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  2. https://www.dodmagazine.es/fechas-primavera-sound-2025/ I'm happy that PS will not be on the same weekend as the Formula 1 race.
  3. erm it is and i love it like that. its part of its unique charm. i suppose you just lump it in with all the other festivals dont you? but i think its a unique and brilliant place. I hope one day you see it the way i see it
  4. D-Day 80th anniversary so highly unlikely I would say.
  5. Many do, they choose the career and are very good at it. People who are able to do such things (cos you cannot train someone to have such abilities) tend to do such things. A good friend of ours is a care nurse and she has seen many arrive who simply cannot cope and they soon leave. Seriously, think about if it is a job you could do even if you got the training. People losing their minds hitting you, throwing food at you, kicking you, defecating while sat watching TV and so much more. It really is a job only people who want to do it can do properly and with the right care.
  6. and the more that think that the more likely the UK will finally get the change it needs - not at this election but in future ones. The more who don't vote for the main two the better - cos then maybe the main two might not just take it all for granted and try and be each other.
  7. You think people coming in from abroad like wiping old people's arses? Basically need to improve pay and conditions if want to get British people doing it
  8. In seriousness though, I think Hole and Robyn will be there.
  9. What time should I get to the festival if I want barricade for Lana in 2025, asking in advance 🙂
  10. Nice short film about Chiedu Oraka on BBC this week. The bbc introducing will be rocking for that one, lovely to hear a rapper with a Yorkshire accent https://x.com/orakald/status/1796838240957116432?s=46&t=WiliH_JAFyOGj57khUPQOA
  11. and when the good old British people who have not yet wanted to do the jobs immigrants do hence we have immigrants doing them what then when the good old British people still don't want to do them? You can't make someone like wiping the arses of old folk and looking after them and if you think you can ask yourself, would you like to be looked after by someone who simply did not want to look after you?
  12. I reckon Thursday morning next week before the sidetracked podcast drops. I hope it's tomorrow or Tuesday but I think it makes more sense on Thursday
  13. You were the one that said GF was a shambles I said it was not so I have no idea what the chuff you are on about.
  14. There were pics on here last year of people queuing on Tuesday evening (6pm ish) before the car parks had officially opened. You may find them if you search.
  15. I no longer believe Labour will be better than the Tories though.
  16. The dates are official? Can't find it anywhere and I was almost sure it would be one week earlier.
  17. Dua Lipa 100 LCD Soundsystem 146 Little Simz 160 IDLES 50 The National 149 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 (+10) Justice 325 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 160 Sampha 110 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
  18. Young queer icon (Troye Sivan): Kim Petras
  19. Today's plan: A few hours at Brunch, just to chill Dinner in El Raval Dorian Electra SoFTT Yesterday I returned the tickets for Sala Apolo (both The Lemon Twigs and Royel Otis were amazing, but I don't have to see them twice in two days). One moment after I cancelled them, it was possible to reserve them on Access Ticket and when I refreshed the app 30 seconds later, the tickets were sold out again. So, if you miss any reservation next year, constant refreshing of the Access ticket app might help. 🙂
  20. I'm feeling confident for tomorrow. I've been on leave since last Wednesday and know I'm returning to a shed load of sh*t to deal with and zoom calls. Bound to happen.
  21. Today
  22. It's as beautiful a day out there today as a British summer could provide. A little of that flavour at the festival would be nice indeed.
  23. pretty dire for choices, the best area is around the markets. the park had a bit of indie stuff going in the rabbit hole, you may get lucky, but in general from last year experience any where that plays indie/ rock music or even cheesy pop/ wedding music will get extremely packed later on
  24. And Charli's set was totally packed, I came 15 minutes early and still wasn't able to get anywhere close stage. And even there, I was surrounded by hardcore fans who knew every single song by heart. Great crowd energy.
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