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Bono humbled to play Glasto

Guest DaiBoyCookie

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Would all these Bono haters have slated him if he'd have said nothing? Yep.

Would all these Bono haters have slated him if he'd have said Glasto was 'just another gig'? Yep.

Would all these Bono haters have slated him if he'd have said 'I Am The Eggman'? Yep.

So all these Bono haters slated him now he's said he's humbed to play have they? Yep - quelle surprise.

Totally agree with those who have said he can't win. I don't particularly like the bloke, but give him a chance for f**ks sake. Some pathetic, childish posts in this thread. Grow up.

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I was going to highlight the parts that sounded like a bitter, miss-informed bore down the pub who has taken small anecdotal 'facts' and turned them into a cliche rant about someone he knows nothing truly about, when I suddenly realized it was all of it..

Not a huge fan of U2 - but know it's a fantastic booking. The man just said he's not going to rant and let the music do the talking. How can he win? Now lets all shut up, listen and enjoy..

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Wow! A whole 30 seconds of a political statement! What a bastard! Id want my money back! Nearly as bad as a Massive Attack gig or and Manic Street Preachers gig............f**king cheek!

I would never go to a gig and have an artist make a point on anything! They should all just shut the f**k up and sing, play and dance like the the little monkies I pay them to be!!


And if anyone made a political statement at Glasto!!!..............well that would be the end of that! I would never go again if I thought that carry on was going down...........Not at Glasto! No Way! :P:(

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Wow! A whole 30 seconds of a political statement! What a bastard! Id want my money back! Nearly as bad as a Massive Attack gig or and Manic Street Preachers gig............f**king cheek!

I would never go to a gig and have an artist make a point on anything! They should all just shut the f**k up and sing, play and dance like the the little monkies I pay them to be!!


And if anyone made a political statement at Glasto!!!..............well that would be the end of that! I would never go again if I thought that carry on was going down...........Not at Glasto! No Way! :P:P

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nobody ever said he doesn't say anything political onstage, however, from some of the b*llox posted on this forum you'd think that U2 played about 2 songs per show while the rest of the time was Bono preaching (hold on folks, the man's talkin' about waste management, that effects the whole damn planet!)...
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Im not a big fan of either U2 or Bono but FFS the stages of glasto have been graced with Egotistical twats in many shapes and sizes over the years, they are rock/pop/rap/whatever f**king genre you like Stars!, Being an egotistical twat goes with the territory and a lot of the time its those massive egos that have proved themselves to be a great success up there on the stage,

At various stages in their careers both Clapton and Bowie have come out with totally racist nasty bullshit but they are forgiven or its forgotton because its "The Drugs talking" or some other shit excuse and folks beg for them to appear at Glasto because they are "Stars", Doherty/Winehouse are nothing short of a Heroin/crack promotion ad on legs... but hey its entertainment cos they are rebels and make a good noise when on stage dont they??? and they dont preach! so apprently they are cool. ......Its a Rock band and its a festival! and the only folks that are politicising the gig right now is some of the ticket holders !.

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Who is saying Bono never says anything political at his gigs? I think the point being made was that most people who were giving out about his views and ramblings actually never went to a U2 gig, and so many have the impression that people enter into Bonobating without any experience of Bonos ramblings..........they simply base it on rubbish they read or hear from others giving out about him...........
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Im not a big fan of either U2 or Bono but FFS the stages of glasto have been graced with Egotistical twats in many shapes and sizes over the years, they are rock/pop/rap/whatever f**king genre you like Stars!, Being an egotistical twat goes with the territory and a lot of the time its those massive egos that have proved themselves to be a great success up there on the stage,

At various stages in their careers both Clapton and Bowie have come out with totally racist nasty bullshit but they are forgiven or its forgotton because its "The Drugs talking" or some other shit excuse and folks beg for them to appear at Glasto because they are "Stars", Doherty/Winehouse are nothing short of a Heroin/crack promotion ad on legs... but hey its entertainment cos they are rebels and make a good noise when on stage dont they??? and they dont preach! so apprently they are cool. ......Its a Rock band and its a festival! and the only folks that are politicising the gig right now is some of the ticket holders !.

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I'm glad Bono feels humbled to be playing the festival. Fair play to him on this. I actually genuinely think he sees this as a defining moment in their career and I have every faith they're going to give the occasion, the festival, and the punters (i.e. us!) the respect it fully deserves. Not even U2 are bigger than the collective force that is Glasto and i reckon he knows it. Fully expect a career spanning set and a very special night.

Saying all this, probably end up w*nkered somewhere and miss the effing thing

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I'm glad Bono feels humbled to be playing the festival. Fair play to him on this. I actually genuinely think he sees this as a defining moment in their career and I have every faith they're going to give the occasion, the festival, and the punters (i.e. us!) the respect it fully deserves. Not even U2 are bigger than the collective force that is Glasto and i reckon he knows it. Fully expect a career spanning set and a very special night.

Saying all this, probably end up w*nkered somewhere and miss the effing thing

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Because he's an egomaniac self-serving nobber.

Let's be honest, anyone who doesn't think that a multi-millionaire tax exile preaching to his audience (who paid God-knows-what for a ticket) about poverty isn't a bit trite is either gullible or deluded.

His media quotes and appearances are also so cleverly timed and scripted to deceive the simple that it's crystal clear to anyone with a modicum of deductive reasoning that's it's all PR spin, almost worthy of Tony Bliar.

Edited by pMagog
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Im not a big fan of either U2 or Bono but FFS the stages of glasto have been graced with Egotistical twats in many shapes and sizes over the years, they are rock/pop/rap/whatever f**king genre you like Stars!, Being an egotistical twat goes with the territory and a lot of the time its those massive egos that have proved themselves to be a great success up there on the stage,

At various stages in their careers both Clapton and Bowie have come out with totally racist nasty bullshit but they are forgiven or its forgotton because its "The Drugs talking" or some other shit excuse and folks beg for them to appear at Glasto because they are "Stars", Doherty/Winehouse are nothing short of a Heroin/crack promotion ad on legs... but hey its entertainment cos they are rebels and make a good noise when on stage dont they??? and they dont preach! so apprently they are cool. ......Its a Rock band and its a festival! and the only folks that are politicising the gig right now is some of the ticket holders !.

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And heres me thinking world poverty needed more than a few million to solve. And its Geldof who asks people to give money, i dont think I've heard Bono mention it outside the charity shows many artists are a part off. His beef is with wiping world debt and AIDs, and I think he got George Bush to clear 5 Billion of it, and sadly we live in a world where politicians listen more to celebrities than the public so like him or hate him its the world we have created. And how often have you personally heard Bono preaching? sure could count on your hands. And you could get ticket to the most recent tour of u2 for £25, there was an auction for the best seats but the proceeds went to the Charity 'Red'...and some other money of the recent tour is also being donated, I think I heard 9mill, and seeing as this is shaping up to be the most profitable tour of all time thats alot of money
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A picture paints a thousand words as they say.


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