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Who here is giving Glastonbury a miss this year?

Guest Vectrex

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I decided to give it a miss this year. Having been five to five Glasto's on the trot, I thought it was time to give it a break for this year. Explored most of what the festival has to offer, and last year I felt it actually became a bit "same old same old"(even though I still enjoyed it) for me. Naaaah time to give it a break this year I thought to myself. I'll watch it from the comfort of my armchair on the telly this year. I plan to return to Glasto next year however, by then I think Glasto will be a little different from my last visit in 2009.

Having said that I bet when I see the reports from Glasto on the local TV news in a couple of weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if I get jealous that I'm not there this year.

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No it's not. If you go to the same hotel in Benidorm every year you are literally closing yourself off to the entire world. Different continents, ski holidays, festivals, extreme sports, wonders of the world.

If you decide to go to Glasto rather than one of the other (let's guess at) 50 avaliable festivals you are merely choosing to go to what is widely perceived as the best option for a similar experience across the festival circuit.

I've just realised that noone actually said that you should go to other festivals though, and just that you shouldn't go to Glasto every year. So I feel a bit daft now. My point still stands though, even if noone required me to make it :D

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I had to miss it last year, due to having a small baby, and not being brave enough to take him. I cried every time I saw any coverage on TV (A disclaimer- I was still quite hormonal!).

That small baby is now a toddler, and is being introduced to Glastonbury at the grand old age of 14 months. I just couldn't miss it again.

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I can understand wanting to miss Glastonbury to try other stuff, because you can't afford to do both in terms of money or leave. There is a big wide world to see out there. For me, Glastonbury is still the highlight of my year, largely because of the people I'm with. I don't really get the been there done that mentality though as there is so much to do and people to meet. Plus the bands are different each year. 2012 I think I will make a trip somewhere special to make up for no Glasto.

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No it's not. If you go to the same hotel in Benidorm every year you are literally closing yourself off to the entire world. Different continents, ski holidays, festivals, extreme sports, wonders of the world.

If you decide to go to Glasto rather than one of the other (let's guess at) 50 avaliable festivals you are merely choosing to go to what is widely perceived as the best option for a similar experience across the festival circuit.

I've just realised that noone actually said that you should go to other festivals though, and just that you shouldn't go to Glasto every year. So I feel a bit daft now. My point still stands though, even if noone required me to make it :D

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I've been going since 1990, and missed my first in 2007 (kid no 2 being born) - I watched that on telly and laughed hearty sighs of relief as the site turned into a fetid swamp. Returned in 2008. I then missed my second in 2009 (kid no 3 being born) and watched it on telly and nearly cried as The Specials played as the sun set on a beautiful mud-free Glasto.

It does make the return much sweeter if you take a year off, and re-engages you with the place if you've been a few times, so I thinks it's a good thing to take a sabbatical. It's also a massive relief if you take off a year where the weather is shite. :D

It's difficult not to take the place for granted if you do it year in year out for a long time. This year we are camping in a completely new spot for the first time so hopefully that will add a bit of novelty too. But having been away since 08 I'm dead excited about going again. :)

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I've been going since 1990, and missed my first in 2007 (kid no 2 being born) - I watched that on telly and laughed hearty sighs of relief as the site turned into a fetid swamp. Returned in 2008. I then missed my second in 2009 (kid no 3 being born) and watched it on telly and nearly cried as The Specials played as the sun set on a beautiful mud-free Glasto.

It does make the return much sweeter if you take a year off, and re-engages you with the place if you've been a few times, so I thinks it's a good thing to take a sabbatical. It's also a massive relief if you take off a year where the weather is shite. :D

It's difficult not to take the place for granted if you do it year in year out for a long time. This year we are camping in a completely new spot for the first time so hopefully that will add a bit of novelty too. But having been away since 08 I'm dead excited about going again. :)

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Mr P&aP isn't going this year, for various reasons including time off work being tricky - we get married this Saturday coming so he's run out of leave really. I'm still going though... wouldn't miss it for the world!

I've no idea how anyone could get bored of Glastonbury, I really don't. This will be my 6th festival and I reckon it'll take me another 6 to see everything and explore everything. And I've never in my life felt so down and upset as watching 2004 coverage on telly when we missed out on tickets...

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I'm not going for the first time since 2002.

i made my decision for not going for two reasons

- mud ( am absolutely sick to death of it - 5 muddy ones in a row - last year counts as a muddy one, even if it didn't last long) a

- going alone again - did this for the first time last year and didn't get all i could have from the festival.

I'm 'socially autistic' so even somewhere like G, i struggle to deal with poeple i don't know

cost is also a major factor - i spend way too much money on various supplies and i need to rein that in.

Having said all that, I'm a bit gutted now that I'm not going and have been entering any and all competitions in the forelorn hope that i get tix!

Will not be able to watch any footage on TV

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There is a lot of the world to see, but tbh we can't afford any long haul amazing places. We occasionally have a week in Greece or Spain which is nice, but we just know we like Glastonbury better.

I'm not one for artifacts, ruins, or museums, or even hiking through forests or up mountains (although I do like scenery), and lying by the pool or the sea in the sun is lovely for a couple of days, but then I get a bit bored.

What I love about Glastonbury is that it engages me for the whole time I'm awake, from the general camping stuff, to the bands, and the people, and the random stuff. I'm sure other festivals are great too, and I'm just as sure we'll get to some of them soon, but I don't think anywhere else has the range that Glastonbury has - so that's our first choice - then we think whether we can afford anything else on top.

Having said all that, i do think if you're getting bored or fed up with it, a break is good. In 2000 I'd totally had enough and came back in 2004 and fell in love all over again. Although it wasn't a choice - missing out on tickets in 2005 meant that I loved 2007 despite the weather. It changes a little each year so if you go every year it has only changed a little, but leave it a couple of years, and you find quite a lot changes - and that does refresh it.

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Im not going this year - didnt bother last year either although its mainly due to the other half working in New York so all our cash at the minute is tied up in flights to and from the states and supporting 2 flats on pretty crappy wages.

That said though I would go if I could win/blag a ticket. There has even been talk between friends of resurecting the ladder™ but the last time it was used people slept in bushes and had to dodge gnarly security guards, dogs and helicopters for 2 days and nights. Still got in for free though although it wasnt the ladder in the end - just a lot of bribery on the main gates. :)

I quite enjoy people on the boards getting excited about the festie as I know what its like when you have a ticket. Ill just have to lock myself in a cupboard for the last weekend in June. Hope you all have fun!

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I didn't go last year for the first time since 1982, due to a wedding (not mine even). The build up to the festi was the worse. I work there now so am down on the Sunday before and it was this build up that I missed, late night chats with friends, seeing it all come together. The actual festival (although the all weekend wedding was brilliant so distarcted me) I don't think I really missed at all.

I do know what the OP was saying about seeing it all before.

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me and mrs parsonjack are giving it a miss this year, and so are some freinds of ours. they are doing so cos they have got new jobs, new house commitments etc.

we are doing so because there were a number of thinsg that really tested our tolerance last year..over 3 hours to get in even though we only live 9 miles away...being stuck into a van field 20 mins walk from PGC even though we drove in at 1200 Weds....the ridiculous crush in Trash City after dark...the crazy one way system on the railway track...umbrellas...camping chairs...sausage flags....

trivial to some i know..but after 8 on the trot all these things together were enough to decide we needed to recharge....which we did by spedning the money on a trip to marrakech... ;)

now that its only 2 weeks away i am def wishing i was going now...but i'm glad i feel like that as it proves the spark hasnt died and we'll be back next year raging for it...

we'll be there on Sunday this year though..so we get to do 5 days in 12 hours :P

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