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Advice for a Glastonbury virgin

Guest Pilton1988

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So baisicly what I want to know, is the toilet situation as bad as everyone makes out!? My friends went to Reading a few years ago and apparently there is a supermarket pretty near that was ideal, however im guessing no such luxury in Pilton! Any tips or just grin and bear it!?

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From the official site:

There are more that 700 metres of urinals dotted around the site - including the famous 'she-pee' urinals for women - and a total of 3,225 toilets for public use. Facilities have improved considerably over the last few years and the Festival employs 146 on-site loo cleaners who ensure the toilets are cleaned at least once a day. Each toilet block also has handwashing faclities - please use them.

There are two main types of loos in use - the tardis-style portable toilets, and the 'long drop' toilets. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The portable toilets - all 1,750 of them! - are self-contained flushing chemical toilets, often with a sink. The 'long drop' toilets are open stalls positioned above a large pit. The stall gates don't lock, so it's advised to look under the gate for feet before entering a stall.

Additionally, there are a small number of trailer-mounted flushing toilets available for those who just can't do without the real thing! In the Sacred Space there are also the Water Aid latrine-style composting toilets. Users are expected to clean them themselves after use, meaning that these loos are always spotless - and consequently popular.

Please leave all toilets as you'd wish to find them, and consider others. Toilet rolls are available free of charge from Property Lockups and from Information Points.

Please do not pee in the hedges, ditches or streams on the Festival site. The urine runs-off into the waterways and causes terrible pollution which endangers not only the local wildlife, but also the future of Glastonbury Festival. The Festival has already been prosecuted and environmental issues remain the biggest threat to the continuation of the Festival.

Edited by p.pete
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So baisicly what I want to know, is the toilet situation as bad as everyone makes out!? My friends went to Reading a few years ago and apparently there is a supermarket pretty near that was ideal, however im guessing no such luxury in Pilton! Any tips or just grin and bear it!?

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Its not the same as going at home, but i've been to clubs and pubs which are just as bad if not worse than festivals nowadays. There's a big difference to years ago when it was portaloos which never got emptied and when what was in the toilet was higher than the seat. It's still got the reputation but they're generally not that bad.

Edited by Becoming a veteran
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The toilets last year were great, really well looked after and seemed to be emptied more often (I think due to a new sewage storage system they started last year).

If it's a real worry go for the flushing ones but personally I think the long drops are fine, especially the ones where the tanks are dug into the ground.

Relax, you'll be fine.

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After experiencing several other festivals our first trip to Glastonbury last year was a massive change! They are the cleanest toilets I've seen at a festival thanks in no part to the army of workers, I wouldn't be worried.

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Toilets are fine - ok, not quite like at home, but on the whole it is totally bearable. I always use the portaloos - they get cleaned regularly. Just have a small bottle of anti-septc with you and toilet paper.

Considering the heat last summer it was the best year yet for cleanliness. You will be fine!

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The toilets seem to be getting better year by year. They are getting emptied pretty regularly. Try and avoid the portaloos, they stink, especially in the heat that we're bound to get this year <_< . The long drops are the best option. If you are in need of a guaranteed clean loo, there are some run by wateraid at the bottom of the stone circle field. You have to crouch continental style, but they are extremely clean.

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There is NOTHING to worry your pretty head about.

Nearly all the portaloo blocks now have dedicated cleaner teams right next to them receiving constant attention, restocks and cleanliness, so much so, I have gone off the longdrops now and have made a return to using the turdis'.

Reading arena toilets are luxury compared to the G due them being flushing but really, dont worry one bit.

Do carry the antibac and your own tissue packs as the antibac dispensers usually do run out and you cant always rely on there being paper when you visit. But the days of pyramids of poo are tales only to be remembered from early this century.

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Toilets are fine - ok, not quite like at home, but on the whole it is totally bearable. I always use the portaloos - they get cleaned regularly. Just have a small bottle of anti-septc with you and toilet paper.

Considering the heat last summer it was the best year yet for cleanliness. You will be fine!

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I've been known to take a newspaper into the long-drops, and linger there.

Not when there's a queue, of course.

The ones on the railway line near the Glade are always pretty pleasant.

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I agree with this. I'd also recommend taking some Vicks Vaporub or similar. Smear some of that under your nose before you go in and it'll block out a lof of smells (clean your hands of vaporub before touching any sensitive areas though)

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The portaloos are much better maintained than they used to be, but you can still be unlucky with them, especially the busier blocks.

The long-drops, on the other hand, are pretty reliably fine. No, don't look down if you're squeamish, but other than that, the worst you're going to get is a bit of piss on the seat where someone's sprayed carelessly -- and that's easily cleared up with a bit of loo paper.

In the unlikely event of rain <_< , it's a nuisance that some of the long-drops don't have roofs. The newer ones which do have roofs are the best of all worlds.

There are real flushing toilets up by the farmhouse. I don't personally rate them much higher than the long drops. They're just as susceptible to antisocial bastards messing them up, and the opportunity to flush away isn't that big a deal.

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they arent too bad, last year was my first one and as we parked up i was busting for a wee. Asked the security bloke where the nearest toilet was and he pointed to one next to the car park....i went in a it was full to the brim with shhh...this was bout 7.30am on the first day!

luckily that was the worst toilet i experienced. They were better than i thought, even in the boiling heat.

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Toilets are fine - ok, not quite like at home, but on the whole it is totally bearable. I always use the portaloos - they get cleaned regularly. Just have a small bottle of anti-septc with you and toilet paper.

Considering the heat last summer it was the best year yet for cleanliness. You will be fine!

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I've been to loads of different festivals over the past 13 years but last year was my first Glasto, without question it was the best toilets I've seen. Sure, they're not the Ritz, but for a festival they will do. All you can ask for is something clean, they're always going to smell. I remember I used to dread going to the toilets at Leeds festival back in 2000,1 and 2. It was a nightmare and I'd end up walking miles to a supermarket.

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The toilets last year were great, really well looked after and seemed to be emptied more often (I think due to a new sewage storage system they started last year).

If it's a real worry go for the flushing ones but personally I think the long drops are fine, especially the ones where the tanks are dug into the ground.

Relax, you'll be fine.

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