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Selfish Ungrateful People

Guest Uncle Liam

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Is there are "it makes me mad" thread? If so, this should be right in there.

Someone on my facebook today said, and I quote:

"The NHS is a joke. Quite like my letter of complaint tho"

then not an hour later

"taking my baby boy for injections ewwww I hate this"

Absolutely unbelievable. Apparently, she couldnt get a doctors appointment for her child at a moments notice so the entire NHS is a joke. This is despite it not costing her anything, the baby was born in the NHS (as i daresay 99% of us were), the midwife was NHS, the ante natal was (presumably) NHS, the injections are NHS, etc etc. It never fails to make me mad that because people dont get what they want absolutely immediately from a service which is free at the point of use without any conditions at all they label the entire thing a joke.

I'm in my 20s and have no responsibilities apart from myself. I could quite easily afford medical insurance. I very rarely use the NHS. But if the government announced tomorrow (not going to happen, I know) that they were doubling my national insurance contributions to pay for it then I would be totally in favour. But people will still complain because they cant get exactly what they want, even though they coul ring NHS Direct, go to one of the many walk in centres, or if that was that bad, go to A&E.

I should really know better than to get mad at bullshit like this, but it never fails to make me mad. Just the sheer termerity and ungratefulness. Its disgraceful.

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Excellent point

If i wasnt a bit scared of being beaten up i would have gone a bit ballistic at someone i used to go to school with last night.

She's not on my friends list but she commented on another friends status.

My friend said:

" a whole month of not going out, can i do it?"

to which this other girl said

"Who can afford to go out no V.A.T has gone up, along with the cost of every day living,this governnment are a bunch of w*nkers........ xx"

I typed out the following but didnt press send

"Yeah Jo, forget the people who are about to lose their public sector jobs, forget those people who can't afford to keep warm and fed throughout the winter because they've lost disability benefits, or the low income family kids who cant get to college because they've lost their EMA....shock f**king horror, 30 somethings cant afford to go out binge drinking!!! how could they let it happen!!!" :angry:

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I commented back (quite reasonably as I think the NHS is worth defending at all times) and got deleted for my trouble.


This is from a girl in my old hometown. The same hometown where I had a night out with some school 'mates' before xmas and had to endure the most horrific racism i've heard in a while. Examples such as "did you know such and suchs sister is marrying a Muslim, if he tries to blow himself up near me I'll shoot him" and "do you want to see a picture of me and my baby?" as he proceeds to pass a picture around of him with a sub machine gun. Perfectly acceptable though because he's in the army. dry.gif

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I commented back (quite reasonably as I think the NHS is worth defending at all times) and got deleted for my trouble.


This is from a girl in my old hometown. The same hometown where I had a night out with some school 'mates' before xmas and had to endure the most horrific racism i've heard in a while. Examples such as "did you know such and suchs sister is marrying a Muslim, if he tries to blow himself up near me I'll shoot him" and "do you want to see a picture of me and my baby?" as he proceeds to pass a picture around of him with a sub machine gun. Perfectly acceptable though because he's in the army. dry.gif

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Excellent point

If i wasnt a bit scared of being beaten up i would have gone a bit ballistic at someone i used to go to school with last night.

She's not on my friends list but she commented on another friends status.

My friend said:

" a whole month of not going out, can i do it?"

to which this other girl said

"Who can afford to go out no V.A.T has gone up, along with the cost of every day living,this governnment are a bunch of w*nkers........ xx"

I typed out the following but didnt press send

"Yeah Jo, forget the people who are about to lose their public sector jobs, forget those people who can't afford to keep warm and fed throughout the winter because they've lost disability benefits, or the low income family kids who cant get to college because they've lost their EMA....shock f**king horror, 30 somethings cant afford to go out binge drinking!!! how could they let it happen!!!" :angry:

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Is there are "it makes me mad" thread? If so, this should be right in there.

Someone on my facebook today said, and I quote:

"The NHS is a joke. Quite like my letter of complaint tho"

then not an hour later

"taking my baby boy for injections ewwww I hate this"

Absolutely unbelievable. Apparently, she couldnt get a doctors appointment for her child at a moments notice so the entire NHS is a joke. This is despite it not costing her anything, the baby was born in the NHS (as i daresay 99% of us were), the midwife was NHS, the ante natal was (presumably) NHS, the injections are NHS, etc etc. It never fails to make me mad that because people dont get what they want absolutely immediately from a service which is free at the point of use without any conditions at all they label the entire thing a joke.

I'm in my 20s and have no responsibilities apart from myself. I could quite easily afford medical insurance. I very rarely use the NHS. But if the government announced tomorrow (not going to happen, I know) that they were doubling my national insurance contributions to pay for it then I would be totally in favour. But people will still complain because they cant get exactly what they want, even though they coul ring NHS Direct, go to one of the many walk in centres, or if that was that bad, go to A&E.

I should really know better than to get mad at bullshit like this, but it never fails to make me mad. Just the sheer termerity and ungratefulness. Its disgraceful.

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i hate people like this. i've deleted a few people from facebook because i don't want anything to do with idiots like that.

i had one girl from school who once posted something along the lines of "fed up of the council giving all the houses to unemployed junkie scum and not to good people like me with a decent job and money!"

if she has a decent job and money, why does she need a council house? they should go to the people who need them the most.

i can't be arsed with people who just want everything handed to them for free and think that if someone is unemployed/single parent/has a drug problem, that automatically makes them scum and they don't deserve any help.

it's depressing the way some people think, and it's usually pointless trying to talk to people like this, because they're so selfish and stupid that there's no chance they will ever realise that they're wrong.

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As someone who wouldn't be alive but for the NHS (emergency neuro surgery and the consultant even rushed in from his home on Sunday night to perform the operation) I will be in its debt for ever.

But we have to accept that we get what we pay for and if we want a decent service then it's going to cost.

Every department in every organisation, public and private, can probably cut a bit of waste but most have been doing that for years so it's a joke to think that we can keep cutting 'back office' services indefinitely without hitting the front line as well.

A few years ago I was on holiday in France and we stopped at a vineyard to buy some wine. The vineyard had been recommended by some French friends but what they didn't know was that it was actually owned by a Brit - a guy who'd moved to France from Kent.

We met him and were talking about how different he found life in France. "The great thing here is the health service," he said. "There is no such thing as a waiting list. If you are ill, you go to hospital, are admitted and treated straight away. I'd never want to be ill in Britain now. The health service is so much better in France."

We listened and it sounded good. But then five minutes later he added: "Of course the problem here in France is that taxes are generally so much higher than in the UK."

And I thought to myself - so what do you think funds this wonderful health service you've just been talking about?

In life we only get what we pay for. And a decent NHS is something that I'll happily contribute to.

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Excellent point

If i wasnt a bit scared of being beaten up i would have gone a bit ballistic at someone i used to go to school with last night.

She's not on my friends list but she commented on another friends status.

My friend said:

" a whole month of not going out, can i do it?"

to which this other girl said

"Who can afford to go out no V.A.T has gone up, along with the cost of every day living,this governnment are a bunch of w*nkers........ xx"

I typed out the following but didnt press send

"Yeah Jo, forget the people who are about to lose their public sector jobs, forget those people who can't afford to keep warm and fed throughout the winter because they've lost disability benefits, or the low income family kids who cant get to college because they've lost their EMA....shock f**king horror, 30 somethings cant afford to go out binge drinking!!! how could they let it happen!!!" :angry:

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When there was a fuss in america about health care, they had british people saying how rubbish the NHS is. They complain about it, but don't seem to want to get their own health insurance!

the thing is - that stupid Americans failed to notice - is that the NHS provides a better health care service overall than the USA manages with its private system.

So yeah, it's a real outrage that Britain cares enough about its people that it does more than they do to stop people suffering from illness. :lol:

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It's a sad state of affairs that Im supposed to be grateful for these things not having so far happened to me. It is indeed a shocking state of affairs when 30 somethings dont have the financial security to choose to go out binge drinking if they wish.

Is this the new level of aspiration - 'be grateful you're not getting f**ked over by the state'?

And we wonder why they keep getting away with it.

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