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Glasto-esque wedding

Guest rachmac

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Hey guys,

I got engaged last week and so this week we're on to planning our lovely wedding (haven't quite got round to the ceremony part yet, mainly just the party and the honeymoon!)

So, we're thinking of a glasto/festival vibe - so far our ideas are: Tipi as wedding 'marquee', possible hog roast as the meal, set most likely in a farmer's field!

Anyone got any other nice ideas for us? :)

EDIT: Typo

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Sounds like the Efestivals wedding we are attending on the fallow weekend of Glasto next year except it's in a forest.

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Hey guys,

I got engaged last week and so this week we're on to planning our lovely wedding (haven't quite got round to the ceremony part yet, mainly just the party and the honeymoon!)

So, we're thinking of a glasto/festival vibe - so far our ideas are: Tipi as wedding 'marquee', possible hog roast as the meal, set most likely in a farmer's field!

Anyone got any other nice ideas for us? :)

EDIT: Typo

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This might sound a little odd but get hold of the last episode of series two of Jam & Jerusalem, the wedding in that is perfect and I would say very close to the Glastonbury feeling. I wouldn't ever get married, but if I did I would use that as my template!

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If such a happy event landed in my lap...I have always wanted to hire the first Arcadia Afterburner to have as the venue and reception all rolled into one!

Also forgot to say Congrats to you in my first post. Have a lovely wedding whatever you do. You have a thousand ideas to collate and get down into one wonderful day.

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Sounds exciting! :D

have all your guests camp in the field, see if you can get a local band/s to play, do you have mates who play intsruments/sing and could do a slot at your wedding?

lots of flags, fairy lights, glow sticks that glowing wire stuff.

kegs of beer and cider and boxes of wine

hogroast sounds lovely but maybe ask people to bring a bowl/tray of food

Do the legal bit at a registry office then look into having a humanist wedding outdoors in the field (at present you can't get married outside in England or Wales)

Just a few ideas from me, I love weddings and I think a festival vibe sounds fab!

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Depends which bits you like.

I'd love this at my wedding...


That may adequately explain why I'm single and thus don't have anyone to marry :P.

Going along with the tipis - maybe some general acoustic live-bands. How about a live covers-band that will play requests?

You could go for a 'wellies' theme (though I personally detest wearing wellies for 'fashion'.

A load of those (eco) sky lantern things.

Charge your guests an entry fee and £4 for pint in a paper cup, oh and then bring a single porta-loo so people have to queue, but smear some faeces up the inside wall. Ok, perhaps not THAT festival-themed :P.

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Congratulations and we're starting to think about things like this for ours.

A couple my OH has suggested - tables being named after areas at Glasto, Stone Circle, Glade etc.

For little memento table thingys, maybe have a wrist band made with our names and the date of the wedding on for everyone.

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Depends which bits you like.

I'd love this at my wedding...


That may adequately explain why I'm single and thus don't have anyone to marry :P.

Edited by LusciousLucy
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They do a lovely 'marriage' ceremony at Bestival in a blow up church. The Vicar,Reverend, Priest (can't remember which they happen to call themselves) announces you man and wife and then gets behind some dj decks and plays a going out of the church tune, which is definitely not 'here comes the bride'. Meanwhile all the guests (anybody who has happened to wander in to the church) forms an aisle/ arch type thing for the newly weds to walk through. Probably doesn't sound too much in black and white but in reality is divine. I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone considering getting betrothed.

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If you can find it on iplayer, don't tell the bride had a Glastonbury themed wedding and it was lovely.

All the tables were different bands albums, their invites were printed by a ticketing company etc etc

For favours you could give everyone a wristband, cider instead of champagne, local bands playing at the reception. Ooooh almost makes me want to get married :D

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:huh: Now I'm regretting not making more of an effort to visit one of the efestivals meets ... I prefer the older version too :P

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Oh well, fall at the last hurdle!.. the search continues :P.

General science geek I CAN do (both parents science teachers, brought up on household New Scientist subscriptions), but the Astrophysicist goes a tad past my boundries :(.


Oh and seems you can hire different bits as needed...


Also, >>Arcadia remains an open shop, and is always keen to hear from anyone with an idea and a drive who wants to come on board.<< if I get my current business running as I want so it keeps going without me, might give them a shout :).

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Hehe, my mum's already going 'hotels are nice...' so I think longdrops probably are a step too far :)

Some nice ideas in here though - thanks guys. Likely to be quite a small affair so I think afterburners and Bimble Inns might be a bit too much.

HotFoxy the people in your link really went for it - not sure I'll go as far as laminates or everyone wearing wellies but quite funky invites going on there!

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