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is it wrong, that one the things i most look forward to......

Guest Hazey Jamie

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The u shape stick sounds very funny.

A few years back ( may of been 03) I walked in the long drop just after awaking from me sleep and still not fully awake.

I looked at the seat to make sure it was clear of any debrie and suddely caught my self looking into the abyss.

The odd thing was I sarted to stare, as I could not work out what I was looking at in the water ( well liquid) then as I woke up and my focus become clear I realized I was looking at the refection of the other side of the long drop, were another festie goer was already in place and producing his ( or her) morning turd!!!!

You can imagine my suprise as I sudenly worked what I was concentrating on looking at :lol:

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I'm not going to go for a couple of days pre-Glastonbury then I can savour the experience on the first day, I sit there and it really dawns on me that I'm back at last. I would advise any cautious newbies to steer well clear of the Portaloos. A female in our group rushed into one after a long wait and we heard her shout "f**k me, there's one as long as my arm lying on top." I also crashed into a Portaloo at Benicassim after some ill-advised local vino and fell head-first into a pile about two feet above the seat. The showers were next door fortunately.

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sorry I'm going to have to buck the trend on this one...

hovering's a must, but trying to hover in a long drop with its metal floor caked in (what I hope is) wet mud is nion impossible for a short-arse like me. Too much slip-age and theres several ways that story could end B)

Turdis's aren't so bad as long as you catch 'em first thing, and not too late on in the festival

Fecal schedule


Wednesday morning - Drop off the kids before arriving at the festival

Friday morning - Drop a motherload and try to keep a straight face after you walk past the poor bugger going in after you

Monday morning - Place a deposit at the service station on the way home

...jobs a good'en!

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haha i found myself wishing i was in a longdrop while sat on the loo in college the other day.

was a weird and surprising thought, altho blatently due to how if i were in a long drop i would be at glasto and have a brilliant day ahead of me, rather than in college having a piss cos of nerves before a history exam i hadn't revised for..

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  • 9 months later...

A shit is one thing. It can be planned. But what about the need for those middle of the night widdles? Thoughts on that? I found an empty 2 litre plastic milk container was an essential festival item but now I've got a plastic food container that is really watertight and with a wider neck.

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A shit is one thing. It can be planned. But what about the need for those middle of the night widdles? Thoughts on that? I found an empty 2 litre plastic milk container was an essential festival item but now I've got a plastic food container that is really watertight and with a wider neck.
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Buy a small, cheap tent, a bucket and a packet of Flash Wipes (or equivalent) from Asda or somewhere. Put the tent up with bucket inside. Lay a few wipes at the bottom of the bucket to neutralise the smell and you have your very own wee tent!

Everyone takes it in turns to empty it down the long drop, unless you decide to take a shit in it (which is a step too far where I'm concerned), then you obviously have to empty it straight away.

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