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Festival Phones

Guest loverlea

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I take two of my old phones with me and a couple of spare batteries that cost a fiver. Lasts the whole weekend with the odd 20 mins in chill and charge. My Galaxy S3 definately does not fall in the "don't take anything to glasto you don't mind not brining back" category.

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I've got one of these http://www.trustedreviews.com/samsung-solid-immerse_Mobile-Phone_review

I cant use Iphones because of my job,construction industry, so this does me.

The internet is shit but its very solid and has a torch,which comes in very handy for festivals and work actually,I dropped it in a bucket of paint once as well and it still works fine and if you dont use the internet the battery lasts for a week.

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I know its a personal thing but I've always used Glasto as an excuse to be completely cut off phone wise. Its lovely. No internet, no one hassling you, it really is a release. We have agreed meeting points with the mates we go with at each stage and all use Clashfinder so we have never needed them.

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I managed break a works mobile at a festival. I woke up and the face of it was smashed and it was very broken indeed. I have also put a works mobile in a microwave and turn it on thinking I was heating soup. Result - a melted mobile phone which, on reflection, was a work of art.

I am happy to say that this is all in the past now and that me and work mobile phones get along alright at the moment. I no longer think of them as things of evil. I will therefore be taking my works phone to Glastonbury. Yes, that's how much respect I have for them now.

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Those wanting to leave their 'proper' phones at home may be missing the point - Glasto is a great place to use twitter and custom apps made for the festival.

I wouldn't begrudge someone an internet-free glasto, but that's not to say that new technologies can't enhance the expeience, either.

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Luckily with a caravan I can charge now, so I take my phone and use it as normal (although like others I do use it as an excuse to be cut off from the world).

When I used to camp I never had much trouble with phones running out of battery as long as I didn't use the camera. With my camera (a pretty standard dslr) I always take more than one battery as it will inevitably run out or be left on.

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I've taken my smartphone to the past 2 and it took something away from it, using a latest phone for internet and tweeting meant my battery was dead by end of thursday so spent time charging it when I could of been getting drunk and seeing bands, I'd say just take a poop phone for emergencies but embrace having no internet and some freedom from the world

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I also can't think of any app that would make my Glastonbury experience better or enhanced, for me its about listening to bands, exploring the site and spending time with my friends not about playing with my phone. As Dan points out what's fun about standing around trying to charge your phone while you could be off having fun. My phone is for locating pals if we lose each other (and that's not always easy as the phone networks tend to get swamped) and allowing home to get in touch if there were a problem/emergency.

I just take an old phone with a spare battery and then a 'brick' phone as a back up. I'm more concerned about my camera this year as its the first time I'll be taking a camera which doesn't run off disposable batteries so will need to find a way of keeping that working.

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I also can't think of any app that would make my Glastonbury experience better or enhanced, for me its about listening to bands, exploring the site and spending time with my friends not about playing with my phone. As Dan points out what's fun about standing around trying to charge your phone while you could be off having fun. My phone is for locating pals if we lose each other (and that's not always easy as the phone networks tend to get swamped) and allowing home to get in touch if there were a problem/emergency.

I just take an old phone with a spare battery and then a 'brick' phone as a back up. I'm more concerned about my camera this year as its the first time I'll be taking a camera which doesn't run off disposable batteries so will need to find a way of keeping that working.

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i'll be taking my old phone. the only reason i like to have a phone is so my dear old dad can text me from home while he watches along on tv. it's proven less than useless for finding friends. we just agree meeting places before setting off for the day.

i debated taking my smartphone because it's also my only camera but a few badly framed fuzzy snaps aren't worth the hassle.

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I recently bought a Chinese unbranded phone that is reasonable well specced and came with a spare battery. It's also dual-sim so am going to be on EE and Vodafone which should nearly guarantee a signal I'd never spend time charging the phone while i'm there and am confident that the two batteries will last by switching off all of the apps that drain battery life. If not, so-be-it.

My biggest luxury that I'll be taking is my camera. It's a decent compact and have five batteries. I'd be gutted if they don't last the time there as I always create a video after for posterity.

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I take an old nokia just in case I need to contact someone or someone needs to get hold of me. I took an iPhone in 2010 just because my Uni results came out on the friday morning and I couldnt have that hanging over me for the festival. I like being "free" for the five days and doing nice things like watching the world go by!

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Its just a Cannon compact, nothing fancy. It seems to have a good battery life, got it for Christmas 2011, just charge it now and again before a trip away and its never run out of power. But seeing as I'll be away for a week and usually take a lot of pics I don't want it dying on me!

Is it as easy to get spare camera batteries online as it is to get spare phone batteries?

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I know its a personal thing but I've always used Glasto as an excuse to be completely cut off phone wise. Its lovely. No internet, no one hassling you, it really is a release. We have agreed meeting points with the mates we go with at each stage and all use Clashfinder so we have never needed them.
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