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My little brother called me from in front of the pyramid stage last night

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Hah.. Not the article I was thinking of..

Just things he's said about fence jumpers. I'm sure there was an article earlier in the year too but I'm darned if I can find it.

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It is pretty well documented that he isn't exactly a fan of rules or establishment so he probably said that he missed the old days of being able to let people fence jump (and he might secretly want them to still do it) but I'd be surprised if he'd said anything to imply people should be still doing it when pretty much every official line from the festival since the super fence went up has been "do not even think about coming to the vicinity of the festival without a ticket".

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You know the more I look the more I think someone referenced that fake article on my facebook or something. I certainly hadn't read it before today. Durrrr.

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The fence was forced upon him by the council as a licence condition as the numbers were swelling to a huge proportions. If he had wanted to do it before he could have, a fence after all is not rocket science...

A few extra here and there don't hurt anyone anymore than a ticket holder does. The festival is sold out, the money is made, so it loses nothing. And unless you know someone inside to buy your way in you have to get fairly ingenious to gain entrance these days. I don't begrudge those that make it in without a ticket because I have paid for one in the slightest.

If everyone does it then the licence conditions would change again, whilst the council could refuse to licence the festival, it would take a brave council to put a stop to what the festival has become today, a 40 year old event that puts Somerset in the international media yearly.

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Again, what if everyone did that? I could easily take a week off work and go and camp down there. It's hardly enough to "deserve to be there". We all deserve to be there, especially those of us who have saved hard and paid for it!

Good luck to anyone trying to blag it, but it's not 1970 any more and the festival needs to pay for itself.

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Posted earlier today on facebook

Admins festival update: All of the stalls are turning up today! They're not on the site today because they're doing what is called a site sweep today which is where they get everyone off the site who isn't supposed to be there and then lock down the site. The stalls are going to the bath and west to stay until tomorrow when they're allowed on site

let's see how good he is at hiding!

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