an status were excellent

shikari were good but pissed about with dubstep too much

I'm bored of pendulum now in all honesty, hope I don't come across them for a while

prodigy were stupidly great and perfect setlist for me, crowd was perfect for prodigy as I found there was less wanna be gangstas (when pendulum were on) and everyone starting raving properly!

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'that guy' is maxim.. He's always said my warriors, its his name for his fans.. Just like lady gaga calls her fans monsters.

I thought they were amazing to be honest.

Its a shame they don't seem to play spitfire anymore though, because i love that song.

&& why should they quit now? they've been going for 20 years, and it doesn't seem like they are going to stop any time soon. 65,000 people there yesterday and it was a sell out and most of the people there, were there just for prodigy.

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