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  1. sounds realistic. would be very pleased
  2. James are headlining the big top on the Sunday night
  3. faithless are closing the Friday at IOW
  4. it's not bad at all plenty I wouldn't necessarily pay to see at their own shows that I can tick off
  5. the song Mirrors I would imagine
  6. looks like a cracked mirror to me which I guess would point to Timberlake
  7. Timberlake would be a guess as he's predicted for IOW as that's also announcing Monday
  8. it's an ok set of potential headliners will hope for someone decent on second stage if it's the phonics . I find them so dull these days, though a set entirely from the first 2 albums may tempt me
  9. it's often been early morning in the past
  10. I get that. speculation on a lot of fan sites is around the cities the teasers are appearing in being gig locations. others see it other ways so far I think the campaign is pretty well put together.
  11. the message points to the coordinates of Blackpool tower though. I can see it relating to a short series of gigs around album release
  12. I believe James said on the same pod that he felt it was something that would happen at some stage
  13. wasn't aware Anti Flag were back together. didn't get the impression there would be a way back
  14. I would say Tuesday at 8am is the announcement not an on sale time
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