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personally i thought theyre set was sublime. it was a privilege to be the 1st people to hear them play anything of TKOL. i really dont get why some people are giving them stick for playing theyre new tracks and not playing a load of hits.... it was a surprise set from a band who could easily headline the festival.. a band that wont let egos, and money get in the way of them performing. im particularly liking the live sound of mr magpie, and new track daily mail.

i would understand some abuse if this had been a pyramid headline set as it would have been lost on a lot of the crowd but it wasnt the pyramid.. it was the park.. a great place to hear new, cutting edge music and stuff you havent heard before... musically this is what the park is about isnt it?!

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I think they're c**ts. They represent everything I hate about music. The fact that even hardcore Radiohead fans were pissed off speaks volumes. Maybe if they were playing a good album people wouldnt have minded. As it turns out the the new album is total nonsense. Just like the last three.

Edited by The Nal
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personally i thought theyre set was sublime. it was a privilege to be the 1st people to hear them play anything of TKOL. i really dont get why some people are giving them stick for playing theyre new tracks and not playing a load of hits.... it was a surprise set from a band who could easily headline the festival.. a band that wont let egos, and money get in the way of them performing. im particularly liking the live sound of mr magpie, and new track daily mail.

i would understand some abuse if this had been a pyramid headline set as it would have been lost on a lot of the crowd but it wasnt the pyramid.. it was the park.. a great place to hear new, cutting edge music and stuff you havent heard before... musically this is what the park is about isnt it?!

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i would understand some abuse if this had been a pyramid headline set as it would have been lost on a lot of the crowd but it wasnt the pyramid.. it was the park.. a great place to hear new, cutting edge music and stuff you havent heard before... musically this is what the park is about isnt it?!

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I agree with you to a point. Sublime may be too strong however IMO.

It was nice to see em play the new stuff but it was not exclusively a Radiohead crowd who would (one would think) be more accepting of a "test gig". It was a festival crowd and so many casual lookers would most likely have expected more hits and classics.

Was the Park the right place to test out the new stuff? In a Glasto context maybe as a larger stage defo would not have worked, but was Glasto the right place for Radiohead to do this sort of gig? Maybe not. I would suspect it would have be more suited to a small music venue in say Oxford to a few thousand Radiohead fans........

But I did certainly enjoy it (even if I was too near a speaker and thought my head would fall off!)

Edited by ThomThomDrum
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I did enjoy hearing a couple of the new tracks and stuff off In Rainbows. However I think the rain didn't help their cause and if they'd only played 2 or 3 more "classics" the majority of the crowd (including me) would have gone home happy or much happier. A lot of my friends who are only casual fans turned up just in case they'd play some hits despite hearing rumours that they'd only be playing new stuff and obviously came away disappointed. They could easily have played the majority of their set and added 2 or 3 well known songs to keep everyone happy.

Rain + only one singalong + pretty shit sound = many fed up people

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I'm a big Radiohead fan so had no problem with them playing the new stuff. I did however think some of it was patchy to say the least. Good Morning Mr Magpie was the best of the new stuff live and up there with most of t he rest of their back catalogue. The new song sounded superb, the rest of the stuff off In Rainbows, Amnesiac etc sounded very good. Not the best I've seen them but I wouldn't have been anywhere else at that time. I would have liked to of seen them play 2 or 3 off Hail to the Thief though. I really like King of Limbs so I'm looking forward to seeing them again once they are fully familiar with playing it live.

Edited by BigMouthStrikesAgain
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I did enjoy hearing a couple of the new tracks and stuff off In Rainbows. However I think the rain didn't help their cause and if they'd only played 2 or 3 more "classics" the majority of the crowd (including me) would have gone home happy or much happier. A lot of my friends who are only casual fans turned up just in case they'd play some hits despite hearing rumours that they'd only be playing new stuff and obviously came away disappointed. They could easily have played the majority of their set and added 2 or 3 well known songs to keep everyone happy.

Rain + only one singalong + pretty shit sound = many fed up people

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People went expecting a festival set and were disappointed because they didn't get one, fair enough. However, from reading around I went there knowing that they would play the King of Limbs/new stuff (and was telling everyone that asked) - they did, I got what I expected and wasn't disappointed at all. It was great to hear the new stuff live, plus some of the In Rainbows stuff I've never heard live - really glad I got to see All I Need.

If the sun was going to tell everyone Radiohead were playing, they should have at least told everyone also that it would be a gig of new tracks, nobody could complain then. Having said that, really it should have been done at a small venue as a "King of Limbs gig" to get full effect, so I see both sides of the argument.

I loved it personally.

Edited by The_Spoon
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This exactly. Would it really have hurt to swap any of 15 Step, All I Need, Weird Fishes and I Might Be Wrong for something like Karma Police, Paranoid Android, Idioteque, No Surprises or There There? Arguably the most upbeat tune was Lotus Flower which was blighted by poor sound. They didn't even do Codex which is my favourite on the album!

I'm a fan but a set of King of Limbs in the rain with a load of people who'd never even heard the album when we could have all been partying to Morrissey really peed me off - I'd been waiting 16 years to see Radiohead and was so disappointed I felt the need to go and see U2 on my own just so I could have a sing, and I hate U2!

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This exactly. Would it really have hurt to swap any of 15 Step, All I Need, Weird Fishes and I Might Be Wrong for something like Karma Police, Paranoid Android, Idioteque, No Surprises or There There? Arguably the most upbeat tune was Lotus Flower which was blighted by poor sound. They didn't even do Codex which is my favourite on the album!

I'm a fan but a set of King of Limbs in the rain with a load of people who'd never even heard the album when we could have all been partying to Morrissey really peed me off - I'd been waiting 16 years to see Radiohead and was so disappointed I felt the need to go and see U2 on my own just so I could have a sing, and I hate U2!

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Oh and I wasn't expecting a "festival set" I knew it would be mainly based on KOL. However it really wouldn't have hurt them to make 2 or 3 concessions to the festival crowd. I thought it smacked of arrogance and as my mate put it "The problem with Radiohead is that everyone always tells them everything they ever do is amazing. Maybe the reaction to this will bring them back down to earth a bit"

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I'm not a Radiohead fan by any stretch of the imagination. For example my ipod has about 4 tracks of theirs (Creep, High and Dry, Street Spirit and another one which I don't even remember). The only time I've seen them play was in 1993 when they supported James.

I went to the Park because, at the time, we genuinely didn't know who was playing. I was hoping for Pulp.

And I have to say I was actually pleasantly surprised by them and their performance. I only recongnised one track but it didn't matter. Their set was much more upbeat than my perception of what a Radiohead gig would be like.

Is it correct most of their set was from their latest album? Is that what they do these days instead of the whiny depressing stuff I associate with Radiohead?

Although there is a lot of negativity about Radiohead (I too have been guilty in the past!) I may now be a convert. I need to check out more of their stuff.

Any recommendations for more more upbeat tunes of theirs please?


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I think they're c**ts. They represent everything I hate about music. The fact that even hardcore Radiohead fans were pissed off speaks volumes. Maybe if they were playing a good album people wouldnt have minded. As it turns out the the new album is total nonsense. Just like the last three.

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In Rainbows is their second best album I think, even if someone didn't like it, I can't understand why it would be described as 'total nonsense'. It has ten really strong, memorable tracks on it, including Arpeggi, which they played at the Park and is possibly my favourite Radiohead track. You sound like another person who gave up at Amnesiac and hasn't really listened to the later stuff. I was disappointed by KoL, but still enjoyed the (far too quiet) performance, though I could hear loads of people complaining afterwards that they didn't play the hits. At a secret gig. On the Park stage.

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I genuinely don't understand why anyone would go thinking it would be a set with a load of hits in it. They would have been on the pyramid if that were the case.

With the live basement session coming up it was obviously going to be some sort of testing ground for KOL. I was expecting KOL in it's entirety and nothing else. Was more than happy with the setlist. I've waited years to see Radiohead for one reason or another, KOL isn't my favourite album by any means but I absolutely loved it.

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Sure, but you said 'total nonsense, just like the last three'. In Rainbows was the previous album. I was underwhelmed by KoL, especially following on from the last album and Thom Yorke's solo album. However I do like the double a side that came out recently after it.

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I wouldn't have minded if all there output in the last 5 or 6 years wasn't totally pretentious bullshit and if I hadn't missed the 2 acts on the line up I was desperate to see to witness this waste of my time.

Radiohead fans come in many flavours and before I continue I'd like to state that after their 2009 Reading set I was blown away and am a big fan of them live even if I find their post OK Computer records a bit wearing. it is my opinion that everything since then is over-rated and there are a faction of fans that get on my tits by claiming it is the greatest piece of art ever created with hidden meanings and unique divine genius. Or something erring towards that. All I hear (and even if I do say it myself I do have a certain level of taste) is over worked, over produced, pretentious crap. They over play the intense artist card and come up with tracks that are actually dull as they are trying too hard to reach some higher plain that doesn't exist.

Call me a pleb, press the negative button if you really want but I am simply saying what many music fans are too scared to say these days. It seems that if you don't like Radiohead's latest output then you are an idiot, know nothing and have no taste. This is not true. The people who think this are in fact arrogant twats and that is the end of it. Music is subjective and Radiohead seem to have gained a plinth where no-one dare criticise them. Well f**k that!

Regarding their actual performance it consisted entirely of The King of Limbs and some of the better tracks from In Rainbows and whilst that is fine for some it wasn't for me and I missed Mumford and Sons and Chase and Status for it. Not Happy. Also got called a w*nker for leaving before the end. Not appreciated but for me sums up the people who like the new stuff as much as they do.

Just my opinion and I am sure all present company are not the total arse holes described above smile.gif

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personally i thought theyre set was sublime. it was a privilege to be the 1st people to hear them play anything of TKOL. i really dont get why some people are giving them stick for playing theyre new tracks and not playing a load of hits.... it was a surprise set from a band who could easily headline the festival.. a band that wont let egos, and money get in the way of them performing. im particularly liking the live sound of mr magpie, and new track daily mail.

i would understand some abuse if this had been a pyramid headline set as it would have been lost on a lot of the crowd but it wasnt the pyramid.. it was the park.. a great place to hear new, cutting edge music and stuff you havent heard before... musically this is what the park is about isnt it?!

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Totally agree with you. Anyone expecting radiohead to play a headlining set list on the park stage has no clue.

I saw radiohead headline in 2003 and it is still to this day the best thing I have ever seen at Glastonbury( helped along by the amazing flaming lips before hand) and I've had the privilege to see many an amazing headliner in the many years I've been going.

Radiohead know exactly how to give the late night pyramid crowd exactly what they want, but this year simply wasn't a headline set. It was a secret gig and nowhere along the line did any of us get promised an hour of their biggest hits. In fact the rumour on twitter and the sun was that they would be playing KOL in full.

For those moaning about the new material over last few albums, why would you go to watch a band that you have had no musical interest in for years. Take Kings of Leon for example. First 3 albums I love, saw them many times in early years. Hate latest two albums and therefore would not choose to go watch them now for that reason as I would only leave disappointed.

I loved radiohead in the park

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