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Everything posted by Simsy

  1. This article about possible more strikes says: Strikes next week by Network Rail and train operating staff in the RMT union are expected to bring much of the railway to a halt, with only skeleton services running on mainlines and in urban areas. A detailed timetable for the week is expected on Wednesday.
  2. Nowhere in particular on the way there, but when we drive it's become tradition to grab a pizza for dinner from the Waitrose in Salisbury on the way home. That's normally the moment when I realise just how much I smell 😂
  3. If I'm lucky, this time next week I'll be at the train station, about to head off to Bristol. If I'm not lucky, I'll be at the coach station, about to head to Bristol via London.
  4. Nah, I reckon that if these loos were for crew they wouldn't be on the public map.
  5. Simsy

    Love the farm?

    Wonder how many of the 99.3% were taken home by the people who brought them, and how many were abandoned and taken home by someone else.
  6. Simsy

    Paul McCartney

    Or don't go to something you're not interested in just because people say you should.
  7. Wed: strolling round the site with a drink or 2. Thur: that brass eye thing. Fri: Little Simz. Sat: Self Esteem. Sun: Cassetteboy
  8. Yikes! I got mine in Malaysia, but the decathlon one sounds good.
  9. I can struggle a bit in the heat (although not to the same extent as you), but I've found a UV blocking umbrella (rather than a bog standard one) can be really helpful. It's like having your own portable fresh & black.
  10. A lot of the Asian sun creams have skin whitening stuff in them. The idea seems to be you want to protect yourself from being brown, rather than protect yourself from burning.
  11. IMHO the problem with her posting the pic of the Red Army taking Berlin is that Putin has been saying the Ukrainian gov are Nazis and he invaded to stop the Nazis. If he hadn't, it could just be interpreted as "I love my country, and Nazis are bad", which is hard to have a problem with. But posting pics of Russia crushing nazis when that's been used as the justification in Ukraine is more problematic.
  12. How would the order even have his address against it? You don't put an address in when you order. Edit: unless the first person he bought for used to live there and hasn't changed the address on their registration, that's the only way this makes sense.
  13. I'm confused by We will add £1.00 to the cost of each drink for the Download Reusable cup. You can either keep your Download Reusable cup or return your cup at select refund points for a 50p refund. I assume it means "we will add £1 unless you are reusing a cup", but it sounds like "we will add £1 to every drink, and you can only get 50p back for each cup".
  14. When I started going (after the superfence but before photo tickets), you'd find tickets on eBay for a massive mark-up as soon as they'd sold out. You do still get the occasional person selling their ticket because they can't go, but not the level of touting you used to have.
  15. Simsy

    Green Day

    Can confirm, my top secret source* said it's Daft Punk. *You, just now.
  16. Thanks @Brave Sir Robin My husband's been squinnying that his Spotify algorithms are getting messed up by me constantly listening to the glasto playlist. Oops.
  17. Doubt it. I've got to get from Portsmouth to Bristol on the Tuesday night to get my coach on weds morning, so I've booked a cheapo national express (via London) in case the strike goes ahead.
  18. I think 65° is a bit too warm, I'd prefer something in the region of 20°.
  19. What are you expecting, Michael to drive round in his land rover picking people up?
  20. Greenpeace is open air, but it does get a bit rammo if something popular is on.
  21. Same here. Yes it's a ball ache (or more of a tit ache for me), but I work in the public sector so I know what it's like to have pay freezes and job cuts. (Also, even if I didn't have that experience I'd like to think I'd have some empathy, I'm not a fucking Tory.)
  22. Yes, I spoke too soon about trains being alright on the Thursday, those strike days aren't ideal (I'm supposed to be getting the train to Bristol on the Tuesday so I can get the coach on Wednesday morning) 😬 I think you just pay the driver for the bus to Bristol. You can get off peak tickets on the day, so you could wait to see what the weather is like before deciding (as long as you've got enough battery/signal on your phone to buy the ticket).
  23. Does anyone know if they normally run replacement buses during strikes, or is that just for things like engineering works?
  24. Simsy

    Show Us Your Plan

    My clashfinder is currently like a choose your own adventure! Several different routes I could take depending on mood, weather, what I fancy for dinner etc.
  25. Going on Thursday you might be alright, most people travel on weds. Coming back they'll just keep loading people on trains until they're full (I know in some countries if a train has x seats they'll only sell x tickets, but that's not the case in the UK, there'll be people standing in the aisle or sitting in the luggage rack). I was in 1st class leaving Castle Cary in 2019 because we were told to go wherever there was space. They didn't kick out people with normal tickets.
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