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Resale Club 2019


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In answer to my own question.......

In the past 4/5 years the coach and general resales have been on the Thursday/Sunday. Usually 2 weeks after the balance deadline but if the balance deadline is the first week of April next year then 2 weeks after that is Easter weekend - so who knows!!!!  

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7 minutes ago, Igster said:

That's good to hear, I was afraid of using one on Sunday just in case of being blocked, might be able to have one or two more devices next time around without manually having to refresh them all. I think maybe setting a 1.5 to 2 second rate could be enough to avoid going anywhere near 60 times a minute. Only thing is then trying to stop it in time if it does get through to the reg page before refreshing again and losing the slot. 

If you're using chrome or firefox then yes they can be set to stop when the page changes. The trouble with them is if you set it on the holding screen and then get a 'server cant be reached' page that will trigger it and it will stop there. 

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12 minutes ago, coreyt409 said:

Has anyone had any experience with volunteering/working? Do the shifts get in the way of much of the fri-sun?

I've worked at Reading before, for Oxfam but that was many moons ago. I think it can be pot luck with shifts to be honest, but from what I've heard, people do enjoy it. You're in crew camping, with dedicated bars, hot showers, and free hot meals. Its a good alternative I think! 

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3 minutes ago, Igster said:

Yeah I think the only real way of increasing your chances of getting through is to have as many devices as possible all on different ip addresses/networks. Not sure the old multiple tabs/browsers trick on one pc/ip works anymore. 

I had more devices than ever this time only as a back up from the blank screen. But as soon as it hit 9 they all went white until 9.10. 

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Well there’s another quandary. If the resale does take place over the Easter weekend ( would they do that?) I’m going to be away so there’s another first world problem I have to deal with!

Someone get me a beer.

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18 minutes ago, coreyt409 said:

Has anyone had any experience with volunteering/working? Do the shifts get in the way of much of the fri-sun?

Yep i worked it last year after failing to get tickets. My shifts were fri-mon 6am-12pm. So with the music pretty much starting around that time each day you don't miss much, sometimes they let you go a little bit earlier if all of the site has been cleared. With it being a dry year we had cleared the Pyramid field within 3 hours on the Saturday but they then sent us down to Block 9 and Shangri La for the the remainder of that shift. Still though other than having to go back for a quick shower/change (personal preference after wading through rubbish) then we were out and enjoying the rest of the day by 1 (sometimes 12/12:30). The only other impact it had on my time was that I stopped drinking during the headliners as needed to be up around 5am. 

All the pros outweighed the cons for us though- parking included, we arrived on the monday so had a week there, crew bars/behind the scenes wristband, 2 hot meals per day (working days), hot showers, camping in the crew area. If you can get in then it's worth it. It all depends on which charity etc you do the shifts with as some shift times are different and ours is primarily for litter picking.

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7 minutes ago, andyb66 said:

I would volunteer but it’s highly unlikely id be able to get that much time off. If I do happen to acquire myself a ticket I’ll be having a sickie on the Monday as it is.

I wouldn't look at bin painting in that case! :)

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Still very depressed today.

I do remember when I went through the resale for 2015 - extremely hungover at a friends house, borrowed their mac and the 4 of us wanting to go all huddled round this one device. Got straight through, couldn't believe it. Cured my hangover instantly

What I'd give for that feeling again this year

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6 minutes ago, smudger said:

If you're using chrome or firefox then yes they can be set to stop when the page changes. The trouble with them is if you set it on the holding screen and then get a 'server cant be reached' page that will trigger it and it will stop there. 

Oh right, think I will have to test this out a lot beforehand to be confident it'll work properly on the day. 

Does anyone know how long the Resale sale usually lasts compared to the coach/general sale last week. They lasted 25mins/35mins am I right in saying because it's only 10% of tickets in the Resale it could last barely 5 minutes so do they have reduced slots available on the servers extending the time out. 

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2 minutes ago, Igster said:

Oh right, think I will have to test this out a lot beforehand to be confident it'll work properly on the day. 

Does anyone know how long the Resale sale usually lasts compared to the coach/general sale last week. They lasted 25mins/35mins am I right in saying because it's only 10% of tickets in the Resale it could last barely 5 minutes so do they have reduced slots available on the servers extending the time out. 

I think its about 10 mins 

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2 minutes ago, eastynh said:

How do you get into the bin painting? I would love to do that.

Me too. If I could do anything as part of the build up I'd take as much time off work as needed and get my arse down there. I did once visit the site about two weeks before the festival started and it was great. Does anyone have any contacts for bin painting etc?

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58 minutes ago, Igster said:

That's good to hear, I was afraid of using one on Sunday just in case of being blocked, might be able to have one or two more devices next time around without manually having to refresh them all. I think maybe setting a 1.5 to 2 second rate could be enough to avoid going anywhere near 60 times a minute. Only thing is then trying to stop it in time if it does get through to the reg page before refreshing again and losing the slot. 

The one i used was "auto refresh plus" and it will stop once it detects a certain text. The text i used was "your details" as this was the title for the reg columns.

Feels odd giving advice as i didn't succeed - I did get to the reg page twice i was just let down when clicking through to payment :(

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19 minutes ago, McCor said:

I wouldn't look at bin painting in that case! :)

I got kicked out my my first art class at senior school for drawing a knob on my desk. 

So you’re quite right with the bin painting !

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15 minutes ago, smudger said:

Just spoke to a friend who works one of the stages. No spare tickets. No jobs. ?

Is it unethical to contact an old girlfriend who worked on the artwork in Block 9, just to see how she's doin' lately?

Sod ethics. Ask her now.

And find out if her mum fancies coming along with me to make up a cosy 4 ball!

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Someone earlier was asking about a website checker that alerts you for any changes. 

I set one up two years ago at work and it’s still sending me alerts and I have no idea how to turn the bastard off.

FYI it’s changedetection.com

 you’re welcome!

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Hi all. Sadly checking in to resale club.

My Daughter and I went in 2017 for her 18th birthday, it was our first time.

Entering through those gates on that scorching hot Wednesday afternoon  everything kinda changed. 

Our first glimpse of The Pyramid had us cheering and hugging. We marvelled at all the mystical landmarks we had only previously seen on TV.  

That evening on the hill as the sun set we had never been happier.  Glastonbury had hit us hard.  We had the time of our lives. We vowed to return every year forever.

Sunday morning didn't half bugger all that up.  My Daughter had to drag me off the four devices I was still refreshing around lunchtime. 

Any advice or help to return us to the Farm next year will be repaid with a hundred blessings. And Thatchers.

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