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I think the heat put me in a bad mood, getting sweaty after 30mins of sitting in the sun , getting sunburn the first day I was there, I think i got it on the walk in, just wearing a vest - suncream was at the bottom of my bag, so didn't bother with it..till got to camp

oh well, I've got a tan

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err if you're going to cry about me using caps for emphasis I think you need to relax a little bit kid. Forgive me for wanting to state an actual fact regarding how hot it actually was when people were attempting to play it down.

It's more than possible for it to be rain and mud free and not be unbearably hot you realise?

Good good.

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Certainly made me moody.

I dunno wether it was the constipation or the dodgy acid, but sitting around all saturday threatening to kill my best friends aint my style really.

If there was a breeze atleast I could understand

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I'm with tom, I burn easily, I was only using factor 20..but still burn fairly easily

I find it overwhelming when it's as hot as it was at glasto, I just sweat buckets which is uncomfortable,

I only got sunburnt because of the walk in, didn't realise how hot it was, or how long the walk would be..suncream in bottom of bag, had I got it out right away would've been fine :)

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1. Why do people keep talking as if it's a binary choice between "too wet" and "too hot"? Why can't we wish for 20 degrees and no rain?

2. Why do people keep talking as if sun cream prevents you overheating? It protects you from sunburn, and nothing else.

There's a lack of understanding here, that we all have different physiologies, and that some of us felt very uncomfortable in the heat, in ways that wearing hats and drinking water could not fix.

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Taking my 68 year old mum to her first Glasto, my biggest fear was the mud. She was insistent she would cope with mud but I know Glastonbury mud and she doesn't! We had made arrangements for my brother to drive down from Brum and get her if the fest got too much for her, but she said that wasn't going to happen bacause she could always rest in the tent till she felf better if she got too tired.

However - I could never have predicted that heat! I thought she'd be going home within an hour of arriving! She arrived at about 3pm on the Friday and by the time we got to the tent she was really wobbly and shaking and just wanting to lie down. I had to shout at her in the end to GET OUT OF THE TENT YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF WORSE! - because it was like an oven! In the end I managed to sit her on a chair outside the tent in some semi shade, plying her with water for about an hour and a half. The option of "resting in the tent till she felt better" was never there for her this weekend. My mum doesn't do heat well - a few years ago we had to hold the plane up at halkidiki airport because her feet swelled to about 3 x their normal size!

Anyway - with a bit of TLC she was up and about for Florence (who she thought was a bit wailey), dancing for Hot Chip, and really going mental for The Gorillaz! Saturday and Sunday we started slowly, found shade intermittently, and she was fine. It was really hot at times but I would never refuse this weather - it's a case of adjusting your plans.

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Taking my 68 year old mum to her first Glasto, my biggest fear was the mud. She was insistent she would cope with mud but I know Glastonbury mud and she doesn't! We had made arrangements for my brother to drive down from Brum and get her if the fest got too much for her, but she said that wasn't going to happen bacause she could always rest in the tent till she felf better if she got too tired.

However - I could never have predicted that heat! I thought she'd be going home within an hour of arriving! She arrived at about 3pm on the Friday and by the time we got to the tent she was really wobbly and shaking and just wanting to lie down. I had to shout at her in the end to GET OUT OF THE TENT YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF WORSE! - because it was like an oven! In the end I managed to sit her on a chair outside the tent in some semi shade, plying her with water for about an hour and a half. The option of "resting in the tent till she felt better" was never there for her this weekend. My mum doesn't do heat well - a few years ago we had to hold the plane up at halkidiki airport because her feet swelled to about 3 x their normal size!

Anyway - with a bit of TLC she was up and about for Florence (who she thought was a bit wailey), dancing for Hot Chip, and really going mental for The Gorillaz! Saturday and Sunday we started slowly, found shade intermittently, and she was fine. It was really hot at times but I would never refuse this weather - it's a case of adjusting your plans.

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was a bit uncomfortable but I managed to adjust as the fest went on - friday afternoon after the stranglers My right eye was streaming for ages so went to the glade for some shade but it didnt really help that much . so went to bread and roses for Brazil v Portugal but it was getting worse . went back to tent for a rest and headed back out for florence and hot chip and was fine after that . was really annoying for about 5 hours tho .

grand for rest of w/e .

didnt get burnt amazingly !

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See, I'd love for my parents to come to Glastonbury with me sometime, but they're both 63 and never been to music festivals, so I'd feel a kinda role reversal where I'd just have to lead them to the Greenpeace/Healing Fields/Stone Circle etc and then leave them there for a few hours like it's some kind of creche while I go watch bands and drink... :lol:

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I did have to look after my mum quite alot because she was only there with us rather than with her husband or another friend. She did go off on her own on Sunday though and found her feet a bit. I knew if I took her with me it would completely change my Glastonbury, but in the end i thought after everything she's done for me, surely I can give her one Glastonbury? There was stuff I was gutted to miss - but I knew it would be like that. She had an amazing time and my only worry is that all this week she is talking about it in the same misty eyed way I do. I think she's going to want to come every year now!

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I found the heat unbearable if I was just sat down, when I was on the move it was fine. Between the hours of 11 and 3 we spent most of the time wandering the site, going into little cafes and bars and generally keeping out of direct sunlight. There was a bar in the cabaret area called the blind pig which was always quiet and had sofas to relax in and always a nice breeze coming through. Also at the top of the park there was also a breeze.

In a way even though the heat got to me I don't think I would have seen as much as I did had it been cooler - give me this years weather again next year any day of the week

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I did all the right things - constantly drinking water (and barely no alcohol :O ), sitting in the shade, hat, sunscreen etc - but for me the heat made the festival less enjoyable than normal. I still had a good time but found this year just really hard going. Though I am one of those odd people who had one of their best festivals in 2007, I do think the years without rain are better....just would have liked it a few degrees cooler....Sunday's weather the whole time would have been a bit more like it.

Bonus was though that I came back with lots of money (whereas I normally end up having to get more out!) due to the fact I hadn't been drinking as much alcohol as usual! :D

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