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Things that annoy you ?

Guest swede

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I was on a train and there was this huge guy (at least 20 stone) taking up the space for 4 seats and this pregnant women comes on and tries to sit on one of the seats and the guy makes no effort to move his gut to let her sit down and I would of thought what a fat lazy arsehole if I hadn't of seen some inshape suit arsehole do the same thing a week earlier of refusing to make space for some pregnant women trying to sit in an empty seat next to them.

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I was on a train and there was this huge guy (at least 20 stone) taking up the space for 4 seats and this pregnant women comes on and tries to sit on one of the seats and the guy makes no effort to move his gut to let her sit down and I would of thought what a fat lazy arsehole if I hadn't of seen some inshape suit arsehole do the same thing a week earlier of refusing to make space for some pregnant women trying to sit in an empty seat next to them.

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pm wasn't having a go at all fatties.

there's a guy that goes to livingston games who i am amazed can be supported by the seat. and you have your story about surgery and rehab etc, but what's his excuse when he sends his fat kid to go get the pies and bovril at half time so that he can remain on his fat arse! and then both of them gorge down on their high calorie snacks whilst increasing in mass.

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I was on the tube and no one offered their seat to my wife when she was prego... But it was london so didn't expect much better....Its one thing not noticing but quite another when they look right at you and then just turn away... As a few did...

I always give up my seat for other people who are clearly in more need of it... Although I did get called a patronising bastard by one old guy once which was rather funny :)

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Eh...finding out my mate has been speaking to the girl I'm currently seeing and he's been telling her "He's like Batman, so manly he's gay" so now I am annoyed from the headache I'm getting from trying to figure out if I should be flattered or insulted.

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I don't dislike overweight people, If they're happy with there weight then good on them.

I do however hate fat people who moan about wanting to lose weight but don't seem to put any effort into actually doing it. Put the f**king cake down!

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Not something that annoys me but something that made me sad...

As you will see from the laughter thread, i am terrified of spiders, i know it is irrational in this country, but there you go. Anyway a massive spider has been living in our house recently. My OH caught him once and took him outside, (I asked him to put him on a train to London, but he said that was going too far), anyway he came back, would you believe spiders have a homing instinct? Anyway the little bugger got behind me last night while i was watching telly, i can't cope with him hiding somewhere where he might jump out at me. So i chased him around the flat for 30 minutes trying to trap him so OH could take him away when he got home.

Eventually i got him in a position where i could put the glass over him, but i missed and he ran away, i did manage to get him on the next go but then when i looked down i had managed to pull a few of his legs off on the first time round. They were lying on the carpet. I feel really bad now. :( Massive karma fail. :(:(

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You have a right to be annoyed by what you like of course, but i do hate it that i am judged as being lazy because i'm overweight. I wasn't skinny a couple of years ago but i was about a size 16, Then i had to have major abdominal surgery and lack of oestrogen meant i put on loads of weight, couldn't exercise much because of recovery and am still not quite right, but i'm just lazy yeah? I walk nearly 3 miles a day and i exercise at home. I eat healthily, mostly, and what pisses me off more than anything is not only am i judged as being lazy, but i'm also judged as being a bit thick too. As if fat people can't be clever. So you know what? f**k you and your snap judgements, try getting to know people better before deciding that they are lazy and stupid.

Also you think people who are fat don't realise they are? We just wake up one day and think to ourselves oops? Most people who are fat carry around a huge guilt complex because of it and people like you do nothing to help that.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Naw. I meant MASSIVELY obese types. Like, properly huge, to a baffling degree. I did say I had no problems with people with just a bit of a weight problem, because I'm sure most of us have been there or will go through it at some point.

You're clearly not lazy - so you're not the kind of person I was talking about. I'm sorry if I offended you.

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Just because i am doing an admin role does not mean i'm a f**king idiot who understands nothing about the Industry i work in and have spent the last 3 years getting qualified in. grrrr f**king arrrrrgggg :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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When the bottom of your drawers keeps falling out so you can't open the drawers easily and whatever you do to fix it doesn't seem to work and then you start swearing at the drawers and sweating profusely and realise your life isn't turning out how you planned.

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Not something that annoys me but something that made me sad...

As you will see from the laughter thread, i am terrified of spiders, i know it is irrational in this country, but there you go. Anyway a massive spider has been living in our house recently. My OH caught him once and took him outside, (I asked him to put him on a train to London, but he said that was going too far), anyway he came back, would you believe spiders have a homing instinct? Anyway the little bugger got behind me last night while i was watching telly, i can't cope with him hiding somewhere where he might jump out at me. So i chased him around the flat for 30 minutes trying to trap him so OH could take him away when he got home.

Eventually i got him in a position where i could put the glass over him, but i missed and he ran away, i did manage to get him on the next go but then when i looked down i had managed to pull a few of his legs off on the first time round. They were lying on the carpet. I feel really bad now. :( Massive karma fail. :(:(

Edited by _rachelbon
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