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Got any tipi tip-is? ⛺️


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12 minutes ago, Drinky said:

The location and feeling like a part of the festival is the draw really - being able to stand up inside is very nice too! The biggest downside is in wet years they do let a bit of rain in, although you can adjust the rain catcher to mitigate it. Also the toilets were arguably worse than the ones 2 mins away outside in Pennards after about day 2.

Yes - always just go to Pennards

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1 hour ago, Drinky said:

They’re surprisingly basic - every year I’ve been, I’ve overheard people on the Wednesday and Thursday expecting a glamping experience who are surprised that it really is just a tall canvas tent with bamboo matting and a hole in the top.


The location and feeling like a part of the festival is the draw really - being able to stand up inside is very nice too! The biggest downside is in wet years they do let a bit of rain in, although you can adjust the rain catcher to mitigate it. Also the toilets were arguably worse than the ones 2 mins away outside in Pennards after about day 2.

Ah thanks for the detailed response. 

As you say they've got plenty of positives, but also I'm at an age where those negatives would put me off 🙂 

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We stayed in the tipis a few years and loved it, especially the location and the showers.  

We had a bit of rain in one year but told reception and they came and adjusted the tipi hat thing and all was well.

We always fitted 6 people in, single airbeds around the edges with loads of space in the middle.  

Would definitely do it again, I thought they were nearly impossible to bag these days so hadn’t considered it.  

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Our group did the tipis this year and am now happy to report are doing them again next year (we had the direct link to the tipi sale 30 minutes before thanks to SeeTickets publishing the sales page early, then pulling it. using that link we were all in i think about a minute before the on sale time).

All the previous reviews summarized it pretty well. The biggest draw for us is having something with some security/fence and a camping structure inside the festival fence and a good location as well. A corner of the area has an OK view and sound of the Park stage which was handy for Wet Leg and I assume Jack White. Also a great spot for the fireworks/phoenix burning.

With coach tickets it's quite the hike in and out from Gate A.

For showers half my group (including me) bought the Lost Horizons sauna pass and used that shower instead (which is right next door - but also just because it was a cool place to hang out). My one shower was at Lost Horizons.

There was a cafe that served OK coffee/breakfast and a hangout tent that we used a surprising amount.

Neighbors were friendly, had a few conversations. I would say it was quieter, no crazy parties around us — probably an older average age than the rest of the festival which worked for us (who are older).

Area always felt secure. You can bring in guests but there is security checking you for wristbands to get in the area. But for really important stuff we still used lockups just in case.

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That’s right. The tipi is yours and anyone you want to stay there (up to five people) will check in under your name and get wristbanded. You can also bring in guests, but they don’t have in-out privileges - good if you have friends camped elsewhere who want to use the showers or check out your tipi.

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  • 6 months later...
6 hours ago, sophiemarie said:

In my opinion, the tipis weren’t worth the price this year. What do you think @TJGthree @assorted?

I didn’t notice any difference from last year. If anything the bathrooms were better (doors kept getting stuck and then torn off the hinges late night last year). I never use the showers so can’t comment but my partner did and while she wasn’t thrilled with hot water going out midway through the fest she still was happy to shower daily. There were people monitoring the charging plugs which was nice versus last year when it was a free for all. 

We pay for the tipis for the pre-assigned location and the security. There’s really no other option for us inside the fence unless we could get hospitality tickets and even then hospitality has far worse location. 

I mean it’s not glamping - you have to bring in your bedding and everything else just like general camping. And the trip from gate A if you take the coach is brutal. I wrote the fest asking they let us enter through worthy view in future years and I hope they consider it so we can either worthy view park or shuttle bus up there and then hike down… that hike in is brutal and we got caught in that 15 minutes of rain no less!

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It’s still my favourite place to camp, the location, the relative quiet, showers and I just really like tipis… I think we’d be trying for them next year but we’re likely going to be a group of 7 (if we all get tickets)… don’t think there’s a way to make that work. 

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The fact there was no hot water from like.. Friday? really pissed me off. Mainly because it felt like nothing was done to fix it. There should be some motivation to fix it for people who paid 1500 pounds.. i went to complain and their way of communicating it was trying to shift blame elsewhere as outsourced contractors have not done their job. If they could not fix it with 3 days that means it was not taken seriously enough..

oh and coyote moon had signs “we are open on Monday to serve breakfast”. On Monday it was closed and the sign was taken off. 😄 

I’m sounding too negative so have to confirm that otherwise great as always (had it for a second year in a row). As others have said the location, extra security,  generally cleaner toilets and showers(…) are well worth it. As not from UK i don’t have to carry my tent + can arrive later on Wednesday, making it much relaxed for international travel. 

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First year in Tipis for us. We had 6 blokes sharing one and it wasn't as horrific as that sounds (we all had our eye masks and ear plugs for when we did finally want to duck out of the party for a few hours). Loved then location, the fire and the community it fostered. The water going cold in the showers was mildly annoying, but then again it was so hot this year it was also quite refreshing. Between 6 of us it was quite affordable, we'd do it again if we are fortunate enough to have success on ticket and accommodation day.

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22 hours ago, Mr. B said:

Any tips on getting the tipis? Try and fail every year...

2 years ago it was luck - just 6 of us trying and one of us got through and got 1.

Last year our group of 12 trying - my memory isn’t 100% but I think the accommodation website sale went “live” about an hour or 2 before the actual sale. Nothing was actually sold in that moment, but the *link* to the sale page was revealed. One of us happened to catch it and spread that link to the rest of our group. (I believe it was caught on efestivals as well and spread here).

Our group was refreshing that link instead of the outer page link in the minutes leading up to the sale and that link went *live* a minute or 2 before the outer page went live. Our group had 3 tipis before the sale had even started. 

So my advice is just like tickets - work with a team of as many as possible and get everyone to show up on day of sale and keep an eye on places like here or discord for any possible slip ups like that that can give obsessives like us an edge. Good luck!

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22 hours ago, clarkete said:

Errr...so you knew it was open?

As i was leaving with all my bags, yeah, as that’s where the exit was. 😞 but i couldn’t bother with all my stuff anymore. 

doesn’t change the fact that the only sign they removed from tipi-side was breakfast on monday morning, all the rest were still there 😄 i’m guessing they at least intended to keep both open at one point. But oh well it’s such a random issue that i shouldn’t even be complaining about it in a forum. 


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57 minutes ago, eyebrain said:

As i was leaving with all my bags, yeah, as that’s where the exit was. 😞 but i couldn’t bother with all my stuff anymore. 

Ah I was 50/50 between confused/being a smart @rse, thanks for clearing that up. 

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  • 10 months later...

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