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Guest zahidf

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Most of the press reviews to date claim it to be their best work yet and I totally agree. I would be interested to see if you have the same opinion in a couple of weeks. The 1st time I heard it The Greatest Denier was for me the weakest song but now its one of my favourites.
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Press reviews mean little - look at the collecting w*nking over KoL's last record when it's by far their worst. I've given it plenty of listens and it just doesn't have the same depth that the first two definitely had, and doesn't work as a pop record as well as the last record did. It just seems for me at least, there's a marked difference in quality between Jetstream, and at a push Kingdom of Rust and House of Mirrors, with the rest of the album. I could change my mind but it doesn't feel like one of those albums.

I put on Satellites from Last Broadcast randomly today (a song I like a lot but wouldn't put in the top 10 Doves tracks by any means) and immediately it seemed to have so much more to it.

That's not to say there isn't some other decent stuff on there but this band set the bar very high.

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Watch the reaction when its released next week - April will be the month the Doves take off - then May and June they will re-conquer the states. So come the end of June the hotest band on the planet will headline Glastonbury - on the JP stage!

Sources say Heavenly are convinced they have the no.1 album for 2009 with this.

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I promise it won't ruin your weekend, whichever you go for!!

Last year we watched half of The National in JP on Sunday night then got across to Pyramid for last 40 mins of Verve, so you could catch some of both if you really want to.

Edited by Tugger2k
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That's okay for The National, who although they have About Today, don't really have a barnstorming closer. Doves have Cedar Room and Here Comes The Fear towards the end, and Neil Young has his cover of A Day In the Life. Neil Young plays Hey, Hey, My, My early on, Doves play Snowden early on. Don't really want to miss any of either act to be honest. I think I will just settle for watching Doves in Bristol and then watch Neil Young at Glasto.

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That's okay for The National, who although they have About Today, don't really have a barnstorming closer. Doves have Cedar Room and Here Comes The Fear towards the end, and Neil Young has his cover of A Day In the Life. Neil Young plays Hey, Hey, My, My early on, Doves play Snowden early on. Don't really want to miss any of either act to be honest. I think I will just settle for watching Doves in Bristol and then watch Neil Young at Glasto.
Edited by Tugger2k
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I didn't say the decision would be easy, and if you go for both then it is a compromise as you can't really get that far in to the Pyramid field, but what I said is it won't ruin Tuggers weekend :) Can't wait, this clash is shaping up to be my worst one, but it won't be the only one.

BTW I didn't plan to see either of last Sunday's JP or Pyramid headliners, but got waylaid on the way up to the Park several hours earlier by LC, but that late cahnge in plan is all part of the fun....

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I didn't say the decision would be easy, and if you go for both then it is a compromise as you can't really get that far in to the Pyramid field, but what I said is it won't ruin Tuggers weekend :) Can't wait, this clash is shaping up to be my worst one, but it won't be the only one.

BTW I didn't plan to see either of last Sunday's JP or Pyramid headliners, but got waylaid on the way up to the Park several hours earlier by LC, but that late cahnge in plan is all part of the fun....

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went and purchased myself a copy yesterday

easily their best work to date

and im still gutted that there on a crap stage, but my that gigs gonna be great!!

and for those of you that are doves obbsessive's head on over to http://news.q4music.com/2009/04/doves_are_...ors_for_qt.html where the band will be dropping snippets, exclusive interviews and tracks all week

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Got to hand it to you Doves fans, you've kept this string going for months now, if bands were booked to appear on fan dedication, then Doves would be headlining all three nights on the Pyramid. Heck you've even convinced that I should go and see them this year. See you there guys.

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You won't be disappointed. They were great at Glasto a few years back and I decided to catch a 10 mins or so at T a few weeks later and then head to see something else. They were so good I just couldn't take myself away from the tent and ending up watching the whole set.

3 pretty unassuming guys playing fantastic music.

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You won't be disappointed. They were great at Glasto a few years back and I decided to catch a 10 mins or so at T a few weeks later and then head to see something else. They were so good I just couldn't take myself away from the tent and ending up watching the whole set.

3 pretty unassuming guys playing fantastic music.

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what day do you want them mate?

ive been wrestling with this for a couple of days

i cant decide if i want them saturday (as my festival blowout gig + springsteens bound to pull a massive crowd meaning there might, just might be a bit more space) or sunday, closing out the festy with the cedar room or spaceface (again) would be pretty awesome - even if it means missing blur

as long as its not friday i'm a happy boy!!

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