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vodka infusions

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Struggling to filter my skittles vodka, started with the green last night and after 2 hours only about a shots worth had filtered (I removed as much gunk as I could beforehand) Left it overnight & not much better.

Think I need to find something better to filter with - coffee filters are a big no no

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Cheers Wormfest, we made the after 8s vodka and she who must be obeyed has determined that it is fine for drinking neat. It's gone wonderfully thick at room temperature though I suspect that the beating sun at Glastonbury will render it a little easier to pour :D.

Big shout out to all who inspired us to make them there flavoured vodkas - we now have 500ml of each of the skittles flavours and two lots of the after 8s (500ml and 750ml). This does make us sound a little potentialy picked, but I'm claiming that DaisyLou's sister is the lush who'll be drinking it all :D.

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If you wanted to do vodka flumps whilst retaining the marshmallow shape, I would suggest using a needle and injecting the vodka into them - for a long flump, maybe 7 small jets of vodka throughout it?

I like to make alcoholic jellies, using mixed drinks and gelatine. Two of my most successful have been Gin & Tonic and Cherry Brandy & Coke, though I reckon champagne would be amazing.

I'm going to try this vodka lark tomorrow if I have money - a bottle of werther's vodka sounds a must. I've also got a bottle of raspberry absolut at my parent's house that I haven't touched - might try adding some raspberries to that for a double kick. Hmm...

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Struggling to filter my skittles vodka, started with the green last night and after 2 hours only about a shots worth had filtered (I removed as much gunk as I could beforehand) Left it overnight & not much better.

Think I need to find something better to filter with - coffee filters are a big no no

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Right, the pastillardi experiment has begun. The ingredients for the two flavours are as follows:

Pastillardi 1

175ml Tesco's own white rum

4 strawberry Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

3 blackcurrant Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

Pastillardi 2

175ml Tesco's own white rum

3 lemon Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

3 orange Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

1 lime Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

I made these up last night. Not convinced there'll be enough pastille in the drink, but I can add more later. Results in a few days!

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I now have Vimto sweets, Sherbet/love hearts, random boiled orange sweets, and Mint Aero brewing on the side.

The sherbert one is now mostly froth and incredibly pressurised, but I dont really wanna release the pressure cos the foam will shoot everywhere :) I'm also worried that it will become waaay too sweet

I ran the Aero one under hot water for 5 minutes or so and it all melted very quickly. Should I now keep it in the fridge to stop it from going bad or something???

Thw Vimto one is slowly brewing away, but seems to be forming a ridiculous amount of scum.

Any recommendations for what I should do with the bottles now, or what to do with the scum etc.

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My friend and I were discussing (And tasting!) vodka mixes last night and we came up with two, rather interesting, options . . . .

Limewodka - A mix of vodka and water (Still or sparkling) with a dash of limejuice. Some might say tasteless but actually rather refreshing, it's cheap and, the BEST bit, rehydrate whilst you dehydrate!

Bervocca - A standard Berocca tab, mixed with water and a generous serving of vodka. The ultimate hair of the dog!

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The sherbert one is now mostly froth and incredibly pressurised, but I dont really wanna release the pressure cos the foam will shoot everywhere :) I'm also worried that it will become waaay too sweet
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Maybe you use less Skittles than I do.

I tend to use around 600g (3 packs) minus the green ones, per litre.

Also, I use a funnel and good ol' fashioned kitchen roll for the the filtering.

Easily cleaned/disposable. :)

Edited by johntrfc
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