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Backpack Recommendations

The Red Telephone

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4 hours ago, The Red Telephone said:

On the lookout for a new backpack - budget of about £100. For use at Glastonbury and for inter-railing.


Does anyone have any recommendations please?


 As so many backpacks are similar in design and functionality, I go by the trusted method of filtering everything to 4+ stars on Amazon, filling in the budget, and choosing based on my own preferences.


I like having pockets on the outside or net pockets for easily reachable stuff I might use on the journey. But do you want so many dangly clips flopping all over the place? Back support is one thing I'd recommend and padding on shoulder straps. 

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33 minutes ago, timbrass said:

Perhaps controversial but are backpacks at Glasto not just a bit naff? And for Interrailing you are likely to want something quite large.....


Are you talking about a day bag?


For a day bag, I love a backpack. Got myself a foldup one so that once I'd finished my beers and rum and it got coldish at night, I just folded it up an slipped it in my back pocket. 

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48 minutes ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:


Are you talking about a day bag?


For a day bag, I love a backpack. Got myself a foldup one so that once I'd finished my beers and rum and it got coldish at night, I just folded it up an slipped it in my back pocket. 

Sorry, should’ve been more specific. It’s a big backpack to carry clothes etc onto site

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3 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Main thing I'd look out for is whether it's a top-loader bag or a side-loader.  If someone's living out it for a while on the road a bag you can lay flat and open to see and sort all your stuff is worth it's weight in gold vs one where you pack it bottom up and can only see the top layer.


Yes - I've very much moved away from the "traditional" top loading rucksacks, and more towards a hybrid design that also functions as a duffle bag / holdall. If I was buying a new one for myself, today, it'd probably be this one from Decathlon.


Although the size of that may be too large for the question - something that big works well for festivals but may be too big for lugging around Europe.

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2 minutes ago, incident said:


Yes - I've very much moved away from the "traditional" top loading rucksacks, and more towards a hybrid design that also functions as a duffle bag / holdall. If I was buying a new one for myself, today, it'd probably be this one from Decathlon.


Although the size of that may be too large for the question - something that big works well for festivals but may be too big for lugging around Europe.

+1 to this.

If I was to buy another backpack, I'd be doing the same. Top loading - particularly in a dark tent at a festival - can be a right pain.

That decathlon one looks great.

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It's probably long discontinued, but I picked up a Berghaus side-loader with a detachable day-bag and zip-away straps for £25 about 20 years ago in TK Maxx that's about the best investment I've ever made.


Seen me through some hard yards and then some - and will be making its umpteenth visit to Worthy Farm in 6 weeks.

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11 minutes ago, incident said:


Yes - I've very much moved away from the "traditional" top loading rucksacks, and more towards a hybrid design that also functions as a duffle bag / holdall. If I was buying a new one for myself, today, it'd probably be this one from Decathlon.


Although the size of that may be too large for the question - something that big works well for festivals but may be too big for lugging around Europe.

Yes, unless the interrailing is also going to include camping I'd recommend something much smaller (50L max, but the smaller you go, the smugger you'll be 😂). But might be pushing it to get the ideal bag for fests and the ideal bag for travel for £100 so will have to compromise somewhere.


Osprey tend to be good quality, but can be a bit pricey.

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17 hours ago, Nice hymer said:

Osprey Renn at Gooutdoors. £99.

65L perfect for Glastonbury and inter-railing.

Top and bottom loading, good support, rain cover, snack pockets etc but it is lacking a front pocket if that's important to you?

Be aware that the Renn is designed for women, so might not fit quite right if you're a bloke.

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16 hours ago, incident said:


Yes - I've very much moved away from the "traditional" top loading rucksacks, and more towards a hybrid design that also functions as a duffle bag / holdall. If I was buying a new one for myself, today, it'd probably be this one from Decathlon.


Although the size of that may be too large for the question - something that big works well for festivals but may be too big for lugging around Europe.


I don't think this is really suitable for carrying long distances on your back as it doesn't appear to have a proper adjustable waist strap.  You need this to take the weight off your shoulders - otherwise it can cause back and neck problems.

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