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Guest eFestivals

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Sometimes the evidence is 100% clear. That Brazilian player hit by the ball by the corner flag at the last(?) world cup for example.

I'm simply saying that the evidence does not back up your conclusive view that Eduardo definitely dived. Your view is at odds with the solid evidence.

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neil, i'm swivelling my ankle right now. no goalie beside me. it's possible. try it. now add that statement of fact along with the angles which 99% suggest it was a dive and remove your arsene blinkers.

I know it's possible, I've stated that it is. :rolleyes:

Those "angles which 99% suggest it was a dive" don't actually show anything. :rolleyes:

They do not in any way show there was no contact. In only one (I think) view of those angle are you even able to see his foot.

By far the clearest angle is the camera he was running towards, and that does suggest that there was contact - tho if you care to check back on my previous posts, I happy admit that if I viewed it some more times I might conclude that there wasn't.

Unfortunately, I've never been able to view it more times, as that angle seems to be missing from all of those "conclusive" videos on YouTube (or at least the ones I've been presented with here). Funny that, isn't it - especially when they're all labelled "dive" ... a smart man would think those YouTubers have something to hide, because they defo seem to have hidden it. :lol::lol:

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Its the only vid on youtube that why, it shows 3 angles, no contact on any of them. Where is this other angle you speak of?

Where is it? You'll have to ask the person who put the vid on YouTube why they decided to omit it. But I have a view of why that doesn't take any genius. :lol:

Jesus Neil, even for your Arsenal blinkered view of the game this is bad. :lol:

says the man who has conveniently forgotten what was shown many times on TV that night. :lol::lol:

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okay, it's not 100% that he dived. it's perhaps 95%. but i'm just going to stick my neck out and say that he dived. you only live once!

you know that if you were to put it into a percentage, that him diving would come out way on top. so why can't you just say it? eduardo isn't going to come and be your friend just because you didn't condemn him. and nothing wil change.

From first view, I'd have defo said "dive".

From repeated views, it's far from clear it was a dive and there's a more than decent possibility there was contact.

If I was to put it as a percentage I'd go with 60% dive, 40% not.

But anyway, the only reason this matters so much to you is because you foolishly and laughably believed that Celtic were Arsenal's equal, and hanging onto your "cheats" opinion is the only way you can avoid admitting just how big a gulf there really is. I'd like to think you'll get over it, but history suggests you won't. ;)

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But anyway, the only reason this matters so much to you is because you foolishly and laughably believed that Celtic were Arsenal's equal, and hanging onto your "cheats" opinion is the only way you can avoid admitting just how big a gulf there really is. I'd like to think you'll get over it, but history suggests you won't. ;)

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Why would I be blinkered in a matter relating to Arsenal and Celtic?

No idea. Did Arsenal whip boro's arse constantly, just perhaps? :P

Where have I said this?

I do love Neil's little accusation-filled rants when his view is questioned.

You believe yourself to know more about football than me because you watch more live football. You have stated this opinion at every opportunity.

Given that the pros watch a much greater percentage above you than you do above me, then if you have any consistency to your views then you will have to concede that you don't know shit compared to them. So no different to how you'll never concede to my view, then you must surely abandon your view in favour of those pros with a hugely greater knowledge.

But the fact that you don't puts all you say in it's right context. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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A couple of news stories that took my notice today


I just dont see why city would go after donovan. I think he is a very good player but not one I would buy if I was the richest club in the world. It reminds me of when chelsea were buying players for the sake of it eg scott parker.


Spurs win the premiership?? I will have whatever Harrys drinking. I would be evry surprised if they made top 4. City will overtake them and cant see them overtaking any of the top 3 from last year.

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Are you saying theres a conspiracy?

I'm saying they've deliberately chosen to leave out one of the angles - the clearest angle of any.

The 'why' can only be guessed at. But given how so many arsehole fans like to pretend one thing is another entirely for partisan effect, I think that's the most likely, don't you? :)

No Ive not forgotten, I saw a dive from every angle. Its not like Eduardo is the only one to do it, yes - including Utd players. I just dont get how you can think it was "60% dive, 40% not". :unsure: Its as clear as day. How would 3 angles show no contact and one that does show contact. He "simulated" contact, including foot movement and it fooled the ref. For some bizarre reason, it still fools you - 40% of you anyway.

It's not clear as day by any means. I can't remember how many angles there are, but there's only two where you can see his foot (the foot that the contact would have come on).

But with one of those, it was taken from the nearest to Eduardo touchline, so while you can see his foot, you can't see what impact there might be on that foot from the goalie on the other side. So that's f**k all use, and not clear about anything.

So two of those "3 angles show no contact" that you talk of would have to be laughable, given that those cameras don't have a view. :lol:

There is an angle from a camera that Eduardo was running directly towards. That shows his heel swivel sharply outwards at just about the point that a part of the goalie's leg (knee I think, tho the memory is fading) would have hit his heel. There is no doubt whatsoever that there's a movement that could be due to contact - and as I said long ago, if I viewed it some more times I could come to a firm view on whether there was contact or not, or perhaps I couldn't.

Until I see it, I can't know. But given that you don't ever present it, it's not one of the 3 views you talk of.

Yet that vid you presented today only has two views. :lol:

And in the one from the touchline nearest Eduardo, you can actually see that sharp movement of his heel I talk of. From that angle and at that speed, it doesn't look a natural movement. And the commentator even says there was contact from watching the replay!!

He might have simulated contact. He might have dragged his foot to help create contact. He might even have just dived. Or he might have been fouled.

There's f**k all anyone has shown me which clearly shows no contact. If you have something, let me see it. :)

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