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Entry Gates and Camping fields?

Guest glastouser

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Hi all..

I was wondering if any of you can help me with this one.

Last year, along with many thousand other poor folk, I was stuck in the dredded "gate D" queue and i think it's fair to say it was a joke!

Now i'm sure/hopeful that something will of been done this year to rectify the situation at this years festival but i was wondering if there was any way of avoiding it altogether and arrive at a different gate?

I will be coming from the Manchester way and every year i have been, apart from the two years i went on the coach, i have been directed in to gate D. Is it possible to maybe go further south and come in from the south? or would road restrictions stop me?

Also, I have camped in both kidney mead and oxylers over the years and regard these 2 as the best ones for my liking. But which gate is preferable for each campsite? and which camp do you all think will fill up quicker?

I would of always said kidney mead will fill up quicker but im not so sure what effect the new location of the Arcadia stage will have on the popularity of oxylers.

what is your opinions?

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There will always be queues when 100,000 people are trying to get through a limited number of turnstiles at a limited number of gates (and I appreciate that that doesn't make it any less annoying at the time). What happened one year is no garuntee of what will happen another year (and that comes from having experienced all the diffrent gates at diffrent points over 10 years).

There is no magical way to avoid queues on the Wednesday, however the only real way is to ask the stewards if they have any info, sometimes this works (in 2011 we where told that the closest gate [A] had huge queues but there where none at gate D and this was true) however sometimes it doesn't (in 2010 the car park stewards didn't even know there where any gates other than the closest one)

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I feel tight, but I never want to offer any tips on these sorts of threads! I just worry that if someone says "gate F has the shortest queues" then everyone in Internet land will end up going to gate F and it will be rammed. Same with campsite recommendations and arrival times.

It's a real worry that you'll be queuing for hours and will miss out on your preferred spot but I don't know if these threads can help you out that much as there may be a lot if people reading them and they may all heed the same advice.

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if you're coming from the north west and want to end up at a different gate, my best advice would be to use a map. the fine guide map shows you where the east car parks are, and google maps is good for planning a route. whether this has any effect on queues, i think that depends on what time you arrive. the later you leave it, the smaller the queue.

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I feel tight, but I never want to offer any tips on these sorts of threads! I just worry that if someone says "gate F has the shortest queues" then everyone in Internet land will end up going to gate F and it will be rammed. Same with campsite recommendations and arrival times.

It's a real worry that you'll be queuing for hours and will miss out on your preferred spot but I don't know if these threads can help you out that much as there may be a lot if people reading them and they may all heed the same advice.

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gate A is where those from the coaches are generally directed to go so it can be busy. i've never gone in that way so i wonder if it's a slightly bigger gate - as in more ticket/wristband points, anyone know? from what i read on here, in the year of the monster gate d queue, gate a was flowing comparitively freely. (source: neil)

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gate A is where those from the coaches are generally directed to go so it can be busy. i've never gone in that way so i wonder if it's a slightly bigger gate - as in more ticket/wristband points, anyone know? from what i read on here, in the year of the monster gate d queue, gate a was flowing comparitively freely. (source: neil)

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I'm heading from Manchester and am going to be aiming for gate B, and hopefully camping in Row mead, and hopefully aiming to park in on of the purple car parks... a good thing to do is use the glasto earth map, they show you the routes to aim for and colour codes the route into the site,

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