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In hindsight, I wish I'd...

Guest ThomasT

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For me, I regret not seeing Bon Iver headline the Park. His two sets clashed with Bruce and Jarvis, and Nick Cave. There was no way I was missing Nick Cave so it came down to Saturday's headliner. Plumped for Bruce thinking we could catch a few hits then go and see some Jarvis Cocker. Turned out he saved most of the big hits for the end of the set so we went to see some Jarvis. He was good but we couldn't get in (no surprise, it was about 11.30) and had to watch from outside which spoiled it somewhat.

Really wish I'd just gone to see Bon Iver now. Hopefully I'll be able to get tickets to see him in Manchester very soon.

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For me, I regret not seeing Bon Iver headline the Park. His two sets clashed with Bruce and Jarvis, and Nick Cave. There was no way I was missing Nick Cave so it came down to Saturday's headliner. Plumped for Bruce thinking we could catch a few hits then go and see some Jarvis Cocker. Turned out he saved most of the big hits for the end of the set so we went to see some Jarvis. He was good but we couldn't get in (no surprise, it was about 11.30) and had to watch from outside which spoiled it somewhat.

Really wish I'd just gone to see Bon Iver now. Hopefully I'll be able to get tickets to see him in Manchester very soon.

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I'm in two minds about Blur Vs Prodigy still. I went for Prodigy as I've always considered Blur more of a records band and I've never seen Prodigy live... plus, my friend LOVES them and every festival we've ever visited he's left saying "That was brilliant, but it would have been even better if the Prodigy had been there".

We had a great time, especially with the flare man and the fire towards the back, but it wasn't quite the magic finish to a Sunday that Glastonbury often enjoys.... and the volume levels were far too quiet!

I'm not sure I want to watch Blur on telly. I might get upset... especially if This Is A Low and To The End were as good as people are saying they were....

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For once I think I got most of it right.

I was so torn for Blur v Prodigy but so glad i went for Blur.

If I was being picky I would say that i should've seen Florence instead of Kasabian because we're seeing Kasabian later in the year anyway and have seen them before.

Florence was apparently pretty good but so were Kasabian so as wrong turnings go - it wasn't disastrous.

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Oh how I regret watching Kasabian instead of Florence. They were just so shit.

We were too late to get to John Peel before we realised as well so we just ended up reworking the lyrics to "a kiss with a fist is better then this" the whole time.

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i dont really have any regrets. i saw the two i wanted to see the most (who turned out best), and anything where i went to that wasnt planned and there was something i wanted to see, it turned out better as i was with folk.

my only complaint at the fest (apart from the traffic at the start) was me feeling like crap on the sunday. must be my fault though cos it happens every year :)

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I wish I would've seen more Blur than Prodigy rather than just 5 songs as their set was amazing, but I didn't have the time on me and thought it would be packed getting to the Other Stage.

Other than that there were clashes but I stand by them with my choice of music. David Guetta, Pendulum and Franz Ferdinand just interest me more than Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen

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decided to miss the end of kasabian to see pendulum, wasnt gutted about that decision at all :)

was toying with goin to see springsteen after pendulum, but decided to go to dance village and see either 2manydj's or josh wink. saw the latter due to the amount of peeps in the tents, and i tell you what, that saturday night woulda been the best thing about the fest if blur hadnt of stolen that accolade for me :)

summery = no regrets here :)

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Wish I'd picked Blur over Prodigy. Thought Prodigy were very average if I'm honest.

Biggest regret, wish I'd been in the JP tent for Doves (the one band I didn't want to miss) instead of being glued to a long drop with horrendous diahorreah. Felt very low that did.

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i missed alessis ark, thats the main one.

i could have seen the nightingales instead of first aid kit. first aid kit were good, but had sound problems. and i can see first aid kit at latitude.

instead of seeing micachu and the shapes the second time, i could have seen team waterpolo. who knows which was better....

and lastly, florence and the machine were on at the same time as theoretical girl. I enjoyed theoretical girl and i can watch flo on iplayer, so im not too unhappy.

everything else im fairly certain i made the right choice.

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I saw Prodigy as I am seeing Blur on Friday at Hyde Park so don' think I made a wrong decision but something was lacking from the Prodigy set so maybe a better choice would have been something random elsewhere.

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I went to see Pete Doherty instead of Dizzee, in the vain hope car Barat would join him on stage. Although it was a enjoyable set, it was really short and only really got going at the end when he played Dont Look back into the Sun, Music when the lights go out and Albion at the end. At from what i heard Dizzee's set was very very good, no catastrophe though.

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I wish I'd seen Florence And The Machine instead of Kasabian. Whilst Kasabian were good, they didn't really do anything different to their normal tour shows which disappointed me slightly and I heard that FATM's performance was amazing.

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