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2012 Lineup

Guest Hart Attack

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what did i tell you mate. sooner or later you get flamed when not necessary. i had stuff like this off a certain group of peoplefor a while and still now hence what you have seen me say.

your not allowed to post thoughts however good or bad without an arsy reply but they're okay to rubbish you with an attitude.

shame soni forums are better these days but don't have a r and l section.

Edited by JIM-182
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JIM-182 i fucking hope all your predictions are wrong paramore!! and didnt you say BFMV will be headlining download next year :banghead: i respect that everyone has their own taste and opinions, just hope yours are wrong. xD

Can anyone see Tool making an apperance at R&L anytime soon, new album apparently on the way and tour dates in the US beginning of next year. Id say they'd easily headline Download or Soni but maybe sub/ 3rd down at R&L?? thoughts on a postcard??

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JIM-182 i fucking hope all your predictions are wrong paramore!! and didnt you say BFMV will be headlining download next year :banghead: i respect that everyone has their own taste and opinions, just hope yours are wrong. xD

Can anyone see Tool making an apperance at R&L anytime soon, new album apparently on the way and tour dates in the US beginning of next year. Id say they'd easily headline Download or Soni but maybe sub/ 3rd down at R&L?? thoughts on a postcard??

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Disagree with your post. This is EXACTLY why this forum is so downhill at the mo. There's no need for PISS TAKE based on opinions and defo not just mentioning a band you want to play. You don't, so you didn't post it, he did so he did. Subject closed man.

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Well no, I'm not. He hears someone opposing his opinion, and goes on a total bender of self-righteous complaining. Man up and get over it. If not, defend it. Don't just try and drown it out with incessant whining god damn. And don't you dare try and suggest people doing this is what is wrong with the forums, you have not been here long enough to judge that.

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JIM-182 i fucking hope all your predictions are wrong paramore!! and didnt you say BFMV will be headlining download next year :banghead: i respect that everyone has their own taste and opinions, just hope yours are wrong. xD

Can anyone see Tool making an apperance at R&L anytime soon, new album apparently on the way and tour dates in the US beginning of next year. Id say they'd easily headline Download or Soni but maybe sub/ 3rd down at R&L?? thoughts on a postcard??

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Fuck all of you complete wasters. Seriously, I cant believe I've even got to 100 posts on this shit. You're all complete fucking losers, wasting all of your time on an internet forum, I can't believe I was even wasting my time being on here. Sort your lives out, you sad fucking people. Get off of your computers and go out and do something with yourselves other than spending every day on a fucking forum. I won't be posting again, you lot can get on with your shitty little internet geek lives. FUCK THE LOT OF YOU.

Edited by JIM-182
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The whole point of the forums is discussion, not a one way stream of bullsh*t which you use it for. People are allowed to come back with why they disagree with what other people say.

If you hate the forum so much i presume you are going to stop posting on it? Or is that just wishful thinking?

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Fuck all of you complete wasters. Seriously, I cant believe I've even got to 100 posts on this shit. You're all complete fucking losers, wasting all of your time on an internet forum, I can't believe I was even wasting my time being on here. Sort your lives out, you sad fucking people. Get off of your computers and go out and do something with yourselves other than spending every day on a fucking forum. I won't be posting again, you lot can get on with your shitty little internet geek lives. FUCK THE LOT OF YOU.

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