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Guest tHomBleached

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not one for downloading games myself; on PC the developers generally aren't making the some amount of cash as those games on consoles, due to I guess less volume of sales, cheaper prices per game, and piracy to a degree; but the piracy argument is so often put out as an excuse, that I prefer to support with my cash in the hope they continue, both to make the games and to as high/higher level than the console versions when multiformat.

As for consoles, not got a next-gen, but would prefer to pay the guys who've worked on the games than Microsoft/Game/Argos etc by buying a new console when banned.

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just got FM2010...should give me some entertaining hours...

bolton have £0 transfer budget though...still snapped up big sol on a free though..

dunno if anyone eles has it?

or has 2009?

much better database and the speed of doing thing is much faster..responds very quickly compaired to 2009

klasnic is good aswell which is a plus :P

is this next gen? i dunno :P

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ordered it on monday; guess it should be here tomorrow but I'm not too worried yet, still waiting for my copy of windows 7 to arrive.

Gonna wait until I've formatted and installed that first before I start a marathon FM game. Thought 09 was excellent after the patch though; horrible balance issues on release, but after the patch had one of my best FM games with Udinese, and I've played every one of the Collyer bros ones.

Heard good things about FM10.

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its all down to your individual expectations of the game obviously. In 4 and 5, there were some genuinely WOW! moments. I dont recall any in 6. Its easier, its a little shorter, and where there is variety - its wasted, because the "side" missions are by numbers. you can do the ski mobile mission with one hand, and there are 2 similar missions that are equally as untaxing.

the combat is exactly the same as 4, with a couple of extra nice touches, but all in all I would rather replay 4 than 6 right now.

and for the record - I am a bit of a treyarch hater, and an IW fanboi TBH, but in terms of campaign - I would rate 5 above this.

Act I is very impressive, it all goes downhill from there. IMHO.

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all about the multiplayer for me aswell; I'd amassed at least 5 days multiplayer on cod4 before even single player tutorial.

...not so concerned the combat's no different either, as 4's was great; probably wouldn't like it if too different.

Personal main concerns so far, and what's taken it away from a guaranteed first day purchase from what I've read are:

- no dedicated servers for PC

- balance issues; eg. shotguns as just 2nd weapons without taking away a perk so snipers are deadly close and long, and too many kill streak bonuses; on paper it looks like throw 3 grenades, get to 5, hide in corner, use each bonus giving enough to get 25 kills, use tactical nuke = 40-50 kill streak. Game over.

- encorporation of an anti-UAV; for any stealth player, this sucks huge balls. I want the opposition to get UAV's up to give me my advantage if I decide to play with the jammer.

- the thought of perks like ultra juggernaut (shudder) or scavenger meaning people regularly chucking 10+ grenades everywhere.

- and to a degree, higher costs

....gonna wait until more feedback, especially on the level design for the multiplayer...tis all I wanted really, cod 4 with new well designed levels, but bit concerned IW have f**ked it up trying to put too much in where it didn't need it, and taking bits out where it did (the servers etc).

Edited by Langdale Wolf
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I was considering getting MW2, but I remembered how much I hated the multiplayer online in the last one. Granted that was because I was shite at it, but I just found the whole experience frustrating. If, as The t8y Frame says the single player's not worth getting excited about, then I will simply wait the extra week and a half for L4D2 which I know I will get more out of, because I make a kick ass zombie/zombie killer :P

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I was considering getting MW2, but I remembered how much I hated the multiplayer online in the last one. Granted that was because I was shite at it, but I just found the whole experience frustrating. If, as The t8y Frame says the single player's not worth getting excited about, then I will simply wait the extra week and a half for L4D2 which I know I will get more out of, because I make a kick ass zombie/zombie killer :P
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I still may buy a new xbox and gen copy of MW2, simply because I do love the MP, Ive had a look at some of the maps, and they are really nice - dont know how they will play obviously until there are people on it, but just having a walk around them they were very nice. except for "rust" which is probably the smallest cod map ever - it will just be a death fest - and I dont like them. actually, scratch that - the container level on cod4 was smaller.

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I know I'm coming across as negative about this, but it's only cause I loved the first one to Langdale's levels as it had realism and was a pretty much perfect multiplayer game.
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I think you might have misunderstood how the kill streak system works, Ralph. I don't think you can carry on using them one at a time - I think you have to save them up, for example - want the reward for the 11 kill streak? Don't send out the chopper after you've got a 7 kill streak. Instead, wait around and get the extra 4 kills for the bigger reward. Otherwise it would just be daft.
Edited by ralph250
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