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What's the one thing that you take because it makes life easy

Guest jeffie

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I would never take jeans to Glastonbury. As a general rule jeans are the most impractical item of clothing ever. Heavy and take ages to dry if it's wet, too hot to wear if the weather's good, they're heavy to carry and take up loads of space in your rucksack if you have to carry them. Combats make so much more sense, lighter, comfy, and lots of pockets! Craghoppers do trousers with a zip-off bottom to make them shorts, v practical.

Number one tip on packing - roll stuff up. You get lots more in that way.

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I've been steeling other peoples good ideas and discoveries for years. :ph34r:

The following I have judged good for me

Un mixed spirits in plastic bottles

3/4 length shorts (stops where my wellies end)

Sports insoles in the wellies (or any footwear)

Alcohol Hand Gel

Mini pocket tissue packs

Self inflating sleep mats (eurohike brand)

Woollen overshirt in place of jumper/jacket

Poncho have given way to a waxed stockmans coat (water proof, wind proof, fag proof! the number of ponchos I have found have fag burns in them after standing in a crowd, fellow smokers cup your cherries! Does not catch on things as hugs the body a fair bit).

Solar powered key ring style torch with a slide switch, not a press switch that I can clip to the lanyard. ( switch on, leave on = hands free for other things, blokes take note).

Small satchel bag for carrying day bits in. Strap can be unclipped and refitted to turn it into a mini-backpack.Can clip rolled and strapped up stockmans coat to it.

Always have a water bottle. Re-use a plastic drinks bottle.

My biggest comfort:

Small meths powered stove for morning brew up and hot water for a strip wash(baileys minis in place of milk).

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I've been steeling other peoples good ideas and discoveries for years. :ph34r:

The following I have judged good for me

Un mixed spirits in plastic bottles

3/4 length shorts (stops where my wellies end)

Sports insoles in the wellies (or any footwear)

Alcohol Hand Gel

Mini pocket tissue packs

Self inflating sleep mats (eurohike brand)

Woollen overshirt in place of jumper/jacket

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Insoles are definitely going on my list for this year.

My only big problem each time is terrible aching on the soles of my feet. By Thursday night my feet are killing me no matter what footwear I try. Its not so bad when you're moving around or dancing, it's when you're stood still that you can't take your mind off it.

Toilet roll is also crucial. I camped in the family area last year and the toilets were in great condition, had actual flushes, but I wouldn't have made it without the bogroll. In 2009 I attempted to go the whole stretch without taking a dump and failed miserably, by the Sunday I had a major case of the shits and had to scrape together whatever pocket tissues I could find around my tent, bad times.

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Ive always travelled light and take the bare minimum.

this year though i am treating myself to an air bed - just seen an Outwell one which has an inbuilt footpump - ideal as i wont need to bother with a separate pump... even if it does take me 30 minutes to inflate!

Ive got a self inflating matress but its shite to be honest... hardly no sleep least year as it was so uncomfortable so I promised myself a more comfortable sleep this year.

vac packing stuff - genius!! wont need to bother on the way home ;)

agree on the point made above about money.. take enough to enjoy yourself without worry. I'm on the bones of my arse but if i cant treat myself for a few days a year then I may as well not bother!

69 days!!!

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Ear plugs AND ear defenders:



A whole bunch of 1 litre lucozade bottles -- cuts down on a lot of trips to the toilets! Generally stash them in a bin bag outside my tent and empty the lot at the end of the festival B) .

I hate people who piss on/around the tents. :angry:

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My only big problem each time is terrible aching on the soles of my feet. By Thursday night my feet are killing me no matter what footwear I try. Its not so bad when you're moving around or dancing, it's when you're stood still that you can't take your mind off it.

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I suspect mine is doing Glasto under sufferance - it was our first time away together in 2003 and it has taken this long to get back. As Mrs B Hates camping and does not like recreational pharmaceuticals so it's a difficult argument sometimes.

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Toilet roll is also crucial. I camped in the family area last year and the toilets were in great condition, had actual flushes, but I wouldn't have made it without the bogroll. In 2009 I attempted to go the whole stretch without taking a dump and failed miserably, by the Sunday I had a major case of the shits and had to scrape together whatever pocket tissues I could find around my tent, bad times.

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