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T in The Park 2015


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What made the festival big though? TITP started up in the Britpop era when quality guitar bands were aplenty. I suppose times change but I think it's gone too far towards pleasing the youth. The edm dj music has no soul. Look at any video for avicii or Guetta and its all 'look at all these fans loving my music' it's all pretty tiresome. Maybe I'm just getting too old. I think there should always be a percentage of the music is different genres but it should be predominantly rock n roll

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Just some proper rock would be nice. And a proper festival vibe. It used to have that. It doesn't now. I remember going in and seeing teh parsonage choir open the main stage. They had a bigger crowd than beady eye did headlining r1. So did Eddie Grant. The media is full of people gushing about the Who and how great they were at Glastonbury compared to that c**t who thinks he's a rock star but would fail an X factor audition. T used to go out on a limb and book big acts like them and similar. Now it's a risky booking if it isn't Calvin Harris. You used to be able to walk between stages and be treated to mini shows of street dancers, african singers, bongo drums etc A real eclectic mix of cultures. Slowly but surely that has been eroded away until everything is just commercial pish. The ceilidh tent used to be mental to visit during the day. There was no better way to set up your evening. People used to come just for that. Build it and they will come. They built it, they came. Accountants made spreadsheets and chopped things to streamline efficiency. not so many came. If they built it again people would come back and you whipper snappers would actually see that the festival you defend now is barren and devoid of anything bar extortion methods. HAVING SAID THAT, I'd still go back in an instant if they put on just a few decent bands. Anyways, did I mention to go see Tijuana Bibles on saturday?

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But then there's thousands who have been going for years buzzing to see Libs like me. It's all relative - just because some people comment doesn't mean everyone does. 


Great last post Devilman - Totally agree. The cut down of the slam, getting rid of pet sounds, afterburner etc. etc. has all been very noticeable and the vibe/experience isn't the same anymore - but thankfully i like a lot of this 'EDM pish' and also bands like Libertines & Vaccines so i get away with it more than others.  


I honestly think next years line-up will be a much higher standard than this - but that obviously doesn't help those who would like to go this year. 

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Just some proper rock would be nice. And a proper festival vibe. It used to have that. It doesn't now. I remember going in and seeing teh parsonage choir open the main stage. They had a bigger crowd than beady eye did headlining r1. So did Eddie Grant. The media is full of people gushing about the Who and how great they were at Glastonbury compared to that c**t who thinks he's a rock star but would fail an X factor audition. T used to go out on a limb and book big acts like them and similar. Now it's a risky booking if it isn't Calvin Harris. You used to be able to walk between stages and be treated to mini shows of street dancers, african singers, bongo drums etc A real eclectic mix of cultures. Slowly but surely that has been eroded away until everything is just commercial pish. The ceilidh tent used to be mental to visit during the day. There was no better way to set up your evening. People used to come just for that. Build it and they will come. They built it, they came. Accountants made spreadsheets and chopped things to streamline efficiency. not so many came. If they built it again people would come back and you whipper snappers would actually see that the festival you defend now is barren and devoid of anything bar extortion methods. HAVING SAID THAT, I'd still go back in an instant if they put on just a few decent bands. Anyways, did I mention to go see Tijuana Bibles on saturday?


2.30 on the Sat ;) 

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But then there's thousands who have been going for years buzzing to see Libs like me. It's all relative - just because some people comment doesn't mean everyone does. 


Great last post Devilman - Totally agree. The cut down of the slam, getting rid of pet sounds, afterburner etc. etc. has all been very noticeable and the vibe/experience isn't the same anymore - but thankfully i like a lot of this 'EDM pish' and also bands like Libertines & Vaccines so i get away with it more than others.  


I honestly think next years line-up will be a much higher standard than this - but that obviously doesn't help those who would like to go this year. 


I totally agree with both you and Devilman, but when they look on social media and see backlash for booking someone like Libertines then it's not exactly going to inspire them to book more like it.

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Only because it's become custom to book Calvin Harris and the like. The Libs were a good booking although their set at Glasto was a bit ropey. If the soshul meeja dudes want their own fest with Cal and his edm MTV dance mates let them have it. TITP should remember it's roots. AlexTurner was right 10 years ago when he said the thing about new music only being there for ring tones

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Also, I agree with the line-up being shite but it's mostly because of the state of chart music etc and the over commercialism of everything in the industry which isn't going to change anytime soon, it's just going to get worse.

If I was running a music festival it wouldn't make a difference to me packing out a main stage of 40,000 30+'s or 40,000 teenagers. There are plenty of other music festivals to go to as most people know so to me I don't see the problem. T in the parks lineup used to be great year in/out its not anymore so go elsewhere.

Having a 'good' lineup is subjective to taste and we can all agree that t is in a decline for those who have went for numerous years but from a business perspective they are marketing to the people that I assume buy the most tickets.

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Also, I agree with the line-up being shite but it's mostly because of the state of chart music etc and the over commercialism of everything in the industry which isn't going to change anytime soon, it's just going to get worse.

If I was running a music festival it wouldn't make a difference to me packing out a main stage of 40,000 30+'s or 40,000 teenagers. There are plenty of other music festivals to go to as most people know so to me I don't see the problem. T in the parks lineup used to be great year in/out its not anymore so go elsewhere.

Having a 'good' lineup is subjective to taste and we can all agree that t is in a decline for those who have went for numerous years but from a business perspective they are marketing to the people that I assume buy the most tickets.

The award for most sensible post goes to you good sir.

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Hey, I've not been really keeping up to date with this due to being at a few festivals around Europe.

T had really creeped up on me and now having my shifts can anyone point me in the direction of an updated clashfinder if anyone has made one?



This is the closest to A Clashfinder as you'll get, since T don't release stage times until you buy a Lanyard there

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Silver lining, the current state of music doesn't seem to have diminished the Glastonbury Festival any. Is that because the Eavis' run Glasto for their love of music rather than love of the green stuff? Surely TITP was started as a music festival for people who loved music. If DF are pitching at the young 'uns they aren't doing very well as the festival hasn't sold out

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Silver lining, the current state of music doesn't seem to have diminished the Glastonbury Festival any. Is that because the Eavis' run Glasto for their love of music rather than love of the green stuff? Surely TITP was started as a music festival for people who loved music. If DF are pitching at the young 'uns they aren't doing very well as the festival hasn't sold out

Very few festivals sell out its hardly a t in the park issue.

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