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How was your weekend?

Guest Bunny

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Just thought I'd post to see how everyone's weekend was?

I'm a little bit worse for wear, but overall, it was a great weekend.

The highlight for me was Ocean Colour Scene on the Saturday night at Chelmsford - totally justifying their bump up to Arena headliners - great crowd, fantastic atmosphere - simply brilliant feel good stuff.

Also have to give a mention to Stereophonics, Basement Jaxx, Courteeners (despite the weather!) and Rudimental - with the latter only being ruined by one of the twattiest crowds I've ever experienced at a festival - completely rammed with jumped up wanna be gangster (Chav) kids. There was two fights right near us (one of which caused by mates girlfriend to get knocked flying across the floor) before they even started - and I perfectly fine with beer throwing but flicking your fags in the crowd is just fucking stupid. I'm a smoker myself so not condoning smoking, but a bit of common sense wouldn't go a miss. In fact, if I had of known I would've watched Vaccines of Lianne La Havas instead - not taking anything away from how good Rudimental were though.

Don't want to focus on the negatives though - still had a great weekend - spent much of my Saturday drinking and dancing in the VIP area (the DJ's in there were blinding) lots of friends, good weather - just need to make a mental note to avoid certain acts in future that attract certain crowds (especially in Essex).

Finially, special mention to Deacon Blue who despite being far too old for the majority of the V goers, kicked off our weekend fantastically on the Saturday and still sound great after all these years.

Edited by Bunny
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I don't think the rudimental problem was isolated to hylands, my mate went to see them and said the crowd was full of dickheads, not quite as bad as you've described though.

Beyonce was late and from the bit I seen a massive let down, caught the rest of OCS and they were great.

The reverend put on a great show as did courteeners, KOL, pigeon detectives and the heavy who deserved a far bigger and better crowd.

Highlight of the weekend had to be Travis in the tent yesterday, THE performance of the weekend and the crowd were perfect, a very special set.

Couple of dickheads in the campsite robbing people tents, a group of lads behind us were collecting chairs!

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Didn't appreciate the five hour coach journey on Friday, or the appalling management cock-ups today which saw our coach leave over two hours after its departure time despite us getting up up 6am for being fearful of it leaving without us ("WE WILL LEAVE AT THE SCHEDULED TIME WHETHER YOU'RE ON BOARD OR NOT AND NO EXCEPTIONS" we were told on the outwards journey). Other negatives were "ALAN" and Beyoncé apparently desiring to use the fact that she was half an hour late onto stage as an excuse for missing half an hour off her set time and just generally being a let-down.

Overall though a pretty good weekend. Musical highlights were Emeli Sande, Jamie Cullum, Jessie J and The Script.

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Camped at Chelmsford. Pigeon Detectives were brilliant wasn't expecting them to be so good. Beyonce was a big disapointment turning up late and changing every few minutes so we gave up on her and made our way over to see the rest of Steve Angello who was amazing and everyone there seemed to be having a much better time. Did anyone see Lucy Spragaan? I was so glad to of seen her she was great and packed out the tent. Was really looking forward to seeing Rudimental and they were good to see although I had beer thrown on me twice but luckily just beer, apart from that it was quite a good atmosphere from where I was standing.

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Despite being 40 this year had a decent time.

For the last few years have tended to avoid to too main stages and focus more on the two smaller stages and saw some great acts like Laura Mvula and Eels and the comedy tent was great too.

Certainly is a greater number of people at v looking to get drunk/high/have a fight than other festivals but they tend to get attracted to the shiny lights of the big stages leaving me free to watch acts I like in reasonable quiet. Everything Everything for example only had 1000 or so in the tent and I was at the front.

Do hate the total commercial nature of V though is it too much to give people a free schedule when they have paid nearly £200 to be there?

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Have to explain, am usually a Glasto/Besitval type of person so only went as had free tix and would normally refuse to go (never been before) but... me and my mate both said how surprised we were at how unchavy it was (were in Staffs). Only really saw it during james, which was really odd (lads jumping up and down at back and bumping into people, people pissing on the floor right in front of the stage).

Basement jaxx were awesome (as was jaguar Skills before), but why did they finish at 10.45pm and not even do an encore? Embarrassing!

Yesterday, justin moorhouse was hilarious (did anyone else join in the conga - he got the whole tent to join and conga around the field) and despite my slight musical snobbery I thought Steve Angello was pretty impressive - not sure how much of the work he was actually doing but still - he had f*cking big lights and a monstrous system!

Edited by Homer
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Beyonce must've planned on coming on at that time because she came on at roughly the same time for both sites and her set seemed planned to fit the time she was on. Perhaps she didn't realise she was at 2 sites so cut her set?

I still thought she was good even though it wasn't the same show you'd get at her arena shows where as KoL gave exactly what you'd get at their arena shows

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Have to explain, am usually a Glasto/Besitval type of person so only went as had free tix and would normally refuse to go (never been before) but... me and my mate both said how surprised we were at how unchavy it was (were in Staffs). Only really saw it during james, which was really odd (lads jumping up and down at back and bumping into people, people pissing on the floor right in front of the stage).

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