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Glasto Belly...happens to all of us...

Guest LusciousLucy

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So what is the cure for Glasto Belly?

Found out last year that it is mostly actually down to the copious amounts of acidic alcoholic apple juice we all like to consume in vast amounts...and there was me thinking it was dodgy sausages or chili sauce!

I hate it...but know it has to happen at some point over the weekend...

so any suggestions on how to avoid it...but still be able to drink copious amounts of Burrowhill?

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Also.. if anyone has any recommendations on keeping nausea away after a night on the Perry.. My head is generally fine, but I spent most of saturday last year on the verge of embarasing myself...

This year I am packing the Resolve, but not holding out too much hope...

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Chocky swears by the Oggie! Lines your stomach nicely, is a meal and a proven antidote to Glasto Belly

Obviously washing your hands a lot helps too!

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Also.. if anyone has any recommendations on keeping nausea away after a night on the Perry.. My head is generally fine, but I spent most of saturday last year on the verge of embarasing myself...

This year I am packing the Resolve, but not holding out too much hope...

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CODIENE is your friend.

Will not prevent but will definately help stop the squirting and relieve the pain of a dodgy tum.

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line your stomach with a pint of milk in the morning, milk of magnesia has also worked in the past for me - foul though it is.

refrain from drinking cider on an empty stomach that will ensure glasto belly every single time

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So what is the cure for Glasto Belly?

Found out last year that it is mostly actually down to the copious amounts of acidic alcoholic apple juice we all like to consume in vast amounts...and there was me thinking it was dodgy sausages or chili sauce!

I hate it...but know it has to happen at some point over the weekend...

so any suggestions on how to avoid it...but still be able to drink copious amounts of Burrowhill?

Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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refrain from drinking cider on an empty stomach that will ensure glasto belly every single time
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Awwwwwww I had it last year on Thursay morning. I think it was brought on my the Jamacian curry I had which they served up and then put in the mircowave for 2 min. They didnt used to do that when I have had food from there before. Anyway, imodium, nurofen and some cheesy chip later I felt better.

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5pm Sunday afternoon visit to La Grande Bouffe is my usual cure these days...speshly as GB hits at about 2pm! 07...knew I shouldnt have eaten the seafood and chilli combo before Shirl...was an accident quite literally waiting to happen... :lol:

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True Haggis true, you can buy codeine linctus and lower dose products over the counter though, (usually combined with paracetamol so don't overdose on it!).

My mums old next door neighbour was a codiene addict. Used to send other people in to buy her some linctus cause the pharmacist wouldn't serve her.

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there is no cure!!

get it every year, around thurs/fri 2am ish (probs cus start drinkin when i arrive weds morning)

as people have said...eat something. stodge helps (gives what's squirting out some sustinance, makes you feel better)

make sure you know the route to the loo really really well...you will be gettin up at stupid 'o clock feeling like your ass is on fire!

have the loo roll by the door of your tent, gota grab and run in these situations

laugh about it, its gna happen so dont let it spoil your festival.

oh and um....WASH YOUR HANDS! :lol:

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Also.. if anyone has any recommendations on keeping nausea away after a night on the Perry.. My head is generally fine, but I spent most of saturday last year on the verge of embarasing myself...

This year I am packing the Resolve, but not holding out too much hope...

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