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Chances of me getting in


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It's likely that me and my boyfriend will be buying another couples tickets. My boyfriend does look kind of like the male ticket but I don't have the same hair colour as the female ticket. I have brown hair and she has blonde. What are the chances of us getting in? Please tell me your success stories. Also an important question to ask is, do they take the ticket off you if they don't think its you?

Thank you

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1.  you have to have balls of steel to give it a go.

2. I did it last year , was with some one who had a ticket , most nervous I have ever been. won't be doing it again.

3. I have heard several stories about people just being turned away and then they tried and tried again at different gates till they got in. I have never heard of tickets being taken away . that's not to say it doesn't happen.

4. good luck

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Historically, I've always said give it a go.... however, now having tickets in my hand, it's obvious that the photo print is much higher quality this year. It's going to be harder for sure, I'm certain that there's gonna be some disappointed punters.

Hope it works out for you !

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Managed it last year, although very stressful! Ticket was of someone who could no longer attend. It was a coach ticket and picked up on the coach no problem, with problems arising at the gate! The guy in the picture was 8 years older (30) than the guy using it (22). The guy in the picture had a shaved head and a beard; the guy using it long blonde hair and to this day still can’t grow a beard. We got to the gate and they refused him entry because it clearly wasn’t him. We went and spoke to the services and said that when we picked the ticket up they had printed the wrong picture on the ticket because it was clearly wrong… Didn’t have any of the actual ticketholders ID, but did have a paper part drivers licence. DoB was evidently wrong but entry was then allowed after about 2 hours of pleading and sweat. PS: There were a lot of people with that same story; not all were permitted entry. I did see a handful turned away with lots of tears.

Edited by upupandaway
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12 hours ago, serendipitous said:

Do you know the other person? If so ask to borrow some ID so you have a matching name.

Security staff are trained to not look at hair colour/length but rather at face shape and features.

Excellent. I have my own ticket (thankfully) but I didn't update the photo.... In the picture I have long curly (ok frizzy) hair and now its chin length and been straightened. I think my face is a bit thinner as I'm quite a bit older too! I'll just fatten up with biscuits.

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This question pops up every year and anecdotally it still looks like the odds are in your favour. However MDCs report on last years festival did specifically pick up on the number of people who didn't look like their photo. If the tickets have better images this year it looks like they're taking steps in this direction.



Supervisors at all gates reported problems with thicket holders not matching the photographs that were on their registration for tickets. The team often witnessed someone that had registered as a 16-year old and were now presenting themselves with long beards and hair. Staff were very robust – if they were not satisfied regarding registration vs. appearance, the person did not enter the site.

This year the team managed to team up with a GFL eviction team. The team witnessed 2 evictions. One woman was compliant and was taken to the Eviction Tent. The second, a male, was very hostile. He was dealt with in a very professional way despite the violence that he threatened. He too was transported to the Eviction Tent. Both persons were processed and evicted.



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Two couples arrived in the campervan field we were in on Friday morning last year, a couple of hours later the girls were sat alone outside our caravan looking towards the festival which was visible from our pitch.

One couple were using tickets sold to them by their friend - the male of the other couple, he had assured them as a regular that the people on the gate barely look at the photo.... The female had a likeness and got her wristband, the male was not so lucky as he looked nothing like the person on the ticket. He was taken firstly to the porto cabin, then to the offsite police station. His ticket was confiscated, he was allowed under police escort to return to meet his girlfriend and then had to leave the campervan fields that afternoon.

I felt really sorry for then for having such an idiot of a mate who should have known better. :( 

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I've done it twice with someone else's genuine ticket and only paid face value.

Buy a ticket that looks similar, the 1st year I shaved my head, the 2nd year I grew & dyed a beard to match.

I went through security every day going to and fro to the camper. Laugh & joke with them on gates, always take off hats and glasses. You've got nowt to hide.

I think this year me and some of my mates look less like our own photos than someone else, beards and different hair styles. Think we are going to have fun with our own tickets!


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