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I LOVED the sun, the heat and all that wonderful blue sky. It was my first non wet Glasto and for me it made the whole thing a 100% better.

But I'm a sun worshipper all the time anyway, think all my trips to Thailand have made me sun resistant :)

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Little bit too hot for me too (being a red and all that....don't call me the G word...grrr)...but..as much as it hurt me it was better than 2007!

It was exhausting being forced from the tent (though my OH somehow managed to will himself to carry on sleeping even though it was like an oven) and needing to neck pints and pints of water...though once we cottoned onto lager tops as the way to go we managed to get some alcohol down us before the sun went down.

Main thing for me was it drained me of energy and so only managed 2-3am finishes...bah!!!

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Guest musiclove123

Yeah. Ive been mentioning 2007 as a possible opposite to this years pain. No respite from the rain. constant traipsing through mud. Nowhere dry to sit. I think the only thing I can say was that I was prepared after 2005 and expected it.

It'll be a close call on which was worse for me. Obviously this years pain is still fresh. I'll have a think in 6 months time...or even when the tickets go back on sale and see how selective my memory turns out to be :D

It says a lot that both years had me feeling my worse at times yet I'll still be going back next year, because it's just amazing!!!

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Oh give over.

it was perfect. Yeah, so it was hardwork but that just makes it even more worth the effort looking back now and having wonderful memories of a gorgeous sunny glasto - and that's coming from somebody who utterly despises being hot and sweaty and i actually got very severe thigh chaffing due to the heat so bad that my thighs were actually bleeding by saturday... But that just all adds to the sense of achievement!

I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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Yes a few more covered areas would be great, I love the sun and despite becoming a tad bit pink from the queue to get in on Wednesday morning I'm not gonna complain. Yes I packed summer clothes but it made me realise how unprepared I was for such constant heat, always seem to gear myself up for wet weather at Glastonbury. Thankfully I'd packed my big golf brolly which was a god send to sit/lie under during the day. Roll on a sunny 2011 festival B)

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I didn't enjoy the constant relentless heat, but I managed as best as I could.

Whoever it was on here that recommended the £1 emergency shelter from Poundland as a reflective covering for the tent, I owe you a lot of beer. That was a life-saver, although for me the tent was still unbearably hot by 8am.

I was also way more sober than I would ever have imagined, and I was also having to think about constantly putting on sun cream and making sure I wasn't burning up. I ended up cutting up the cloth bag you were given at the entrance and using it as a neck shade by wedging it down the back of my hat (idea shamelessly stolen from someone else I saw walking around). I looked like a bellend, but I didn't burn and it made me more comfortable.

That, coupled with the emergency shelter idea, probably saved my festival from being a very miserable experience.

I don't want to moan based on previous years weather, but that really was too hot.

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Positives and Negatives. Beautiful to have no rain but agree with above that 4 degrees cooler would've been perfect. With the enforced early awakenings from tent of hell, myself and our gang really struggled to do much in the late evenings as were just drained, and spent more on alcohol as desire for cold drinks as opposed to warm cans.

I wasn't so bad as rest in my group but sometimes got frustrated when spent fair bit of time in shady places (Bar by the avalon, Cornish arms etc). Nice to take a break but I generally prefer to be off wondering & seeing things, be it bands, comedy, circus, sensation seekers etc etc.

Didn't even make it to Arcadia/Shangri-La etc this year; decided Friday would be too busy as first night, Saturday wanted to but watched Ed Byrne after Parliament and we were all shagged, and Sunday dessie driver and couple others wanted to go home after Stevie. Packing up and carrying stuff back to the car Sunday morning was pretty damn horrible.

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I loved the sun. But just as you need to prepare for bad weather (wellies and waterproofs etc) so you need to prepare for sun. Slap on the factor 30, wear a hat, drink lots of water and pace yourself. Hunt down the occasional cool spot and enjoy.

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I really did suffer in the heat, I always do. It changed the festival for us and we ended up missing a lot of the daytime bands we wanted to see. We ended up heading for the hills every afternoon to seek out shade and breeze but we found some beautiful spots in the green fields, stone circle and flag field to lie down for a nap together and then headed back down as the day cooled to enjoy the festivities.

Definitely glad it wasn't wet but a few degrees cooler with a bit of cloud cover would have been perfect.

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We spent a lot of time back at the tents but that's 'cos we cheated. The teens slept there whilst me and my mates went back to town every night. Returning in the morning with bags of ice and bottles of frozen water. One teen dug a hole in the corner of the gazebo shade and we stored all the drinks in that, in cool bags filled with ice. Sunday afternoon was spent drinking Pimms (complete with strawberries and ice) whilst watching the teens sit in the paddling pool. I saw a lot less bands than I'd intended but had a great festival catching up with friends old and young. For some reason our camping space was a popular destination :-)


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Our group had one of the best on the Saturday when we all chilled out around out tent and Gazebo until 3pm, missing the mid-day heat and ventured out later to watch bands etc...

Even though it was mentally draining and a pain to worry about sun burn etc, we all agreed that it was much better that rain/cold as one major highlight for us, was simply chilling around places like Stone Circle and The Park enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and an Ice cream.

Plus I have a nice tan to come back to work with :P

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It was BANGING wasnt it!

I lived most of my teen years in kent...so im pretty aware of what the southern sun can do. But living in the northeast has weakened my resolve, im now too used to our loverly overcast skies.

Actually it was soo bad on the wednesday coming in, that a friend of mine collapsed (totaly sparko) due to sunstroke. She was attneded to but only after a 50 minutes wait even for first aid! quite scary realy! esspecially when security accused her of being "on something" and we seemingly about to ignore her due to thier diagnosis!

Anyways. it was hot...managed to stave of most of the burns with factor50 and aftersun. still got plently peeling on my neck and chest..and my nose a little! i do remember hugging the shade (where available) while trapsing about stage to stage.

I do feel sorry (not realy) for those who travelled down with me who "said" they were camping with us and didnt. i think CT this year was saved by the gazebo's which provided much needed shade. Totaly thier loss as caming this year for me (crack wise) was brilliant!

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For me it was the best Glastonbury I have been at.

Maybe coming form Australia (although living here 12 years) I was used to the heat and what precautions to take.

The number of people I saw not wearing hats was crazy. I had a great cap with flaps down the side and back.

I had on a lot of sun screen each day and drank a fare bit of water.

I did not really burn apart from my lips a bit which I should have put some UV proof lip balm on.

I was far less tired than a muddy year. I did not get around to as many different stages as previous years but that was mainly

due to the company I was with.

Having a tent with a porch made a difference as well as being able to sleep on the porch was a bit cooler.

Given the choice for next year of 2007 conditions or 2010 conditions I do not think anybody would choose 2007.

Hey maybe some one should run a poll for people who attended both.

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I wasn't burnt, but the heat did render me unable to carry out the smallest of tasks (or at least meant I couldn't be bothered to) let alone walk across the fest to watch anyone, or go anywhere. During the day I watched a very little amount of bands, no-one on friday daytime, sat I watched 2 people, sunday 2 also. I didnt even have a drink of alcohol durin the day, normally I'd walk around drinking most the day, not fast pace but always drinking. This year I had a water bottle constantly in my hand lol. I was constantly trying to find shade during the day but never could, only the christian tent.

However, all in all I had an awesome festival despite the heat. Really really gutted it ended, what I didn't get done in the daytime I more than made up for at night ;). Also, was I the only person who actually thought the line-up was good? All I heard all weekend was how the line-up was shit and the wasn't anybody people wanted to see. What a load of tripe..........!

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