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The fairies are out there...you just have to look hard...

Guest LusciousLucy

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And so...it is quite clear that Glasto has very much turned a corner that thousands of more hardened Glasto goers have been dreading...the introduction and open invite to f**kheads from V and Reading and Leeds who have the most disgraceful attitude to what the fest is and what is should be about! I honestly expected to see Reading style destruction on Monday morning! :angry:

To those people who are saying to us to shut up and stop whinging you obviously do not understand why we are all so utterly sad, upset and shocked at what the G has now become. We have seen it coming since 04 but this year was a cataclysmic shift to the ridiculous.

Whoever has posted the description of Trash and SL as theme parks has totally hit the nail on the head.

There is no chance to turn back now we know and for many it will be our last as the true soul of Glastobury is getting close to being as dead as dear old MJ!

I for one very much considered not returning after spending 2 long nights on Fri and Sat lamenting the loss of everything we knew and loved BUT...SL redeemed itself when the kids proved they couldnt hack the G and had all f**ked off to bed by 2am and left the festival to be reclaimed by the people who really DID know how to party! Very glad I did see the soul of G popping out for a sec to show he/she/it is holding on even if it is by the tips of its fingers on the precipice of takeover by the evil god of V.

The very obvious split between the ages was in your face wherever you went.

And so...having already suggested that (yes it will never happen but it should!) could 2 festivals take place??? A wall straight down the middle that separates Babylon from the rest of the fest that is clinging onto existence? Keep the bubbies in Babylon and the old farts safe, happy and off their nuts in G Land in the Greenfields, Glade, Avalon, SL and Trash.

Far fetched I know but if those of you that have a problem with the thousands of unhappy vets only knew just how painful it is to witness to demise of it all...you would understand.

This is all in jest as it is a cathartic way to deal with what is happening to the G now. The saddest thing of all is that the V crowd will inherit the festival and Melvin will win and the G you send your kids to in the future will be nothing recognisable at all to what you, their parents ever expereinced. And then the old fartish bleating, whinging and flurbling about the good old days will really ring true.

Old Farts unite! DONT NOT COME BACK NEXT YEAR! Keep coming, look past and through the clones and the idiots. The festy isnt dead yet!

There is still a beating if weak heart (sorry another MJ pun there again!) in there somewhere...you just have to peel back the layers to find it. Dont quit or they will take it with no thanks at all...

the fairies ARE out there, you just have to look harder now.

Just ban chairs though!

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What a nonsensical rant. The festival has always changed and always will. If you don't like it, don't go. From what I experienced, it was great, yeah there were some problems but there always has been.

Lucy, you are the one making an issue by creating a 'them and us' mindset. What happened to everybody being in it together, creating a community spirit. The minute you state the youngsters are ruining it for you oldies, you are being entirely hypocritical and going against everything you claim to hold so dear.

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I don't know whether we can really blame this on the V/Reading people, but I'm happy to go with this for now. :angry:

Something is amiss with Glasto this year.

It is too busy, and a large proportion there had absolutely no respect for the site itself.

I think we can all spot them a mile off.

They pull wheeled suitcases. They wear high heeled shoes. They come, not wearing rucksacks, but carrying boxes and carrier bags. Oh yes. We can recognise them. They look like people, but they will undermine the very fabric of our beloved festival.

Some of the put up chairs in the middle of stages. They sit their with their mates, talking loudly, and... some might say... "enjoying themselves"... but inconveniencing everybody else who want to enjoy the bands in the previous 5 hours to the ones they want to see.

They treat the ground all around as a storage area and bin.

Where they camp.. it looks like land refill.

Anybody who was unfortunate to go on a "short cut" from the Dance Village, up the hill where all the teenagers seem to be camped, would see what a reading-esque filth-hole it has become.

You can also see them setting fire to bins, breaking down fences, ruining artwork... leaving their trace.

My other big gripe this year is kids. Small kids. The ones that the parents don't really care too much about because it's important for them to feel free at Glastonbury, and express themselves.

If you can't control your kids... don't bring them.

I had to witness children destroying stuff, and causing near-horrific accidents all weekend.

Other than that, I had a fantastic time, and I WILL be coming back, and I'm not going to let this wave of New Blood A**holes take my festival away from me.

Grrrrr....... ;)

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Hey guuuuys...chill...me not ranting...me just reiterating what lots of bods are saying and going back regardless next year.

You lot chill and get over yourselves. No need for anger and silliness.

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there is nothing in that post that says how it has changed or what specifically has...

I went in 2000 and 2002 and then not again until 2007 and to me whilst it has changed it still has an underlying vibe and a mix of different humans that adds to the festi experience as a whole.

theme park or not shangri la, trash city and arcadia are brill.

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And so...it is quite clear that Glasto has very much turned a corner that thousands of more hardened Glasto goers have been dreading...the introduction and open invite to f**kheads from V and Reading and Leeds who have the most disgraceful attitude to what the fest is and what is should be about! I honestly expected to see Reading style destruction on Monday morning! :angry:

To those people who are saying to us to shut up and stop whinging you obviously do not understand why we are all so utterly sad, upset and shocked at what the G has now become. We have seen it coming since 04 but this year was a cataclysmic shift to the ridiculous.

Whoever has posted the description of Trash and SL as theme parks has totally hit the nail on the head.

There is no chance to turn back now we know and for many it will be our last as the true soul of Glastobury is getting close to being as dead as dear old MJ!

I for one very much considered not returning after spending 2 long nights on Fri and Sat lamenting the loss of everything we knew and loved BUT...SL redeemed itself when the kids proved they couldnt hack the G and had all f**ked off to bed by 2am and left the festival to be reclaimed by the people who really DID know how to party! Very glad I did see the soul of G popping out for a sec to show he/she/it is holding on even if it is by the tips of its fingers on the precipice of takeover by the evil god of V.

The very obvious split between the ages was in your face wherever you went.

And so...having already suggested that (yes it will never happen but it should!) could 2 festivals take place??? A wall straight down the middle that separates Babylon from the rest of the fest that is clinging onto existence? Keep the bubbies in Babylon and the old farts safe, happy and off their nuts in G Land in the Greenfields, Glade, Avalon, SL and Trash.

Far fetched I know but if those of you that have a problem with the thousands of unhappy vets only knew just how painful it is to witness to demise of it all...you would understand.

This is all in jest as it is a cathartic way to deal with what is happening to the G now. The saddest thing of all is that the V crowd will inherit the festival and Melvin will win and the G you send your kids to in the future will be nothing recognisable at all to what you, their parents ever expereinced. And then the old fartish bleating, whinging and flurbling about the good old days will really ring true.

Old Farts unite! DONT NOT COME BACK NEXT YEAR! Keep coming, look past and through the clones and the idiots. The festy isnt dead yet!

There is still a beating if weak heart (sorry another MJ pun there again!) in there somewhere...you just have to peel back the layers to find it. Dont quit or they will take it with no thanks at all...

the fairies ARE out there, you just have to look harder now.

Just ban chairs though!

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Which bit of the attitude in particular?

I'm assuming that you read it in detail?

Including the All In Jest part?

I think we should all just chill out.

It's post-festival.

YES. There are things that upset us about the festival.

YES. We will come back next year.

Less of this reactionary bullsh!t without actualy reading the posts first.

What happened to friendly discussion/argument?

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We saw 2 pixies at The Park during Zane Lowe's set alone. They were trying to pass themselves off as elves but they didn't fool us. There was definitely a Hobgblin at Glasvegas but you have to take care not to catch their eye - they can turn nasty.

Trolls everywhere though - bit of a growing problem I think.

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Yes, I read the whole post.

So going only in jest once, makes up for an absolute essay on the subject, followed up with "Oh but actually this is what I think on the matter" - it sounds more like a caveat to avoid criticism than an actual distancing themselves from the rather long critique of the personality of everyone who hasn't been to every Glastonbury ever.

Friendly discussion/argument? Someone posts something I disagree with and I disagreed with it. There's no foul language and I didn't even say her attitude I said "an attitude like that".

It's just this is my third Glastonbury, I love it and will ikeep coming back, but I get really annoyed at coming home every year, coming on here and being told by people who seem to have a higher moral authority than me because they happen to be a bit older so have been able to go more often than I that I'm ruining the festival.

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Yes, I read the whole post.

So going only in jest once, makes up for an absolute essay on the subject, followed up with "Oh but actually this is what I think on the matter" - it sounds more like a caveat to avoid criticism than an actual distancing themselves from the rather long critique of the personality of everyone who hasn't been to every Glastonbury ever.

Friendly discussion/argument? Someone posts something I disagree with and I disagreed with it. There's no foul language and I didn't even say her attitude I said "an attitude like that".

It's just this is my third Glastonbury, I love it and will ikeep coming back, but I get really annoyed at coming home every year, coming on here and being told by people who seem to have a higher moral authority than me because they happen to be a bit older so have been able to go more often than I that I'm ruining the festival.

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Lucy in "Lucy Hates Glastonbury Shocker". :lol::(:D:)

Lucy, why don't you just stop going? Every f**king year you say you hated it, and every f**king year you go back again. If it ain't you, just give it up, eh?

I saw no f**kheads. I saw no lack of partying.

I guess it depends where you choose to spend your time - and if you choose to hang out in the places where the f**kheads hang out then you're going to encounter the f**kheads who are present everywhere to some extent and have always been at Glastonbury to some extent.

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I knew Mr Efests would step in with such a comment... :huh:

nah...dont hate Glasto...just hate what is has mostly become. You know it has changed yourself dramatically and you cannot deny it.

I am just glad I did find the heart of it after looking bloody hard after the madness of Friday and Saturday. Wednesday and Thurs were ace! And Sunday was brilliant...Eavis should just have Tom Jones and Rolf on EVERY day!!! Forever and ever and ever!

And I know it isnt just me so please now...everyone go and pick on everyone else! I am just one voice amongst thousands of unhappy bunnies. Just more vocal than others! Sorry if that offends! :lol:

I just wish Glasto was still on so we could all speak to each other face to face instead of being rude whilst hiding behind our computers again! :D

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I knew Mr Efests would step in with such a comment... :huh:

nah...dont hate Glasto...just hate what is has mostly become. You know it has changed yourself dramatically and you cannot deny it.

I am just glad I did find the heart of it after looking bloody hard after the madness of Friday and Saturday. Wednesday and Thurs were ace! And Sunday was brilliant...Eavis should just have Tom Jones and Rolf on EVERY day!!! Forever and ever and ever!

And I know it isnt just me so please now...everyone go and pick on everyone else! I am just one voice amongst thousands of unhappy bunnies. Just more vocal than others! Sorry if that offends! :lol:

I just wish Glasto was still on so we could all speak to each other face to face instead of being rude whilst hiding behind our computers again! :D

Yes, Glasto has changed. As have people.

But the fact remains that every single year you come back from Glastonbury saying it's not what it used to be and that it's gone crap. Yet every year in the lead up you're yet again singing about how fantastic you think it is.

And every year, I still manage to have a fantastic time - no less good than every one of the 20-ish Glastos I've been to (and over those 20-ish it's changed far more than it has in your time). So one of us is somehow doing it wrong. But perhaps it's just me doing it wrong, along with 150,000+ others. :D

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