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Guest upshitcreek

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I attempted this in 2011 but due to a combination of being a bottler and my mate not taking the hint to go for a piss on the 1 perfect moment to do it, I failed.

However, when I should of done it was up at the viewing area by the park overlooking the whole site by the ribbon tower at sunset. I would suggest at some point going up there, late evening if poss, just the 2 of you and asking there.


I ended up asking whilst lashed up in a hotel bedroom 6 months later, she said yes and got married last year

Oh and I didn't take the ring in the box cos was worried she would find it, or security would whip it out during a bag search so I ended up hiding it in my wallet in a bit of tissue

Edited by splinterbungee
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I was at the flashmob proposal in 2010 and it was lovely. Hundreds of people turned up and the sun was shining. (That would be my worry about organising something along those lines - if your chosen moment coincides with a Glastonbury monsoon then that might put a dampener on things, so to speak.)

Of the more low-key ideas, the ribbon tower sounds nice. And where better to celebrate than the Bimble Inn?

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My friend was proposed to at Glastonbury by another one of my friends.

He proposed to her up on the hill overlooking the festival. I asked for her tips on how to be proposed to at Glastonbury and she said:

...somewhere with a view…where it’s a bit quiet. And give her 2 pints of cider first and if possible don’t bump into a bunch of friends just before it happens (what are the chances?!)

And because it’s quiet and she’s really tired cos she’s been largin it, make sure she doesn’t fall asleep!

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I proposed in 11 in the kids field, did itthere as we had out 18 month old with us. My advice is to do it early so you can celebrate. I left it until the Sunday afternoon and we were all knackered by then.

WOuld be nice at flagtopia though i reckon or by the dragon pond :)

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SOOOOOOO..... i have decided to finally 'POP the question' to my GF and thought where better to do it than Glastonbury.. with all the mud and pissed up antics, not to mention stuffing the ring, which i have just picked up today, in my backpack which has taken me for ever to save up for...

Any Hoo,

Was wandering if

  1. anyone has had or heard of any expieriences when it comes to a glasto marrabe proposal
  2. Any one had any ideas of special places moments to do 'the deed'
  3. Any one got any contacts to someone whom could arrange some sort of shout out of even the tiniest degree of grandeur??

ANY help or tips would be greatly appreciated ( i have already contacted the official glasto email who kindly advised they are unable to help as they get inundated with such requests)

Thankyou, and have a fantastic glasto, ill be the one BRICKING it !! :help::maninlove::maninlove::thankyou::thankyou::wub::wub::angel:

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Seeing that Jagger hasnt been in touch im thinking of doing it at Flagtopia in the morning on Friday at 11:00 so i can get it over and done with and hopefully wont be to hungover/intoxicated...

Anybody fancy being there all the encouragement would be grately appreciated and what better way to start off the festival?? Also i might get a photograph taken!! :D

Cheers for all the help

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