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Anyone caught a tent robber?

Guest brandycoke

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Back in 1999 whilst camping in Pennards the guy in the tent next to me caught someone rifling through stuff in his tent so he decked him and sat on him until the police arrived. The police took him away and returned some time later to provide an update on the thief. On the way to the nick, he bit one of the policemen and in return received a kicking from the boys in blue. They locked him in a cell and the guy covered himself and the cell in his own Sh*t!!

On a separate note, a mate of mine returned to our campsite early one morning after sleeping the night in someone else’s tent. He'd been a bit worse for wear and mistook someone else tent for his own. Luckily the occupants didn't return that night but I can imagine a Goldilocks moment when they returned

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i have never been to glasto, but have been to quite a few festivals in the U,K, and Ireland. One i went to in particular In Ireland was madness for theft among other things.

I just simply arrived and poured my clothes out of my bag and left an empty bag.

Reasoning being i there is nothing in it why steal it, most thieves will steal a bag and search it later.

And it worked a few round me had there bags stole and mine was left, although there was evidence to say someone had had a look.

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i have never been to glasto, but have been to quite a few festivals in the U,K, and Ireland. One i went to in particular In Ireland was madness for theft among other things.

I just simply arrived and poured my clothes out of my bag and left an empty bag.

Reasoning being i there is nothing in it why steal it, most thieves will steal a bag and search it later.

And it worked a few round me had there bags stole and mine was left, although there was evidence to say someone had had a look.

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I think the messy tent with no obvious quick target is a sensible one in terms of theft, not so good in other ways.

I allways leave my sleeping bag open when I leave, mainly so it can air a bit but I suspose that it would also mean that no shit bag is going to grab it to see whats in it later.

By the way I suggested to my other half that we try the "messy tent " anti burgular technique at home and she suggested that my whole life had been one long crime prevention project!

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Not a tent robber but a mugger.

At Castlemoreton in '92 loads of bus/truck dwellers were getting mugged and their wares and cash stolen. There were no police at all on site and the victims obviously wouldn't have reported the crime even if there had been.

Then the mugger tried it again and got collared by a posse.

He was then taken into a truck, filled with various chemicals and then given a very stern talking to by an assortment of strange/angry/scary people.

He was then led around the site with a noose around his neck followed by a baying mob all chanting "Hang the mugger"

Somehow his car was found, a black BMW, which was then totally trashed. The mugger was then stripped to his underpants and run off site. He did not appear to enjoy the experience.

I sometimes wonder if he mugged anyone again.

Edited by jamesontheverge
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Not a tent robber but a mugger.

At Castlemoreton in '92 loads of bus/truck dwellers were getting mugged and their wares and cash stolen. There were no police at all on site and the victims obviously wouldn't have reported the crime even if there had been.

Then the mugger tried it again and got collared by a posse.

He was then taken into a truck, filled with various chemicals and then given a very stern talking to by an assortment of strange/angry/scary people.

He was then led around the site with a noose around his neck followed by a baying mob all chanting "Hang the mugger"

Somehow his car was found, a black BMW, which was then totally trashed. The mugger was then stripped to his underpants and run off site. He did not appear to enjoy the experience.

I sometimes wonder if he mugged anyone again.

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Not a tent robber but a mugger.

At Castlemoreton in '92 loads of bus/truck dwellers were getting mugged and their wares and cash stolen. There were no police at all on site and the victims obviously wouldn't have reported the crime even if there had been.

Then the mugger tried it again and got collared by a posse.

He was then taken into a truck, filled with various chemicals and then given a very stern talking to by an assortment of strange/angry/scary people.

He was then led around the site with a noose around his neck followed by a baying mob all chanting "Hang the mugger"

Somehow his car was found, a black BMW, which was then totally trashed. The mugger was then stripped to his underpants and run off site. He did not appear to enjoy the experience.

I sometimes wonder if he mugged anyone again.

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Someone got into my tent this year and stole money from my wallet that was in my jeans pocket. I was sleeping off a lot of alcohol but can recall a feeling that someone was in my tent during the night, but convinced myself that they must have been outside the tent!

Incidentally I know someone of a very dubious nature (I won't reveal how). He stated that he managed to get in free this year but forming a group of 30 likeminded individuals and charging the gates late at night when it was quiet. I think about 20 of them got through as well! Bastxxds, it was probably him who robbed my tent!

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Not a tent robber but a mugger.

At Castlemoreton in '92 loads of bus/truck dwellers were getting mugged and their wares and cash stolen. There were no police at all on site and the victims obviously wouldn't have reported the crime even if there had been.

Then the mugger tried it again and got collared by a posse.

He was then taken into a truck, filled with various chemicals and then given a very stern talking to by an assortment of strange/angry/scary people.

He was then led around the site with a noose around his neck followed by a baying mob all chanting "Hang the mugger"

Somehow his car was found, a black BMW, which was then totally trashed. The mugger was then stripped to his underpants and run off site. He did not appear to enjoy the experience.

I sometimes wonder if he mugged anyone again.

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Someone got into my tent this year and stole money from my wallet that was in my jeans pocket. I was sleeping off a lot of alcohol but can recall a feeling that someone was in my tent during the night, but convinced myself that they must have been outside the tent!

Incidentally I know someone of a very dubious nature (I won't reveal how). He stated that he managed to get in free this year but forming a group of 30 likeminded individuals and charging the gates late at night when it was quiet. I think about 20 of them got through as well! Bastxxds, it was probably him who robbed my tent!

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At boomtown this year myself and 2 friends in our 2 man pop up tent (very cramped!). 2 of us were fast asleep and the other was just drifting off when a bloke unzipped our tent and shined a light in- she told him to fuck off which he did but unfortunately their bags had been at the bottom of our tent (mine was in my sleeping bag as I'd heard there was a lot of tent thieving at sgp). All it takes is one second... their money was taken and it was pretty much the worst way to start off a festival... All in all about 2grand got taken from them and the tents around us and security told us it was the same everywhere. Same thing happened this year at bestival too (with the torch) but luckily I got rid of the bloke before he had a chance to take anything!

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