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phillyfaddle last won the day on March 31 2020

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  1. We got wristbanded in the assisted car park, then entered the site through the Gate A re-entry lane around 10:30 on Wed morning. Very glam girl in front of us (tight red dress and not much else) tried to get in with a Pop-Up Motel crew wristband, was politely refused. Then almost immediately at the other side of the barrier at the general entry lane two lads tried to run it. The faster one almost got away before being rugby-tackled to the ground (to loud cheers). His slower mate got blocked and moaned in a broad Scouse accent “Warrami gonna do…I’m from Liverpool?!!”. It was politely explained to him that he had a fake ticket, so it was kind of his problem. Got to admire the chutzpah 😁 I felt a bit nostalgic. Meanwhile someone I know got in later in the weekend on a swapped crew wristband…🤫 Understand 12 people were seen climbing over the fence using a ladder near Strummerville and were ignored by the old skool crew.
  2. I liked the mini guide and the pouch on a lanyard. Also a handy place to store your festival ticket, in case of a booze run to the car. Kept all my mini guides and marked the acts I’d seen. Meeeeemmmmmrrrrriiiiieeeessss……🎤
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed Kneecap at Woodsies. A riot.
  4. It is much diminished. Always used to feel like a microcosm of Glastonbury town, its characters and shops. Didn’t see any band at Avalon this year, which is unusual.
  5. Haven’t made one since 2015, so will try to make it this year as they’re great fun. Can confirm every eFester is really friendly, so no need to be nervous people.
  6. 👍 I’m also bringing wellies - to leave in the car as they won’t be needed. Clearly.
  7. Half day tomorrow then OFF and heading down A303 to a B&B near Yeovil.
  8. Thanks 🙏 I drank loads of fresh thyme tea (sweetened with honey) after a friend who’s an ex-medical herbalist recommended it. That really helped. Said-friend is a nuclear scientist, so it’s not some new-age woo woo tip - it really works, but you do have to drink quite a lot of it, as the effect is cumulative.
  9. Had it over half term. Worst is over in 2-3 days, but be prepared for the throaty tickly cough to linger…for weeks in my case. Will say it’s EVERYWHERE. Son came down with it Wednesday. Feeling brighter today.
  10. Too technical for me 🙃
  11. Which set would you go for? Park, Arcadia…?
  12. Saw Dua Lipa when she played JP in 2017. Her performance was good, she looked stunning, but her music didn’t connect with me at all. Boring beyond 🥱 I needed a strong dose of Korean techno to rebalance 😂
  13. Fair point. I’ll be at LCD, but will prob head to Idles.
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