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Glastonbury dreams have begun

Guest didsbury_chef

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So with the time getting nearer last night I had the first Glasto dream for this year. I dreamnt we were putting up the tents and meeting the usual people and commenting on whats changed/is new , the main difference was the Burger King and McDonalds outlet tents with a window in the side like a drivethrough and also the "Ye Olde Farmers Market" sponsored by Tesco selling fresh fruit and veg like I used to see weekly in our village centre (without the tesco branding).

Other than those few disgraceful newcomers Im happy to report the ground was firm but not dusty and all the usual smells, random music from stalls and people were all still there inc. That warm cosy feeling you get after putting up tent and wandering around again familiarising yourself with things.

Anyone else started with Glasto dreams yet?

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Mine are always the same theme !

Its Sunday night and I have seen and done f**k all !

Been there since Wednesday and just put tent up and sat round it for 5 days forgetting to see bands , Stone Circle , Party , Green Fields the lot


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I'll start getting the inevitable 'got to Glasto but forgot my ticket' dreams soon..... Always happens when I'm looking forward to something! Perhaps it's my subconiousness trying to remind me of stuff...

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my Glasto dreams started ages ago but I had a particularly cool one a couple of nights ago, we were in this weird floating orb taxi kind of thing just zooming around the festival site but before the festival started, everything was set up though. Then we decided to fly up to the top of the stone circle to have a look at the view.

The only bad thing was, the meter was ticking all the time, the whole voyage cost us about £4.60!

Yes, I'm odd. :huh:

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I had a dream about Glastonbury a few night ago. I was carrying a Clashfinder with buttons on it and when I pressed the button of a band I wanted to see, I was transported to the stage they were on.

Sort it out Halvin!!

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my Glasto dreams started ages ago but I had a particularly cool one a couple of nights ago, we were in this weird floating orb taxi kind of thing just zooming around the festival site but before the festival started, everything was set up though. Then we decided to fly up to the top of the stone circle to have a look at the view.

The only bad thing was, the meter was ticking all the time, the whole voyage cost us about £4.60!

Yes, I'm odd. :huh:

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I had a dream last night that my friends came to pick me up from work to drive down, but they wouldn't let me go home first to pick up any of my stuff. So I had to spend the whole festival in my work clothes with no tent or sleeping bag.

Perhaps I'm overthinking the packing list & this was my subconscious trying to tell me?

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my Glasto dreams started ages ago but I had a particularly cool one a couple of nights ago, we were in this weird floating orb taxi kind of thing just zooming around the festival site but before the festival started, everything was set up though. Then we decided to fly up to the top of the stone circle to have a look at the view.

The only bad thing was, the meter was ticking all the time, the whole voyage cost us about £4.60!

Yes, I'm odd. :huh:

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I distinctly remember last year having a few dreams where the U2 set would be screwed up somehow. I remember in one of them I was right at the front of the crowd, and halfway through a song Adam Clayton's bass cut out and then for some reason curtains literally came down and the set was over. Their cancellation did not come as a surpise to me, I just knew something bad would happen.

No Glasto dreams so far this year, to be honest I wont be able to get properly excited by it until tomorrow afternoon after my final exam.

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Yup, I spent all evening reading these forums and all night having strange dreams about glasto.. The funny thing is the reality will always be weirder.. Woot!! :D

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