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2011 headliners

Guest brettredmayne

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In the Q Review magazine i picked up on the way home this morning there was a quote from Eavis about 2011's headline acts.

He basically said that the 3 headliners would be '2 previous headliners and a woman that has played before but never headlined'

He also mentioned that U2 would play in the future, but its very highly unlikely that it would be next year.

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Having a look through past headliners i reckon the ones who'll be returning will be Radiohead and The Cure

Would be so amazing!

And the female headliner is pretty much a given as Gaga/Kylie

Its not gonna be U2 as they only pulled out a few weeks ago and there wouldnt of been time to sort it out since

Thats my bet anyway


The Cure


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Lady Gaga is my guess from a couple of things I have read/seen. From Q Michael said that "The deals are done, two of the headliners will be returning and one is a woman who has been before but never headlined." and Emily was bigging up her last performance to the BBC a few days ago, mentioning her in context with other bands that have come back to headline.

Linky at about 1:30

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2 bands that have already played glasto and one woman returning:

Florence - not enough material, can't be her

Kylie - Possibly, new material out at the moment, and has a really big back catalougue.

Lady Gaga - same as florence in a way, but defo is capable of headlining with her putting on a massive show and having played before and headlining other festivals.

On the bands front:

U2 - won't, thye will feel that it's just not right.

Coldplay - not too sure about them. Have the credentials but a band that is touted most years to headline and don't really.

Radiohead - hmmm, headlined reading last year, wouldn't make sense for them to headline as no new stuff out i don't think

Stumped at which two bands it could be to be honest...

Beach boys was mentioned and that could be a possibility, and one other that will be more contemporary.

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fair enough you think the national could headline in 5 years time or whatever, but don't forget this is 2011 headliner!

I think it'll Radiohead, Coldplay and Lady Gaga with Arcade Fire headlining the Other Stage on Saturday so I don't have to watch Coldplay :D

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did he definitely say "played" or "been" before....

i saw the interview in the q review, but i cant see the quote people are talking of...

if its "been" i would put cash on beyonce, she is one of the biggest solo women singers around... much bigger than kylie minogue. beyonce is also a very talented singer... i think she'd put on a stormer of a show.

also just a suggestion - pink? (if she's been before)she can sing and has had many hits and albums. i caught her at v one year and was shocked at how good she was live (i wasent expecting it to be good either)

as for the others, im fairly certain in the q review it said that u2 would not be returning next year but would be coming back another year instead...

im guessing coldplay are one... not too sure on radiohead.

Edited by rhysieg
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I think the key is in Eavis' wording like rhysieg said, if he said the woman has played before then I guess it'd be Gaga or maybe Kylie (if her guest bit with the Scissor Sisters counts. If he said she's "been before" that makes me think it would be Beyonce.

U2 are still very likely I think but it'll perhaps be kept quiet to stop a riot on ticket day?

Edited by Zacko
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More to the point, if this was in the Q review then surely the interview with Michael wasn't done on the sunday - and if it hadn't have been done on the sunday then Kylie wouldn't have played. Unless they interviewed him between about 9pm Saturday and 9pm Sunday.

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Ok so 2 previous headliners and 1 previous female which didnt headline.

All previous headliners (Pyramid past 10 years)


Muse (2)

Stevie Wonder

Neil Young

Bruce Springteen


Kings of Leon

Jay Z

The Verve

Artic Monkeys

The Killers

The Who

The White Stripes

Coldplay (2)

Basement Jaxx


Paul McCartney


Radiohead (2)



Rod Stewart

Chemical Brothers


David Bowie

From that lot I'd guess REM and Coldplay... but that is 2 of the 3 headliners from 2003... hehe... Coldplay and Radiohead... honestly that would be too boring, I love both bands but would rather have 1 of them, not both...ummmm

Female has to be Lady Ga-Ga or maybe Amy Winehouse... simply because they are the only ones big enough to headline the Pyramid who have played Glasto before.

There are tons of females (solo and groups) that have played, Lily Allen, Garbage, Joss Stone, Shakira, Paloma Faith, Florence, Kate Nash, KT Turnstall, Bjork, Tori Amos, etc... but none of them could headline Pyramid imo.

Sooo...looking like...maybe...perhaps


Lady Ga Ga


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I'm gonna throw my 2 cents into the ring at this stage for what it is worth and say Michael is bluffing in Q Review (hopefully be in post tomorrow!) and this is my view:

Friday: Chemical Brothers

Saturday: Coldplay

Sunday Rolling Stones

My view on the female head liner is that it is a lie and if it does happen it will be Florence or if not then maybe Gaga. It almost certainly wont be Kylie I reckon

But hey, what do I know

(as much as you lot! :D)

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