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I am going to be a Daddy just before Glasto - to go or not to go?

Guest beermonster_c

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it's that IF the mother is happy that is part of the issue, isn't it?

I can imagine loads of situations where the mother would be happier if the partenr wasn't there.

.... and if that was the case for me, I'd be concerned about my relationship with my partner

Edited by russycarps
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Well Im with the keep the ticket and see how the birth pans out crew.

IF the baby is born 2 weeks before the festival, and IF everything is ok health wise for both baby & mother,AND mother is ok going to her parents, then i really dont see the issue. Fair enough if baby pops out 2 days before, then hell no, stay home !!

Im ready for the barrage of abuse, but to me it seemed every day for the first 3 months was almost like groundhog day...Sleep, poop, feed, scream, poop, sleep, feed, sleep, scream, poop :-)

The really interesting days come after 3 months, although of course the first few days are very special..

So if mother is happy for you to go, then to my mind you really dont miss anything.There are no real developments in the second week of a babys life as far as i was concerned....In my day we didnt have paternity leave like we do now, and if I was ever to have another baby i can tell you for nothing that id have a week off at birth to be home, and then another week later in the year when you could enjoy the time and savour your babys developments.

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Having gone through this entire process over the last 3 weeks unless your wife has 24hr support from a parent or sibling she will need you. Despite anything she says. The "bonding" aspect with your baby is a secondary matter. The primary issue is that you will be needed to help your wife.

Also there is zero guarantee when the baby will arrive or how long the labour will last or what procedures your wife will need to safely deliver the child. If she has a section for example I would personally deck you out for leaving her to go to a fest.

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Having gone through this entire process over the last 3 weeks unless your wife has 24hr support from a parent or sibling she will need you. Despite anything she says. The "bonding" aspect with your baby is a secondary matter. The primary issue is that you will be needed to help your wife.

Also there is zero guarantee when the baby will arrive or how long the labour will last or what procedures your wife will need to safely deliver the child. If she has a section for example I would personally deck you out for leaving her to go to a fest.

Edited by stuartbert two hats
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Good points from Wooderson. A c-section would mean your wife could be in pain for weeks afterwards. Aside from all the "what ifs" the birth entails, it's one of the toughest times in anyone's lives. It can be a real struggle to get through those first few months as a couple, let alone one parent managing.

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I think the "Don't Gos" have it. The arrival of your children will remain amongst the most memorable moments of your life. Clear the decks of all other commitments to be available to help in whatever way is needed. Come the time you'll not want to be anywhere else anyway.

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To those overing constructive input for and against, again thanks. I have purposely not commented too much on this thread so as not to overly influence what is said.

I'll reiterate, any health issues or delay in the baby arriving will of course mean I will not go, I'm not a completely irresponsible twat and there is no way I am missing the birth of my first child.

Further more should I go, my wife will have a very strong support network around her of parents, 4 siblings and grandmother, so have every confidence she will be in great hands.

To those questioning my wife's thinking, mental reasoning and or testing me, I can assure you my wife is perfectly capable of making up her own mind and expressing herself. Furthermore we do not play those kind of games, we are both responsible adults and don't bullshit one another in this manner.

Finally, to those questioning the strength of relationship with my wife, quite frankly how dare you and you can fuck off.

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To those overing constructive input for and against, again thanks. I have purposely not commented too much on this thread so as not to overly influence what is said.

I'll reiterate, any health issues or delay in the baby arriving will of course mean I will not go, I'm not a completely irresponsible twat and there is no way I am missing the birth of my first child.

Further more should I go, my wife will have a very strong support network around her of parents, 4 siblings and grandmother, so have every confidence she will be in great hands.

To those questioning my wife's thinking, mental reasoning and or testing me, I can assure you my wife is perfectly capable of making up her own mind and expressing herself. Furthermore we do not play those kind of games, we are both responsible adults and don't bullshit one another in this manner.

Finally, to those questioning the strength of relationship with my wife, quite frankly how dare you and you can fuck off.

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Well you're getting pretty deep there....

my point is just simply that if he leaves his 2 week old baby for 3 days, he wont be missing any life-altering moments of it's life.

questions about his relationship I dont want to get involved with....

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You only get one chance at spending those couple of weeks with your newborn. They change a lot when they are younger. My guess is the decision will be very easy for you when the time comes. You won't need your wife to help you out or guilt trip you. (I am not sure who these women are who do that, but I find it odd).

Enjoy being a Dad and spending those moments with your partner. Glastonbury can wait for another year..

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To those overing constructive input for and against, again thanks. I have purposely not commented too much on this thread so as not to overly influence what is said.

I'll reiterate, any health issues or delay in the baby arriving will of course mean I will not go, I'm not a completely irresponsible twat and there is no way I am missing the birth of my first child.

Further more should I go, my wife will have a very strong support network around her of parents, 4 siblings and grandmother, so have every confidence she will be in great hands.

To those questioning my wife's thinking, mental reasoning and or testing me, I can assure you my wife is perfectly capable of making up her own mind and expressing herself. Furthermore we do not play those kind of games, we are both responsible adults and don't bullshit one another in this manner.

Finally, to those questioning the strength of relationship with my wife, quite frankly how dare you and you can fuck off.

Edited by tonyblair
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Rather than make assumption may be worth re-reading the question. I have not asked what to do at the birth, as that is the only place on earth I shall be when that happens.

You will also note that I have not got huffy with many other comments, questions or opinions stated in this thread, regardless of which side of the debate they sat.

I have got huffy with comments regarding the strength / commitment / meaningfulness of my marriage. Simply because that is bang out of order. I think you'll find a connection there!

I'm not getting into an argument about this and this shall be my final response to such complete and utter bollocks of an assumption since I have far too busy a life to waste time playing internet argument tennis and shall stand by my original response.

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Rather than make assumption may be worth re-reading the question. I have not asked what to do at the birth, as that is the only place on earth I shall be when that happens.

You will also note that I have not got huffy with many other comments, questions or opinions stated in this thread, regardless of which side of the debate they sat.

I have got huffy with comments regarding the strength / commitment / meaningfulness of my marriage. Simply because that is bang out of order. I think you'll find a connection there!

I'm not getting into an argument about this and this shall be my final response to such complete and utter bollocks of an assumption since I have far too busy a life to waste time playing internet argument tennis and shall stand by my original response.

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