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I'm about to get the frickin' shock of my festival life, aren't I?



I'm sure it will be in a good sense! Almost all of your day is perfectly doable aside from those 2, and the second of those is probably doable if you've got the directions sorted beforehand and the weather is ok so I'm sure you'll see pretty much everything you're wanting to see :)

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I'm about to get the frickin' shock of my festival life, aren't I?



Yup, but in the best way possible! Quoted this as it was the smallest of your posts. I really hope you manage to pull it off and see everybody you want to see but I should imagine it will all go to pot when you get there! I'd never been to anything like Glastonbury so planned my days around the music the first time I went (as to the naive me, that's why people went). I managed to watch 3 artists out of about 25 that I'd planned. 3. However, I had the best time at any festival ever and it didn't matter that all my plans were side tracked! This year, I'm only planning on 100% watching Foos, Jamie T and Chemical Brothers although there's loads more I'd like to watch.

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This is absolutely the key to understanding and having a great festival. Once you accept that and don't try to chase your tail/fret about missing secret gigs/happenings, it's a real weight off your mind. It's why I find that confirmed secret gigs' thread som problematic, aside from the tautology of the title. Some people just go insane worryign that they're missing something. With your attitude, however, I'm sure you'll have a ball.

Thanks, Mardy.

I know what you mean about the secret sets thread - saving grace being that S2H seems like a nice chap, and is clearly being altruistic with his time, as he'll be sat at home tweeting to others!

For me though, there will be no tweets read. I will have a festival phone, purely to be able to tell my wife and kids I'm not dead each day, to contact campmates for pitching up and meeting up, and that's it. I will not: send or read an email; send or read a tweet; open a webpage; read a newspaper.

My annual (only ever one per year) festival is incredibly important to me, 'emotionally'. It's the place where I feel most at ease, with kindred spirits and is about as close to spirituality as this atheist gets. So, I don't want the outside world influencing anything that happens to me within those gates.

Even if it does mean missing one of my favourite band's secret set...



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Please remember to eat.

I love the planning of what I want to see - but I agree with those that suggest having some 'must-sees' in there as there will be distractions, stuff you didn't realise was there till you get there and conflicting encouragement from those you camp with.

And I look forward to grabbing a drink with you at Hot Chip.

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Please remember to eat.

I love the planning of what I want to see - but I agree with those that suggest having some 'must-sees' in there as there will be distractions, stuff you didn't realise was there till you get there and conflicting encouragement from those you camp with.

And I look forward to grabbing a drink with you at Hot Chip.



Don't fret, Titters, festival food is one of the favourite parts of my annual pilgrimage!

It's gonna be so different to every other festival experience I've had...


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