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Anyone had a Glastonbury dream yet?


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I wish I was having Glastonbury dreams. My dream last night involved my neighbour using my wheelie bin and in my absolute horror at his cheek, I stormed out and tipped his rubbish in his wheelie bin.

No idea where that came from and I've never been protective over my bin so I woke up baffled.

A Glastonbury dream would be considerably better.

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Had an odd one where the entrance was like the check-in to an airport. There was also a sainsburys in The Park, to which I responded "How did these corporate bastards get in here?" or something like that. Then just remember walking round the site questioning how Alt-J were so high up the lineup.

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I always have dreams of missing the best bands !! It's fucking tragic, like I've arrived too late on Friday or spent too long doing things other than watching bands.

Also I had a dream that the Pyramid was bigger than it is now, like massive! And that the other stages revolved around it and I think bird were plying through it.

I had a dream that the line-up was announced when we arrived and that there was like some cool black/thrash metal area and that there were some pretty heavy acts on big stages, but like one night had Motorhead headlining or something.

Glasto dreams are pretty good on the whole, until one wakes up that is, then you realise you've got school or work.

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I have a recurring dream on the run up to the festival where I get there and it takes ages to set up, like days to set up. Then when I'm ready it's the friday and I go to watch one band who get cancelled, then I leave the tent and everyone's going home.

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I had a dream the other night that my friend had actually forgot to pay off my ticket (we did it all through one person). I had to accept that I wasn't going to glastonbury.

It was really sad.

Then I woke up and remembered I was seeing Patti Smith in a couple of months and I felt a lot better

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That efestivals turns into a nice place and people stop being so obsessed and angry over 1 headliner.

Bring back the build up which involves excitement and not anger

It was a lovely dream

Fucking pipe dream.

You may as well wish that football was good again.

Edited by Vanderlyle
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Only ever had one Glastonbury dream and that was last night.. I had a dream that I worked at my previous job and as in real life, they decided to dismiss me after a awful boat of illness.. on route to Glastonbury, the coach I was on was attacked by what only can be described as Calvin Harris type aliens... (no, it wasn't pleasant!) they took some people from there seating pods (must have been in the future, because this coach was like no coach I have ever seen, everyone had their own individual seating pod, with TV and endless supply of Pepsi!). I was one of the people taken from my pod.

They placed us in a cage in a field right outside the festival, used mind tricks to make everyone hear what they wanted to be watching at the festival. The festival ended, the cage disappeared...

I was awoken this morning by the radio alarm clock playing Calvin Harris!!!!


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I've had the dream where I get there and forgot to take my tent also, thankfully never had a Calvin Harris dream.

I often find myself at Glastonbury when dreaming, just wandering from somewhere everyday when I realise I'm at some location at the festival and am confused as it's the wrong time of year...I just sort of roll with it and have a good time until I find myself somewhere else and then can't understand where Glastonbury went. I like these dreams as they often follow the path of lovely sunny walks through the festival I have enjoyed in the past (although it's always raining by the bogs by undleground).

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Had one the other night.... We hire our camper van for Glastonbury and dreamt that it had been involved in crash with people that hired it before us which meant we couldn't. I then decided that I didn't want to camp in the general areas so I got in touch with the Eavii (goodness knows how) and they let us camp on their front lawn. Weird

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