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Guest tHomBleached

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Bought lips today for the 360, only because it was on offer with the two mics.

First impression is it seems a bit too easy to complete the songs but there is a decent selection to start with.

The achievemnets on it are a joke though, i got 30 points on my first song for something and then you get an achievment for going to the store and going to your profile :(

I was on it for 10 minutes and earned 45 points

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Bought lips today for the 360, only because it was on offer with the two mics.

First impression is it seems a bit too easy to complete the songs but there is a decent selection to start with.

The achievemnets on it are a joke though, i got 30 points on my first song for something and then you get an achievment for going to the store and going to your profile :(

I was on it for 10 minutes and earned 45 points

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Fallout 3 for £20 is pretty amazing. Fallout 3 for £40 is still good value but at £20 its a steal.

Tons of hours of gameplay.

People buy T-shirts and other pointless shit for far more, I even went to a gig last night that cost ten pounds more than that game.

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Fallout 3 for £20 is pretty amazing. Fallout 3 for £40 is still good value but at £20 its a steal.

Tons of hours of gameplay.

People buy T-shirts and other pointless shit for far more, I even went to a gig last night that cost ten pounds more than that game.

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Lots of games about at 20 notes at the moment it seems. I'm very much engrossed in Fallout, but I picked up Fable II last week as I knew I wanted to get it at some point in the future, so might as well take advantage. Couldn't resist have and had a quick play over the weekend though.

Seems pretty good, although I'm a bit dubious about the magic bread crumb trail. Going to have to turn that off as I ended up just following the trail, rather than exploring on my own.... which is really the whole point of games.

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just completed "those!" on fallout. brilliant game!

by the way did anyone else find the sniper rifle cache just outside of megaton I was walking up the right hand side and suddenly got an "open sniper cache", with a rifle, some ammo and a "stealth boy". Did springvale elementary before I went to megaton aswell, so got a chinese assault rifle early on aswell. :(

Got a nice little set up now with chinese assault rifle, sniper rifle, hunting rifle, silenced 10mm, 10mm, sub-machine 10mm, combat shotgun, laser pistol, laser rifle, ripper (chainsaw) and combat armour or armoured vault suit.

So far done all megaton, springvale, superdupermart, greyditch, marigold station and I'm at falls church at the moment. Just been doing some of the sidequests as oposed to rushing through the main missions, so not been to the radio station yet.

Not seen a deathclaw yet...

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Same, might have to get this.

Playing through Lego SW again just to get everything. Addictive as hell.

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just completed "those!" on fallout. brilliant game!

by the way did anyone else find the sniper rifle cache just outside of megaton I was walking up the right hand side and suddenly got an "open sniper cache", with a rifle, some ammo and a "stealth boy". Did springvale elementary before I went to megaton aswell, so got a chinese assault rifle early on aswell. :wacko:

Got a nice little set up now with chinese assault rifle, sniper rifle, hunting rifle, silenced 10mm, 10mm, sub-machine 10mm, combat shotgun, laser pistol, laser rifle, ripper (chainsaw) and combat armour or armoured vault suit.

So far done all megaton, springvale, superdupermart, greyditch, marigold station and I'm at falls church at the moment. Just been doing some of the sidequests as oposed to rushing through the main missions, so not been to the radio station yet.

Not seen a deathclaw yet...

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picked up lbp, cod5 and motorstorm 2 today... should keep me busy....

lbp has kept on failing the update though, so ive not got to play as im still updating :wacko:

its nearly done now though, motorstorm is amazing, i was a big fan of the original but this one is better!!

yet to play cod5.

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i have read up on this fall out as i have never seen it before and didn't know how it got to three without me knowing.

if i was to go pick up the 3rd one without playing the first two would it matter to much, as in story and stuff or would it have little effect on my understanding and enjoyment?

i saw that the 1st two were completely diff from the new one but they looked cool.

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i have read up on this fall out as i have never seen it before and didn't know how it got to three without me knowing.

if i was to go pick up the 3rd one without playing the first two would it matter to much, as in story and stuff or would it have little effect on my understanding and enjoyment?

i saw that the 1st two were completely diff from the new one but they looked cool.

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i've been stuck on the single race around Chenghou Prjoect and the 8 Race tournement for almost 3 weeks...stayed up all last night to bat them...how sad..

I used Assegai for both. I firmly believe Chenghou is pure chance, as that level on phantom is f**king ridiculous without the cpu ships being as fast as they are. Other than that, straight persistence i guess is the answer. I used Icarus and Harimau a lot to beat the other races on the 8th event, fast and good handling respectively.

I was 10 seconds from never playing Wipeout again, the last 2 events really annoyed me that much. Best tip is to try and forget the computer ships are there, you can be at the back of the pack for 4 laps and still win on Phantom, but it's hard to get into that vibe as it really does seem all hope is lost when you've raced 4 laps and taken no one over.

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I think alot of luck comes into it, especially with the power ups you get.

You can be trailing all race like you said then suddenly you get an auto-pilot followed by a boost and you win the race.

The annoying thing for me on these final races is sometimes i put in a time that on other attempts has been fast enough to beat everyone. Yet on the race i did the fast time i can still end up 6th or something.

Gah i will do it though lol

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totally forgot about wipeout! might have a go soon.

littlebigplanet is amazing, really didnt like it to start off with, but after playing a few story levels on 3 player (me and my brother on 2 pads, my friend joining us through the internet) i realized it was seriously fun. anybody played the mgs, sonic and mario levels which were created and put online?

motorstorm 2 is absolutely amazing, all the tracks are so much fun except for one called "sugar rush" which is frustratingly hard to get through, no clear pathways and so easy to get lost or crash into a stupidly placed item. online and multiplayer are incredibly fun.

cod5 is ok, just ok. nowhere even close as good as 4 (but doesent 5 and 4 have different developers) i hate the online maps and its seriously difficult to get a game, they always seem to disconnect.

ill be getting resistance 2 and either bioshock or saints row 2 soon.

(home is suppost to be out in around a week but i have lost all faiith in home release dates)

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